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Social justice vs. kingdom work
The Chistian Chronicle ^ | The March 2013 Edition | Bobby Ross, Jr.

Posted on 02/05/2013 7:47:25 PM PST by 2ndDivisionVet

AT A NATIONAL MEETING of youth ministers, the key role of the local church is emphasized.

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. — Love Jesus.

Tolerate the church.

At a time when Americans’ confidence in organized religion has hit a 40-year low, that mindset seems particularly prevalent among younger Christians.

At the recent National Conference on Youth Ministries, Scot McKnight — one of the keynote speakers — challenged what he described as the modern tendency to lift up social justice efforts as “kingdom work.”

“It’s like a tsunami, beginning to overtake the church, and the church is losing significance in local communities because Christians are devoted to changing the world through the political process,” said McKnight, a prominent evangelical New Testament scholar and popular blogger.

Showing compassion, feeding the homeless and working for peace are good causes, but kingdom work involves introducing people to Jesus and his church, McKnight told 285 youth ministers from Churches of Christ in 30 states.

That message struck a chord with some of the youth ministers who gathered at the Crowne Plaza Colorado Springs — in the shadow of Pikes Peak.

“We’ve swung so far from the door-knocking days that we’ve forgotten to actually door-knock on the hearts of people and give them the message of Christ,” said Lee Langdon, youth minister for the Alameda Church of Christ in Norman, Okla. “Reestablishing that into the hearts of our teens and into their own missions is going to be important.”

However, McKnight’s attempt to distinguish social justice efforts from kingdom work did not resonate with everyone....

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

TOPICS: Current Events; General Discusssion; Religion & Culture; Religion & Politics
KEYWORDS: christianity; christians; kingdom; kingdomofgod; palin; socialjustice
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1 posted on 02/05/2013 7:47:39 PM PST by 2ndDivisionVet
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To: Calm_Cool_and_Elected


2 posted on 02/05/2013 7:49:48 PM PST by Calm_Cool_and_Elected (" Undecided Voter: someone who parades their stupidity as proof of their morality." ~David Burge)
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To: 2ndDivisionVet
Luke 10:38-42 Now it came to pass, as they went, that he entered into a certain town: and a certain woman named Martha received him into her house. 39 And she had a sister called Mary. who, sitting also at the Lord's feet, heard his word. 40 But Martha was busy about much serving. Who stood and said: Lord, have you no care that my sister has left me alone to serve? Speak to her therefore, that she help me. 41 And the Lord answering, said to her: Martha, Martha, you are careful and are troubled about many things: 42 But one thing is necessary. Mary has chosen the best part, which shall not be taken away from her."

John 12:3-9 Mary therefore took a pound of ointment of right spikenard, of great price, and anointed the feet of Jesus and wiped his feet with her hair. And the house was filled with the odour of the ointment. 4 Then one of his disciples, Judas Iscariot, he that was about to betray him, said: 5 Why was not this ointment sold for three hundred pence and given to the poor? 6 Now he said this not because he cared for the poor; but because he was a thief and, having the purse, carried the things that were put therein. 7 Jesus therefore said: Let her alone, that she may keep it against the day of my burial. 8 For the poor you have always with you: but me you have not always.

3 posted on 02/05/2013 8:07:04 PM PST by Mrs. Frogjerk
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To: 2ndDivisionVet

The First Commandment is the First for a reason.

4 posted on 02/05/2013 8:12:05 PM PST by Mrs. Frogjerk
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To: 2ndDivisionVet

Solve the Christ problem and the rest will solve themselves.

Thanks for posting. I just sent it to the Pastor of my church which is largely made up of students from a local Chrisitan college.

5 posted on 02/05/2013 8:15:43 PM PST by bramps (Sarah Palin got more votes in 2008 than Mitt Romney got in 2012)
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To: 2ndDivisionVet
As an ex Fundamental Evangelical who has not attended church for at least 15 years I could tell you what is occurring but it would sound harsh. It is harsh. The Father, Yahweh, has been revealing His truths to all who have been seeking Him and His truths. Christianity is a man made Roman religion that has very little to do with the Faith of Yahshua. It is dead and young people know it. It is a big business sham. It has taken the Holy Feasts of Yahweh which He said to keep throughout all generations and replaced these Holy Feasts with Pagan feasts Christmas and Easter. This Roman religion replaced the 7th day Sabbath with Sunday. Yahweh NEVER replaced it...ROME did. I could go on and on as to how Christianity IS NOT the faith Believers are to practice so the young people sense the deception and lies but can't quite put their finger on it. All the churches are either pumped up with show biz or dead as a door nail. The Father is saying “come out of her my people.” Told you it would be harsh but I want to tell you, I love you my brothers and heart breaks for you that you are not walking in the truths our Father has opened to us. Stop listening to men and read your Bible. Ask Yahweh questions, He will answer and show you what I am saying is true.
6 posted on 02/05/2013 8:31:26 PM PST by ladyL
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To: 2ndDivisionVet; ladyL

“Social Justice” is simply another Satanic front and misappropriation of language to promote the religion of Socialism and Marxism.

