Cannibalism is a family tradition, started by Ug in the caves.
Endocannibalism is most often an expression of veneration of the dead, or the pursuit of consuming some esoteric aspect of the person, like the deceased's wisdom.
The Fore peoples of Papua New Guinea had a strongly codified type of endocannibalism as part of funerary rites. In this tribe, women and children played the largest role in cannibalism among deceased Fore males. -
Alpers and Lindenbaum's research conclusively demonstrated that kuru [neurological disorder] spread easily and rapidly in the Fore people due to their endocannibalistic funeral practices, in which relatives consumed the bodies of the deceased to return the "life force" of the deceased to the hamlet, a Fore societal subunit. -
As you know, eating human flesh is always presented negatively in Scripture, as animals and plants are man's literal food, (Gn. 9) and even the idea that the kosher apostles would simply consume human flesh and blood, esp. Peter who protested foot washing and eating non-kosher food, is absurd.
What is consistent is the figurative use of eating and drinking, and gaining spiritual life by believing the Word. (Eph. 1:13)