It's not a question of whether the sinners need more pastoral attention. Of course they do. They need a straight, personal message of truth. They need this from any brother or sister n Christ who has a chance to communicate with them. They especially need it from pastors: the pastor of their own parish (if they go to church), from their own bishop; from the Pope. How long has it been, do you think, since Biden, Sebelius, Cuomo and Pelosi have been called out individuals and addressed seriously and personally?
" What is in a persons heart, and what may come out of sharing in the taking of Communion is not for us to decide."
Their offenses have been, in the words of Canon 915 (Link) "obstinately" "persevering" in "manifest" "grave" sin. That means they have been previously warned and ignored the warning; they';re still doing it; they're doing it IN PUBLIV; and it s a serious matter.
They have to repent publicly because they have done open public harm. It's not just a private thing between Biden and God, Pelosi and God, etc. It's manifest -- pubic --- and requires a public recantation.
Not only that, but preserving the Blessed Sacrament from sacrilege is one of the most important duties of a priest. Knowingly providing a parody of Communing to a person "obstinately" "persevering" in "manifest" "grave" sin, can damn both the souls of the recipient and of the person who wrongly ministered the Sacrament to them..
OMgosh I am so angry right now. I can’t take this.
Seriously? Is this the *Catholic Church*???
I appreciate the patience and thoroughness of your responses. I keep coming up with questions though. How is the one administering communion to know whether or not the person receiving it has recently confessed and whether it was sincere? It seems harsh that a priest could be damned forever due to a (excuse the pun) clerical error. I thought that under the New Covenant, each was responsible for his own soul and relationship with God because Jesus made it a personal relationship.
I also wonder about the need for public atonement - what keeps the Evil One from using that as an opportunity to lie and then turn around and mock the Church?
Please be patient with me - I was raised Catholic in my early years but never got the message. I am now non-denominational and find what I need in the Bible and Jesus is Lord and Savior in my heart. I'm one of His kids that finds most religion to be unnecessarily confusing and diverting from the real issue of carrying the Word. It seems odd that religious doctrine would dwarf the Bible in words. At any rate, I hope you use my diversions as learning/teaching opportunities because it never hurts to concentrate on Him and His love for us. God Bless