Confusing service for the sake of supposedly ‘righting societal wrongs’ IS NOT the Gospel Jesus preached. In this country - introducing Jesus is somewhat of a misnomer when what is really needed here is more in the Faith showing others who have grown secular and/or indifferent - “This is the way - walk in it”.

That said, ladyL - as someone who observes the biblical Feasts of the Lord and Keeps His Commandments - I would advise that bashing others on the head with the bible will only earn resentment and not a single person will you lead to repentance.

I’m speaking from experience on that score.

7 posted on 02/05/2013 9:17:25 PM PST by INVAR ("Fart for liberty, fart for freedom and fart proudly!" - Benjamin Franklin)
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You are so right and I agree with you completely. Here's the deal. I have been working in the field over twenty years trying to call Believers back to the Hebrew truths of our faith. I have been patient, loving and kind most times. Now, however, the days are short and 90% of Christians are still in the dark and are Sabbath breakers. Judgment is at the door for this nation and the church. We know the scripture, judgment begins at the house of God. So when I YELL harshly it is to get people's attention. Time is running out. Watch for Yahweh's hand this Purim and Passover. We will see great changes and the church needs to wake up! So pardon my harshness. I feel like the person awake in a burning building yelling FIRE!
8 posted on 02/06/2013 6:00:44 PM PST by ladyL
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To: ladyL

Be careful. The Gospel of the Kingdom of God is NOT about keeping the Sabbath or Holy Days. There is no salvation in keeping them.

We keep them because we love Him and because it is how we show our obedience, but they in of themselves are not a path to either Salvation or repentance. They point to Christ, and therefore they are important in the plan of redeeming mankind back to The Father.

However, the Hebrew Roots/Messianic/Sabbatarian congregations continue to focus on the wrong issues that would help this nation pull off a Nineveh. For all the calls to repent and return to the keeping of Days and Hebrew traditions, it is Christ and Him Crucified and Matthew 28:19-20 that are left out in the cold in their message.

We have condoned, permitted or were indifferent to the slaying of an entire generation of Americans in the womb. We have done little to nothing to stand against homosexual impositions even within the church itself. Innocent blood and abominations after turning the eyes are far more critical to our judgment than a people raised in traditions grafted into the faith over millennia.

9 posted on 02/06/2013 7:45:40 PM PST by INVAR ("Fart for liberty, fart for freedom and fart proudly!" - Benjamin Franklin)
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What is th Gospel of the Kingdom?

10 posted on 02/06/2013 8:56:06 PM PST by ladyL
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To: 2ndDivisionVet

What dothey mean by “social justice” in the church world. Either I’m not understanding what they’re talking about or it’s. not being pushed in my circles.

11 posted on 02/06/2013 9:17:28 PM PST by gitmo ( If your theology doesn't become your biography it's useless.)
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To: ladyL

What did Jesus preach?

Did He preach the story of Himself as so much of the churches today preach?

What did Jesus say was ‘at hand’ - and what were His instructions to His followers?

12 posted on 02/06/2013 9:40:55 PM PST by INVAR ("Fart for liberty, fart for freedom and fart proudly!" - Benjamin Franklin)
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To: gitmo
What dothey mean by “social justice” in the church world. Either I’m not understanding what they’re talking about or it’s. not being pushed in my circles.

The political Leftists/Marxists have infiltrated the church with a new brand of political ideology - whereby they meld Christianity with Leftist activism and assert that Jesus was a Socialist. Their crusade is to 'rescue Christianity from the Right and put it in the province of the Left where it originated'.

They do this by attempting to convince Christians that to be good followers of Christ, we must embrace "social justice" which mixes the 'good works' aspect of Christianity (Sermon on the Mount) with Leftist ideology and political activism.

"Social Justice" is just another hijacking of our language to cloak evil in a mantle of light. Obama preaches this when he talks about 'collective salvation'. "Social Justice" is merely all the planks of the MarxoFascists being made into a moral imperative and therefore redefining morality to fit their 'change' of our society.

13 posted on 02/06/2013 9:48:43 PM PST by INVAR ("Fart for liberty, fart for freedom and fart proudly!" - Benjamin Franklin)
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Yahshua did not preach about his death, burial, and resurrection which is what the church preaches as the gospel. Yahshua preached about the restored Kingdom of Israel. The Kingdom of Israel was divided into two nations, Judah and Israel. Israel was divorced by Yahweh per Hosea but Judah was still in Covenant during Yahshua’s time on earth. Yahshua said “I came only for the House of Israel.” The Gospel He preached was about the reuniting and restoration of Israel on this earth. The last question his disciples asked him before He ascended was, “When are you going to restore the Kingdom to Israel?” This reunification is in our prophetic future. Yahshua preached the same gospel that was preached to Abraham Gal.3:8, that Abraham's seed would be mixed into all nations.
14 posted on 02/07/2013 3:33:23 AM PST by ladyL
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To: ladyL

If that were the Gospel, then the Apostle Paul’s writings and the grafting in of Gentiles is a fraud.

