Pardon, but this guy is an idiot: The Mormon “gospel” has nothing in common with the Biblical truth of Salvation.
I have to agree with you on this one: most of the mormans I have known have been super nice guys who are great with their families, but their conception of our Savior is - shall we say - twisted beyond all recognition.
60 years ago the missionary opening was “which is the true church?”. 40 years ago I had a conversation with a stake president in Denver where he said “we’re all Christians...”. The opening for mormons in the last 30 years has changed to that meme.
The follow up to the new opening is now “don’t you want to know the details of doing things the right (Mormon) way?”. If you want to become a pharisee with a very twisted view of God and His Son, you will keep listening to that garbage. It is a very graceless faith built on a hoax that used so called religious language masquerading as scripture.