At some point, the bulk of the population will have had enough and push back.
There will be nothing stopping them at that point.
The left and the political class will gets its due some day and it will look a lot more like the French Revolution than the American one. What is happening is equivalent to what happens when the lubricant of a mechanical system is removed eventually the machine breaks down completely. The beauty of America is that it was founded on ideas that allowed Quakers to live alongside Catholics which lived alongside Unitarians, which lived alongside Baptists, which lived alongside Agnostics and Atheists. Today the liberty which greased the machinery of the social system is being replaced with tyranny that demands not that one be let live the way they desire with their own beliefs, traditions, etc but that they must support and submit their beliefs to the tyranny of perverts and secularists in a radical secularocracy where the assumed freedom to associate and the freedom of conscience is being undermined with the goal of course to eventually totally undermine the freedom of religion.
That is why gays seek to force businesses with owners who do not wish to endorse or be associated with homosexuality want to force business owners to serve them. Would a traditional marriage or anti-gay org even try to get an open homosexual to cater them? No. I’ve never tried to become a member of GLADD but that isn’t enough for the left. They don’t respect the freedom of others.