Have I stated y'alls views correctly or are you NOT in agreement about the Trinity. It appears some of us are really addressing the two of you separately, but have you two actually been talking past each other all this time, as well?
Why boatbums...God bless you! That's about as accurate a statement i've heard about my beliefs...delivered in a respectful, mostly accurate way...seriously.
I wouldn't have used the word "only" to describe the holy spirit because I believe it's God's presence on earth. So when we're talking about God's spirit we're talking about God interacting with us on level we can understand.
I do believe the father and son are co-equal, but with different roles and responsibilities but at the same time always united in love, purpose, direction...united in any way you can think of.
I'm not sure about count-your-change. "Deny" the trinity though is a loaded term. I affirm the model of the Godhead as shown in scripture and as believed by the first Christians. Saying "Deny the trinity" leads some to believe that I deny the divinity of Christ (God forbid) or that I deny there is a holy spirit which of course I don't. I do though appreciate your adding the "as the historical Christian faith has defined it" because that's accurate.
take care...
Historical Christian faith has been struggling to make the definition of the trinity fit the Scriptures since it was worked out in the fourth cen.
But instead of following these creeds I think the Srciptures reveal an almighty Father with His created Son and an impersonal force, the holy spirit.