I have taken communion, at home.
I confess to no man, it's none of their business. Confession should only be to God unless it directly affects another man or woman.
I take communion at home.
I don't pray to saints, they can't hear me, and besides only God should be prayed to.
Any Christian belief outside the Church is heresy...
So John 3:16 doesn't matter?
... and this claim is compelling made in Hillaire Bellocs book Heresies. It may be useful to try reading it. Or even better consult the leading Lutheran theologians as well as a former Chief Rabbi of Rome who converted to Catholicism and one of Italys leading Islamic Journalists. And add to this leading atheist bloggers:
How about if I just read the bible.
http://religion.blogs.cnn.com/2012/06/22/prominent-atheist-blogger-converts-to-catholicism/ Actually, the list of leading converts from every other walk of religious tradition is too numerous to mention. These folks did NOT have a closed mind. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_converts_to_Catholicism
If I had a closed mind I wouldn't be a Christian. Also there is Revelation 18:4:
Rev 18:4 And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.
I know the Catholic laity are God's people along with the Protestant laity, unlike some Catholics who say if a person doesn't go to a Catholic Church that person is going to hell.
I saw the pope purged a conservative cardinal yesterday. At what point can a pope be declared an antipope? Are Catholics obliged to follow this pope until he leads them off a cliff? No need to partake of her plagues, come out of her.
Of course, its seems the old saw at work again where each man looks at the Bible and invents his own religion a la Rev.Wright, Billy Graham, Joel Osteen, Rev. Schuller.
How true Belloc’s observation that Protestantism spawned a “cluster” of heresies.