I can agree with that. Rush is more correct that the translation we’re getting from the Pope. Francis is much different from the last two, and we need to keep that in mind. JP2 and Benedict knew what European Socialism was like, and wanted no part of it. This good man from Argentina does not have the same background.
When Jesus was asked, "What are the Commandments," He said, "Love God with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind, and all your strength, and your neighbor as yourself. This is the Law and the Prophets."
That's a big piece of text, there. People write doctoral disserations. St. Thomas Aquinas wrote enough text to ballast my van. We all need to read and think and work. I'm not on a socialist side, and I'm not on a "do what thou wilt" side. I'm on a "Life is hard, we should help each other," side. Like the Robertsons from "Duck Dynasty."
As Anoreth said, "My friends who aren't from the South don't realize that this is what people's real relatives are like!"