In lies we trust”...
Your post was excellent in so many ways..Thank you...
I have come to believe that widespread drug use may be rampant in our government and in the institutions that govern us..I believe those substances are key in the release of that inherent evil which lurks inside human beings. Just consider the unreal arrogance, the need to divide, to hate, to envy, to license stealing through the tax code, to punish good and reward evil..I would love to see the President, Vice President, all the Presidental advisers and staff, all members of Congress and all top bureaucrats drug tested on a regular basis. In addition, I would likewise want the Major News Media drug tested on a regular basis..Drug use and addiction produces the narcissism we see today..I have not seen narcissistic behavior this rampant in our governing bodies ever before.The bold and cocksure attitudes we see in so many are just not natural.
.....Also this comes when we do not put our belief, confidence, and love in God.