Sadly, liberalism is bereft of love, and it has enabled no-fault divorce, where whimsy as well as neglect and abuse can be the deciding factor to leave the relationship legally. The man may love his wife, but his voice is moot.
Lack of fathers has caused horrific ill in America, and women bear as much of the blame for it as men. Maybe more, because if I remember correctly, most divorces are filed by wives. I also blame the oxymoronic "family law" system in America, which serves to create financial incentive for women to divorce their husbands and become "single moms."
Sorry, it's the hard, cold truth. I say it as a woman.
The best thing we can do as parents is to be the best examples we can to our children. A lot of stuff they learn just by watching us.
I have taught my children about what a good spouse is by pointing out the good example of my better half they have in front of them.
So far, two of my kids have made excellent choices for spouses.
In other words, we need to teach our children to pick their spouses well. That way they don't have to be surprised by a bad one.
The advice my dad gave me was, "You want to see every side of that person, you want to see what he is like when he is mad, how he treats his mother, how he treats little kids, does he maintain a responsible attitude in all situations?"