Not much to explain. All of those things are well under way presently.
War dominating world events, famine rampant among the poor, and expanding, while farm land is being gobbled up by pharmakia’s GMO maniacs, Prescription drugs reducing the lifespan of more and more countries, Moslem maniacs mutilating and beheading throughout Africa, and Persia.
What is left?
You don’t see that our world history has been worse than now?
Do you have a specific timeframe when each seal of the 5 were broken? Or do you see it as do the amils that each generation has the 5 seals?
I sort of expected a little more detail given my impression was you viewed the seals, trumpets and vials as literal judgments.
Not poking the eye here just that the statement of 5 seals already broken and 4 ongoing is a bold statement. Did not the war seal state 1/4 the population would be victims?