The Gospel Jesus preached is not about a single physical nation.

This is why Hebrew Roots proponents essentially frame the Gospel as a path of salvation only through Judaism.

I reject such doctrine.

15 posted on 02/07/2013 9:36:15 AM PST by INVAR ("Fart for liberty, fart for freedom and fart proudly!" - Benjamin Franklin)
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That of course is your perogative to reject the Gospel that was preached to Abraham Gal.3:8 which was that his seed would mix through out all the nations so those “gentiles” who came to salvation were really Abraham’s promised seed. The House of Israel that was scattered. You sir, are an Israelite. The Torah teaches you cannot mix seed or species so therefore it was an olive tree branch (Israelites) grafted BACK IN. Read Hosea, Read James 1:1, Read Jer 31:31. It’s all over the place...the Bible was written about Israel, by Israel, to Israel and is the Father’s plan to redeem all nations through the seed of Abraham. Yahweh said FOUR TIMES Abraham I will make your decendents as many as the stars and the sand of the sea. Said it to Isaac once and Jacob three times. I’m not going to call Yahweh a liar, are you? just cause you can’t get out of your Roman mind set. Those descendents are alive and well today. Scripture says If you are in Christ Jesus you are Abraham’s SEED that’s sperm in the Strongs. Go argue with scripture and then maybe the real Gospel might start to make sense.
16 posted on 02/07/2013 8:31:42 PM PST by ladyL
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To: ladyL

You will not win a single convert to Christ with such head-bashing.

Been there, done that.

Modern Pharisees and heresy are still the same today as they were in the days of Peter and Paul.

Try a little more Matthew 28:19-20.

Or not.

I’ll concede that your understanding of what constitutes the Gospel is not the same as mine.

17 posted on 02/07/2013 10:23:53 PM PST by INVAR ("Fart for liberty, fart for freedom and fart proudly!" - Benjamin Franklin)
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I must apologize. Yahweh showed me many years ago not to engage in online theology. My exchange with you was a fluke. I think I was trying to test myself to see if I could still tell the gospel coherently. I have found myself a little rusty...oh my. Anyway, I've enjoyed the exchange...did not expect a “convert.” I have found with this teaching that unless the Holy Spirit anoints it a person will never receive it. I have seen some take to these truths immediately but most not be able to, for whatever reason. Thank you for being gracious. As I said, I've been at his over twenty years...I teach two Bible studies in my home. I see many many people coming out of the churches today, dissatisfied, disillusioned, searching.
I absolutely love my brothers and sisters in Yahshua but have little tolerance for the hirelings with their own agenda and mortgage payments who are perpetuating the Roman deception...meanwhile lives are being damaged. Oh, here I go preaching again. Sorry. I am sure the Holy Spirit within you will lead you into all truths as you seek ye first the Kingdom of God. May we someday meet in the Throne Room...Shalom.
18 posted on 02/08/2013 2:50:48 AM PST by ladyL
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To: ladyL

No need to apologize. I understand very well the zeal one can have when one understands where many traditions have been grafted into the church, and the delight and better understanding of Christ one finds in observing the biblical holy days.

That said - the Sabbatarian/Messianic/Hebrew Roots culture is focusing on that which will not lead this culture to repentance. Neither are the bulk of these groups willing to get out of their boxes to engage in evangelism in places where the name of Jesus Christ has not even been heard yet.

In some ways, while we both understand that no man may come to Yeshua unless Adonai draw them, these groups themselves are blinded by what can only be called rabid anti-churchianity. Christ and Him crucified is less important than preaching against the errors of historical Christianity and proving tradition unbiblical. While it may be the truth - it is still not the Gospel that leads to Salvation. Christ our atonement is what is important to understand, leading to repentance in Him. If we love Him, we keep His commandments. It is as simple as that - but a message no longer preached here because every wind of doctrine is seemingly more important than what is growing the church in the third world.

Having lived in the cesspool of the third world, I’m stunned by the absolute indifference many of these groups have towards a work God is opening doors for them to serve in. Sadly, most would rather continue to focus on their pet doctrines and separate themselves from any and all who do not agree with their theology. The very things that contribute to their shrinking congregations here in the U.S.

We have to get back to preaching the core and repentance from wickedness. Because the church here in this country is so fractured over preaching doctrine - we have become so hopelessly divided and so lukewarm as to render our faith saltless in this age of evil we now live.

My prayer is for those of us with faith to endure what is coming - and while there is still some daylight left in which to be about Our Lord’s work in His Fields of Harvest - that we are found so doing.

19 posted on 02/08/2013 8:36:12 AM PST by INVAR ("Fart for liberty, fart for freedom and fart proudly!" - Benjamin Franklin)
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Thanks. Would you mind giving me an example?

20 posted on 02/08/2013 4:56:40 PM PST by gitmo ( If your theology doesn't become your biography it's useless.)
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