All you have to do is show where Christ or the apostles instituted those celebrations. It should be easy for you right?No, really I do not. I am not that fringe that claims that Sunday Worship is wrong, that calls Easter celebrations pagan or wants a world that does not celebrate the Birth of Our Savior. You and that tiny fringe group that agrees with you on these silly issues (but disagrees with you and everyone else on almost everything) can enjoy your odd beliefs - but do not expect me to defend two aens of mainstream Christianity against such idiocies - as there is no argument that will convince those who have rejected the Christian Church, only when they open their hearts to the Truth will they abandon their apostacy. Until then, vale`
Yeah, didnt think you could.
It’s take me a long time to realize just how fringe some here really are. Follow the path their arguments lead and you quickly find yourself in alien territory.
I am no longer able to engage them without rancor so I am merely lurking for the most part now.