It's been almost two hundred years since this wacky faith started and Romney lost anyway. Can't some people give it a rest?! Talk about deranged moral relativism; some people squawk about Mormons when Muslims, the greatest impending threat to all of mankind, are totally ignored. Mormons have murdered anyone in a hundred and fifty years, this ridiculous falderal is extremely tiresome.
Who is ignoring Muslims? I’d just about lay money that every single Christian who is aware enough to be out there condemning Mormonism also object to Islam just as vehemently.
Just because a few people take up a special mission to preach against Mormonism doesn’t mean anyone is ignoring the threat of Islam either. There are all sorts of specialized roles in the Church, just like every part of the body has its own specific function, rather than being able to do every job. Your objection is equivalent to complaining that the ears aren’t doing enough seeing for your liking.