I am not bent out of shape by Wallenda’s faith in Jesus. In fact, it is something to admire, but I don’t believe Jesus protects him because he prays.
Because when he falls, as he probably one day will, I will not believe that Jesus decided that it was time to send a gust of wind in Mr. Wallenda’s direction.
Just because he is a believer does not mean he can’t be doing stupid things.
I am not against profit. I like profit. The more, the better.
The one making the big profits are the ones broadcasting it.
Now that is a mixed message. Jesus protects - you need to get over it.
Just because he is a believer does not mean he cant be doing stupid things.
Do you know a believer that doesn't do stupid things? Everyone's 'stupid things' are different.
I will not believe that Jesus decided that it was time to send a gust of wind in Mr. Wallendas direction.
Good. Because when we 'fall' it is never Jesus that causes it.
He wins either way, he already said 'if he falls he knows where he is going.' So why are you so concerned for him? He's got rock solid faith in Jesus - either learn from it or don't. Nothing else to discuss.