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To: Salvation
through prayer.”

No kidding. That's what the Gospel says. Good grief.

31 posted on 05/20/2013 5:18:38 PM PDT by annalex (fear them not)
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To: annalex
  English: Douay-Rheims Latin: Vulgata Clementina Greek NT: Byzantine/Majority Text (2000)
  Mark 9
14 9:13 And coming to his disciples, he saw a great multitude about them, and the scribes disputing with them. 9:13 Et veniens ad discipulos suos, vidit turbam magnam circa eos, et scribas conquirentes cum illis. και ελθων προς τους μαθητας ειδεν οχλον πολυν περι αυτους και γραμματεις συζητουντας αυτοις
15 9:14 And presently all the people seeing Jesus, were astonished and struck with fear; and running to him, they saluted him. 9:14 Et confestim omnis populus videns Jesum, stupefactus est, et expaverunt, et accurrentes salutabant eum. και ευθεως πας ο οχλος ιδων αυτον εξεθαμβηθη και προστρεχοντες ησπαζοντο αυτον
16 9:15 And he asked them: What do you question about among you? 9:15 Et interrogavit eos : Quid inter vos conquiritis ? και επηρωτησεν τους γραμματεις τι συζητειτε προς αυτους
17 9:16 And one of the multitude, answering, said: Master, I have brought my son to thee, having a dumb spirit. 9:16 Et respondens unus de turba, dixit : Magister, attuli filium meum ad te habentem spiritum mutum : και αποκριθεις εις εκ του οχλου ειπεν διδασκαλε ηνεγκα τον υιον μου προς σε εχοντα πνευμα αλαλον
18 9:17 Who, wheresoever he taketh him, dasheth him, and he foameth, and gnasheth with the teeth, and pineth away; and I spoke to thy disciples to cast him out, and they could not. 9:17 qui ubicumque eum apprehenderit, allidit illum, et spumat, et stridet dentibus, et arescit : et dixi discipulis tuis ut ejicerent illum, et non potuerunt. και οπου αν αυτον καταλαβη ρησσει αυτον και αφριζει και τριζει τους οδοντας αυτου και ξηραινεται και ειπον τοις μαθηταις σου ινα αυτο εκβαλωσιν και ουκ ισχυσαν
19 9:18 Who answering them, said: O incredulous generation, how long shall I be with you? how long shall I suffer you? bring him unto me. 9:18 Qui respondens eis, dixit : O generatio incredula, quamdiu apud vos ero ? quamdiu vos patiar ? afferte illum ad me. ο δε αποκριθεις αυτω λεγει ω γενεα απιστος εως ποτε προς υμας εσομαι εως ποτε ανεξομαι υμων φερετε αυτον προς με
20 9:19 And they brought him. And when he had seen him, immediately the spirit troubled him; and being thrown down upon the ground, he rolled about foaming. 9:19 Et attulerunt eum. Et cum vidisset eum, statim spiritus conturbavit illum : et elisus in terram, volutabatur spumans. και ηνεγκαν αυτον προς αυτον και ιδων αυτον ευθεως το πνευμα εσπαραξεν αυτον και πεσων επι της γης εκυλιετο αφριζων
21 9:20 And he asked his father: How long time is it since this hath happened unto him? But he said: From his infancy: 9:20 Et interrogavit patrem ejus : Quantum temporis est ex quo ei hoc accidit ? At ille ait : Ab infantia : και επηρωτησεν τον πατερα αυτου ποσος χρονος εστιν ως τουτο γεγονεν αυτω ο δε ειπεν παιδιοθεν
22 9:21 And oftentimes hath he cast him into the fire and into waters to destroy him. But if thou canst do any thing, help us, having compassion on us. 9:21 et frequenter eum in ignem, et in aquas misit ut eum perderet : sed si quid potes, adjuva nos, misertus nostri. και πολλακις αυτον και εις το πυρ εβαλεν και εις υδατα ινα απολεση αυτον αλλ ει τι δυνασαι βοηθησον ημιν σπλαγχνισθεις εφ ημας
23 9:22 And Jesus saith to him: If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth. 9:22 Jesus autem ait illi : Si potes credere, omnia possibilia sunt credenti. ο δε ιησους ειπεν αυτω το ει δυνασαι πιστευσαι παντα δυνατα τω πιστευοντι
24 9:23 And immediately the father of the boy crying out, with tears said: I do believe, Lord: help my unbelief. 9:23 Et continuo exclamans pater pueri, cum lacrimis aiebat : Credo, Domine ; adjuva incredulitatem meam. και ευθεως κραξας ο πατηρ του παιδιου μετα δακρυων ελεγεν πιστευω κυριε βοηθει μου τη απιστια
25 9:24 And when Jesus saw the multitude running together, he threatened the unclean spirit, saying to him: Deaf and dumb spirit, I command thee, go out of him; and enter not any more into him. 9:24 Et cum videret Jesus concurrentem turbam, comminatus est spiritui immundo, dicens illi : Surde et mute spiritus, ego præcipio tibi, exi ab eo : et amplius ne introëas in eum. ιδων δε ο ιησους οτι επισυντρεχει οχλος επετιμησεν τω πνευματι τω ακαθαρτω λεγων αυτω το πνευμα το αλαλον και κωφον εγω σοι επιτασσω εξελθε εξ αυτου και μηκετι εισελθης εις αυτον
26 9:25 And crying out, and greatly tearing him, he went out of him, and he became as dead, so that many said: He is dead. 9:25 Et exclamans, et multum discerpens eum, exiit ab eo, et factus est sicut mortuus, ita ut multi dicerent : Quia mortuus est. και κραξαν και πολλα σπαραξαν αυτον εξηλθεν και εγενετο ωσει νεκρος ωστε πολλους λεγειν οτι απεθανεν
27 9:26 But Jesus taking him by the hand, lifted him up; and he arose. 9:26 Jesus autem tenens manum ejus elevavit eum, et surrexit. ο δε ιησους κρατησας αυτον της χειρος ηγειρεν αυτον και ανεστη
28 9:27 And when he was come into the house, his disciples secretly asked him: Why could not we cast him out? 9:27 Et cum introisset in domum, discipuli ejus secreto interrogabant eum : Quare nos non potuimus ejicere eum ? και εισελθοντα αυτον εις οικον οι μαθηται αυτου επηρωτων αυτον κατ ιδιαν οτι ημεις ουκ ηδυνηθημεν εκβαλειν αυτο
29 9:28 And he said to them: This kind can go out by nothing, but by prayer and fasting. 9:28 Et dixit illis : Hoc genus in nullo potest exire, nisi in oratione et jejunio. και ειπεν αυτοις τουτο το γενος εν ουδενι δυναται εξελθειν ει μη εν προσευχη και νηστεια

32 posted on 05/20/2013 5:26:38 PM PDT by annalex (fear them not)
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