Jews did Alex. But I know you don’t want to go there. I also saw that you also didn’t apologize for Barak Obama, Jesse Jackson and bill Clinton in your failed ‘save’. I also think debate by hyperlink is the modus of the intellectual lightweight.
"Jews" did what?
This entire thread is travesty. Started by at best/closest, some second-hand account of alleged testimony purportedly made by some anonymous/unidentified/unnamed alleged-to-be-some-actual-person, "French priest" with links going back to an original, primary web address now leading to "404" page not found (and any other remaining shreds concerning this being in Italian(!); leaving a long list of insinuation/accusation in it's unverified/not-well-sourced or founded wake, with information in the article impossible to verify and confirm, or refute and dismiss.
It's turned into a snipe-fest, all heat - no light, bite and devour among ourselves.
RM -- will you please ZOT this thread?
There's got to be a better way of bringing accusation or indictment against Masonry, if that is the aim.
So far, all this has done is bring about mass confusion.
ROTFL! If you really want to discuss Catholic conspiracy theories about how the Jews elected Obama, I'm perfectly willing to go there. Are you?
I also saw that you also didnt apologize for Barak Obama, Jesse Jackson and bill Clinton in your failed save.
What do I have to apologize for? If we're supposed to believe what Catholics tell us about Protestants, there's 41,000 different denominations who each believe the others are going to Hell. Why should I apologize for the voting behavior of another group (again, if you can believe the Catholics) that I think is going to Hell?
I also think debate by hyperlink is the modus of the intellectual lightweight.
That's a lot of thoughts. You might want to pop the hood and check your fluid levels.