Until you become a new creation in Christ, there is simply know way of understanding this verse.
When you've become that new creation, you understand.
That's why it throws unbelievers so much when you talk about being *in Christ* and heave out the insults.
Exactly. And God's Word tells us they can't understand His Word because it's spiritually discerned. They read it but ignore it so they never learn from it - the thought never enters....like 'so that's what I need to do to understand' because they are obedient to 'man' and not to God.
Deception keeps them unteachable to the ways of God and pride keeps them there. Thankfully, Jesus got us out of there before pride entered in! There are many who attend 'their church' out of habit and they don't know anything else but God sees their heart and the HS will prompt them and then TRUE SEEKING comes and they are out the door in a NY minute!
Like we learn from Peter, revelation of who Jesus is - needs to be revealed to us by the Spirit. It's a supernatural work of God. Man is not supernatural, yet catholics believe their pope is when he says he is because 'man' taught them that. Another con job by the one who wanted to.... "I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High." Is 14:13,14
He gets to do that through Rome/RCC where man bows to him. Notice the brag about the number he has bowing to him like it's some great feat?
And they are stuck in seeing things in the worldly way. And 'Mother' is another one that they are deceived about. God is no respector of persons which is opposite of 'the natural' way we live here on earth. Jesus tells us who His mother, brother, sisters are - according to HIS WAY, HIS THOUGHTS which are higher than man's thoughts and ways. And Heaven's ways are higher than this earth's ways.
That's another Scripture/teaching of Jesus they ignore or 'try' to explain away. Evil has been here since the beginning with deception, his only tool, and will remain until Jesus comes. It's those who are EASILY LED, a toy of satan, who will go down with it/evil and continue to be in bondage with him. While we, who are free 'in Christ', will go up with Him and continue to be free with HIM in His Kingdom. We are blessed! Without HIS WORD we wouldn't know JESUS. Now who tried to keep IT from us? Misery who wants company. (numbers, again)
Man made teachings is the road/the way to deception and then death and destruction. We believe JESUS IS The TRUTH, the Way to eternal life! Jesus is The Word.
thanks for sending me to this thread 10/6/13...it is a great read and very interesting!!!