Nice straw man you got there.
Nixon didn’t agree that China was a moral authority nor did he throw thousands of Jews under the bus to save his own throat.
See post #24.
Also, there's this: A Question of Judgment: Pius XII & the Jews
An excerpt from that, written by the former director of the International Affairs Department for the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith:
"Dr. Nahum Goldmann, president of the World Jewish Congress, wrote in his letter of condolence on Pope Pius' death: 'With special gratitude we remember all he has done for the persecuted Jews during one of the darkest periods in their entire history.' In 1945, the Congress had made a gift of $20,000 to Vatican charities in recognition of the work of the Holy See in rescuing Jews from Fascist persecution; and an interoffice memorandum, written a year earlier by a WJC official closely involved in the Congress' pleas to Pius XII for help for the Jews of Poland, reads: 'The Catholic Church in Europe has been extraordinarily helpful to us in a multitude of ways. From Hinsley in London to Pacelli in Rome, to say nothing of the anonymous priests in Holland, France, and elsewhere, they have done very notable things for us...'"
Last time I checked, the Pope personally saved 860,000 Jews. That's according to Rabbi Lapide, the Israeli consulate to Italy.
How many Jews did you save from Hitler? I'll bet a week's salary: not a single one. Do I win?
Why, exactly, are you here repeating a disinformation story cooked up by the KGB and East German intelligence?* Are you a communist?
*According to the testimony of Ion Pacepa, a former officer of the Romanian Securitate who defected to the West.