“Ooh. Thats gonna take a [[citation needed]].”
Already posted.
“The point is that Origens list differs from the modern canon,”
No he doesn’t, he gives the same canon of the New Testament we have today!
“So too our Lord, whose advent was typified by the son of Nun, when he came sent his apostles as priests bearing well-wrought trumpets. Matthew first sounded the priestly trumpet in his Gospel. Mark also, Luke and John, each gave forth a strain on their priestly trumpets. Peter moreover sounds loudly on the twofold trumpet of his epistles; and so also James and Jude. Still the number is incomplete, and John gives forth the trumpet-sound in his epistles and Apocalypse; 4 and Luke while describing the acts of the apostles. Lastly however came he who said, I think that God hath set forth us Apostles last of all, [1 Cor. 4:9] and thundering on the fourteen trumpets of his epistles threw down even to the ground the walls of Jericho, that is to say all the instruments of idolatry and the doctrines of philosophers.” (Origen’s Homilies on Joshua, viii. 1.)
Origen accepted as ‘divinely inspired’
Gospel of Peter
Gospel of the Hebrews
Acts of Paul
I Clement
Epistle of Barnabas
Shepherd of Hermas