I like traditional values church
Don’t care how many non whites it has
God can reach them fine wherever they choose to go
I will confess that aside from the fried chicken and banana pudding etc that those all day black churches down home are way too long for me
And all that shouting
As a southern Baptist I likely enjoy Greek church most when I venture out
First funeral I ever went to was a black man at a black church
He was our family man.....too much Dr Tichenors got him driving one nite....he taught me a lot.....wimmins hunting
I can still smell that duskiness he always had from hard living
44 years latery wife and I spoke about him at lunch today
You have a gift for writing. Your post was very Southern and wonderful. But I’m sure you’ve been told this before.
Regards, smvoice
"Another dirty, dusty Delta day..."