“This is one of the things that tickle me about American Protestantism. These are the folks who have traditionally beat the Catholics with a big stick about the Pope living in a palace surrounded by rich art works.
The other thing is the way Protestants will beat up on Catholics for having a highly exalted infallible leader who is treated like a celebrity. Duh. The problem with them is not that they dont have a Pope, but that they have 30,000 popes. Every pastor a pope, and Pope Osteen is just one among many.”
Ummm... no. Most Protestants decry Joel Osteen for those things too, and most Protestant leaders do not engage in this behavior that Osteen does. Not to mention that no Prostestant pastor can claim infallibility or some universal jurisdiction, so calling them “popes” is just ludicrous.
Now, if we cherry picked one pedophile priest that Catholics roundly denounced and held him up as an exemplar of Catholicism, I have a feeling this author would not be okay with that.
No pedophilic priest so far has had enough supporters to put him in a $10million house. Protestantism has a lengthy history of such Prosperity Prophets. In the 60s there was Reverend Ike