I just get tired of many on this site who pile on without knowing anything other than they conferred a degree on Obama which the alumni clearly found disagreeable.
Your decision was personal and I can imagine that many would find certain people in the theology department disagreeable. I'm sorry that happened to you. I've just got an every man! every day perspective. That one for my fellow alums, sons and me is still positive...aside from the Obama error.
yes. well, having spent 7 years at Catholic colleges maybe it was deemed sufficient , with another 4 or 5 years may have been too much for me anyway? can’t say.
don’t know.
Notre Dame is a big college and there are almost without doubt many good Catholics and others respectful of Judeo=Christian faith on the campus. I do not question this for a second.
The honors to the Baby-killer-in-chief were just so damned (word used advisably) appalling, and totally unnecessary! And it happened just about at the time when I was seriously deciding what to do (regarding further studies), so anyway I took the decision I did.
That same politician made Georgetown University cover up its Christian crosses or crucifixes and also other visible signs of Christian faith, when he visited there. And, you know he lied to get his health scheme passed, the biggest lie perhaps was his promise that it would never fund abortions ...
All I can say is that Notre Dame made a super-sized mistake (but one that was completely visible as such at the time, indeed I wrote a very respectful letter to the brass at Notre Dame but did not receive even the courtesy of a mimeographed form letter in reply).
I applaud your Notre Dame support and pray that it may help the college restore a credible administration.