I didn't think up the number, I merely copied the hypothetical number that someone else posted....a meaningless number nevertheless...
Catholicism is the reason that there is a need for denominations....there is Catholicism and the revolters against her need names....thus denominations....simple as that
Yes, but used nevertheless to divert from the Truth about God and His church.
Common tactic by Catholics, use unnecessary meaningless straw man arguments to bolster belief in Catholicism. Following the tactics of the Catholic "Church Fathers."
Catholicism is the reason that there is a need for denominations....there is Catholicism and the revolters against her need names....thus denominations....simple as thatThe Christian church that Jesus started is the church of Christians.
Soon after He started His church, the Catholics became the first denomination of Christianity.
By retroactively declaring all Christians of the church that Jesus started to be "Catholics"---about 300 years after Jesus walked the earth.
So the Catholic Church was the first denomination to revolt against Christianity--by in esscence putting themselves as the "Church" instead of the Christians believers of the time being the real Christian church.
I have spent many dozens of hours attempting to teach you the milk of the Scriptures, yet it seems you are not ready for the meat that believers usually graduate too.
I have no problem with you believing in all that is Catholicism, but don't expect Christians to capitulate to their belief system.
May God bless you as your read the Scriptures after sincerely praying for the Holy Spirit to guide you into all understanding.