What’s the point in rehearsing a creed if you cannot teach from the scripture the details of the creed? Learning to memorize and repeat something does no good to anyone.
Good copies of the creed are heavily footnoted so you can root down to the source.
I think they are even online.
Memorizing does a lot of good, if you know what you are saying. Everybody memorizes the Lord’s Prayer, and it is available in your head to ponder or recite whenever you need it. And a lot of people memorize the Lord’s Prayer when they are little kids, but understand it fully when they are older.
That is why we do both... i firmly believe in memorization in much of the teachings i do in my homeschool.. in the grammar years we memorized everything from mathematics, vocabulary, history and science facts to scripture and the Puritan catechism (C.H. Spurgeon)... then we moved on to explaining the hows and the whats and the whys... each question and answer of the catechism is backed up with scripture... now in the rhetoric stage, my oldest son is required to explain in both a logical and elegant way why he believes what he believes... in speech and in writing, and ultimately in how he lives each day...