The Mormon narrative is that...
...we were all just as eternal as Heavenly Father (living as "spirits")
...but somehow that reality wasn't "enough" -- so Mormons needed to be "born as spirits" to mom and dad "gods" on a planet near the star Kolob...
So, thus far, we have Mormon pre-existent bodiless spirits, right?
So, the Mormon gods send these spirits, the Mormon narrative goes, to inhabit bodies on this planet.
So they were already Mormon spirits in the pre-existence...but now the Mormon gods have to make them Mormons again, eh? (Boy, that's a tough "conversion" process...making Mormons out of people who forgot they were Mormons to begin with)
Then, if that missionary enterprise failed...which inevitably it does given the worldwide Mormon organization comprises such a microscopic percentile command of the world population...the Mormon hierarchy implements its stupendous back-up plan:
Why we Mormon gen authorities just send "spirit missionaries" to the Spirit World, of course!
(UnMormoned, I kid you not...Lds leaders talk about this...based upon a dream that a 80 year old man had just weeks before he himself was to follow close family members in death...see LDS Vision of the dead claimed as revelation on Halloween, 1918 [The OTHER World Series: Vanity])
Then -- at about the same time -- you've got Mormon teens doing drive-thru dunkings about 40 at a time not only to try to gain ground on the people who are dying daily around the world, but to make up for the centuries that the Mormon gods failed to place the Mormon church on earth...
...yet because so few Mormon teens are available in comparison to the population totals of all time on Planet Earth...
...not to mention that a great # of people lived with no recorded history of who they were...
...the OVERALL Mormon CONVERSION process is falling behind with every tick of the clock!!!!
Because of these considerations, StormPrepper, you've actually utterly failed to give a proper "overview" of the vast entirety of the "Mormon mission field" least from the Mormon worldview perspective! In fact, ratio-wise, the Mormon mission field actually has to do more with the dead than with the living!!!!
Oh, yeah...they've got to go into the "Spirit World" to "proselytize" spirits to become Mormons...
...who've found out for themselves, "Oh, there REALLY IS life after death!" (Wow! How tough is that?) And, perhaps they've come around anyway -- without the help of any given Lds 'spirit missionary' -- to recall, 'Oh, yeah, I DID grow up as a 'little spirit' in Kolobville. Why, my prodigal spirit will just return there.'"
If these once-upon-a-time spirit 'Mormons' don't live as Mormons on earth...
...why, they'll just remember they were Mormons, anyway, eventually...
...all as they were proxy-baptized for...
...becoming eventual spirit Mormons in the Spirit World...
...all minus the "help" of any embodied tie-and-suit missionary!
Hence, hey...Just call off the flesh-and-body missionaries!
The Mormon church just needs to ramp up the Dunkin'-Dough-Nuts runnin' those Mormon temples! Why, that'll be enough to bring all those Mormon prodigal spirits back home!!!
Ask yourselves...
Why would a (now former) Southern Baptist like StormPrepper...
...See Post #43...
...embrace such an outlandish view of "the 'Gospel'"... outlined in post #163???
The Mormon god is reduced to a man who wasn't God to begin with ... and isn't...
The Mormon man is enlarged to be just as eternal past as that Mormon man-who-got-the-God-job...
Stormprepper, why don't you (& other Mormons) worship
Do you think your fellow family members, relatives, & friends who are Christian appreciate you falling for a significantly lesser god???
If ALL...
...(As in 100%)...
...belongs to...
I watched a few minutes of a TV show last night...had to find out today what the show even was
...[turned out to be Supernatural...the show created by a Canadian...on the CW network]
...the discussion I briefly heard was where these kicked-out angels were discussing "rebuilding heaven"...
And the subtle crafty character is asked -- when the obtuse other character finally realizes "the plan" -- "Are you going to make yourself God?" And the subtle crafty character says something like, "Oh, I wouldn't call myself that!" & then under his breath something like "at least not yet"...and then proposes himself to be "X".
What the Mormon narrative has done is to dethrone...
ALL: Care to get a peak of how Mormon "prophets" tend to tout this when they get behind "closed doors" at Mormon-ONLY General Conferences?
Then click on this Mormon church link, scroll down about 2/3rds of the way...or just read the excerpt below: (Mormon church Web site): The Privilege of Holding the Priesthood :
Excerpt from the Mormon 'prophet' speaking to the Lds faithful:
"Brethren, 225,000 of you are here tonight. I suppose 225,000 of you may become gods. There seems to be plenty of space out there in the universe. And the Lord has proved that he knows how to do it. I think he could make, or probably have us help make, worlds for all of us, for every one of us 225,000."