I respectfully disagree that he is "a nut." Why would those cardinals elect a man who's a nut? I also don't think that he is soft on sin...soft on sinners, but not on sin.
You are kidding right. They have picked a variety of molesters, murderers, thieves and degenerates throughout Catholic church history. I would not trust a conclave of repressed homosexuals to elect a dog catcher, let alone a leader of the largest denomination of the Christian church .
He is not consistent or coherent. One day he says something liberal and is lavishly praised by liberals. Then he says something conservative in a failed attempt to make up for it. He engages in lengthy interviews and wanders all over the place.
He is a nut in a political or theological sense, if not neurologically. He actually called evangelizing “solemn nonsense”! Who knows what he will say next?