I don't see that anywhere.
rather, all future sins are forgiven.
If any man is in Christ, he is a new creation. He is saved and has new life spiritually, even though he still sins and has the flesh nature.
When the body dies, all that's left is the righteousness of Christ imputed to us.
When we sin here on earth, there are often consequences to that behavior which God does not always deliver us from, and when we die with unconfessed sin, I believe that we will have to answer for it at the Judgment Seat of Christ, which is not the judgment for salvation. God disciplines those He loves, and there is that to consider when not confessing sin.
Somehow, I get the impression that certain religious groups, particularly Catholics, have this idea that man is basically good and that when they go to confession they can remember to confess every sin they've committed.
It simply is not possible because there is so much unintentional sin that we commit, not to mention that even our best efforts are tainted with sin. Nobody's motives are pure. It's not possible because we're only human.
I guess I would have to agree for the most part with the total depravity of man. The sin nature corrupts every aspect of man's human nature, making everything we do in the flesh corrupted and incapable of being in the presence of God.
That is why we need to be born again, to receive a new nature, uncorrupted by sin.
Aren’t you contradicting your previous:
>>only if we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. ?
It seems you are not applying this some sins.