It seems to me the last 4 or 5 states that accepted ‘gay marriage’ got a lot less coverage on FR and other media outlets than this cable TV duck thing. Maybe I’m wrong. And of course I think garbage A&E is being completely hypocritical on several levels, but I don’t reckon this is a good sign. I mean look at the number of threads about duck dynasty as compared to the threads about what is going on in New Mexico and Utah.
I mean if the Utah thing stands or whatever, that’s 17 states that have accepted it or will accept it. I dunno, I’m not saying things like Chick-fil-A and duck dynasty aren’t important, it’s just that maybe a state accepting it should be a bigger deal than it seems to have become.
You have a valid point, however this DD deal is a clear rallying call. It is a clear example of the sodomite theophobes demanding acceptance and exposing that they never meant tolerance. They portrayed themselves as victims and now everyone is seeing just how much these fringe 2 presenters are little Maos looking to lop off heads.
Neither Utah or NM voted for homosexual “marriage”. It was forced on the people by activist legislatures. 17 states so far and only two were approved by a vote of the people, Maryland and Washington State. Washington State same-sex “marriage” was financed by filty rich liberals in the Seattle area, the biggest supporter being Microsoft, and out of state money. Activist out-spend supporters of REAL marriage 9-1 and still only got 53% of the vote. California liberals have ruined Washington State. The area east of the Cascades should have broken away years ago.