RE: However, there is a surprising subset of people out there who are convinced that what I’ll call “hetero-normed homosexuality” — in other words, homosexuality lived in accord with some of the values of traditional marriage (with monogamy, fidelity, a life-long bond) -—is a new thing never addressed in Scripture, which, they say, dealt only with rape, prostitution, pederasty and the like.
That they say it and that scripture says otherwise are two different things.
The Laws of Moses CLEARLY condemns same gender sex and so does the Book of Romans written by the apostle Paul.
It isn’t that Scripture is not clear on these things, it is that people will want to rationalize what they believe no matter what.
Similarly, you can appeal to church history or your bishops or priests can say that the Catholic church calls homosexual acts a sin, if a person refuses to accept it, it is to his spiritual condemnation. A Politician like Nancy Pelosi WILL rationalize anything regardless of whether scripture teaches it or LIVING church members teaches it, or even when the Pope clearly teaches it.
As for Albert Mohler, he clearly appeals to scripture in his arguments:
when it comes to sexual behavior, He maintains that the rules are clear and consistent. He writes:
See here:
The Bibles commands on sexual behavior, on the other hand, are continued in the New Testament. When it comes to homosexuality, the Bibles teaching is consistent, pervasive, uniform and set within a larger context of law and Gospel.
The Old Testament clearly condemns male homosexuality along with adultery, bestiality, incest and any sex outside the covenant of marriage. The New Testament does not lessen this concern but amplifies it.
The New Testament condemns both male and female homosexual behavior. The Apostle Paul, for example, points specifically to homosexuality as evidence of human sinfulness. His point is not merely that homosexuals are sinners but that all humanity has sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.
No such thing
Here's the maddening part. It is certainly true that there was nothing that even remotely resembled "gay" "marriage" at the time that the OT and NT were written, and so, sure enough, Moses and St. Paul could not have been referring to "gay"marriage" --- it did not exist.
But the Bible does talk a lot about marriage. So the gays will latch onto verses like these:
And they claim that WE are the false teachers because we forbid them marriage; and furthermore we are rejecting something good created by God (they point to "natural" homosexuality in he animal world), which we should allow them to sanctify by God's word and prayer, in other words, Christian marriage equality.
1 Timothy 4:3
They [false teachers] forbid marriage and demand abstinence from foods, which God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and know the truth. For everything created by God is good, and nothing is to be rejected, provided it is received with thanksgiving; for it is sanctified by Gods word and by prayer."
They point out that marriage is recommended by St. Paul inm order to restrain the passions and avoid fornication and adultery; this they apply to themselves, that they ought to be allowed to marry, and thus turn away from a promiscuous lifestyle:
1 Corinthians 7:9
Marriage is honorable for all, and the marriage bed undefiled; but fornicators and adulterers God will judge.But if they are not practicing self-control, they should marry. For it is better to marry than to be aflame with passion.
Hebrews 13:4
They say, "Aren't we supposed to apply Scripture to ourselves in order to live by it? We are commanded by Scripture to wed, and thus avoid fornication."
You and I see the error of this. But they would argue that they are living the Christian life by seeking marriage, which is "honorable among all."
It's this level of argument which I wish Mohler and others would more clearly address.
And yes, of couse Mohler uses Scripture. But he also has to refer to the way Christians through the ages have interpreted these Scriptures. Otherwise, it's just Rev. Doctor Albert Mohler of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary vs Rev. Dr. Mel White formerly of Fuller Theological seminary, gay Christian.
Each of them prayerfully reading and faithfully living the truths of Scripture as he is "led of the Spirit"!