This is somewhat off the point.
I used to have a problem with the singers, both the choir and lay people at Mass. They were SO off-key sometimes, it drove me nuts.
We had an organist whom I liked. He was fabulous. I went to the pew near him so I could be very close to the music and sing with him.
I spoke to him once about the horrible off-key folks. He laughed. He said that it didn't bother him and they should be allowed to sing as they are...and God should hear them. After all, he said, God made those AWFUL voices and He SHOULD have to listen to them.
After that I was never bothered with off-key singers. Sometimes I roll my eyes at God, saying to myself, O Lord, that was a BAD one. :o)
“A joyful noise unto the Lord” means different things to different people :)