Each of the Gospels were preached to a different group of people .. so I think it might account for some of the differences.
For example, Matthew preached to the Jews (and he made a lot of references to the Old Testament) with which the Jews would have been very familiar.
Each of the four Gospels had a different focus.
True, and the evangelists always tailored their presentation of the gospel in accordance with the hearers, such as using Scripture for Jews and Gentile proselytes of them, and natural revelation with pagans.
And there are sometimes other variations in conversion accounts that some could assert constituted different gospels, but in essence they are the same, all calling both Jews and also to the Gentiles to "repentance toward God, and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ." (Acts 20:21) With faith appropriating justification of the unGodly, but a faith that is expressed in conversion, as in baptism, and results in Godliness.