If we conservatives hadn't split our primary votes among Bachmann, Gingrich, Perry, and Santorum, Romney wouldn't have been the nominee. I know it's easier to blame Romney, the GOP-e, etc., instead of admitting we were stupid for not uniting behind *one* candidate to stop Romney, but we did this to ourselves.
That's the kind of logic that says, "If you have a flat tire, it's because you planned it that way"
(And I'm sure there's a word for that kind of thinking ... ((Honey, we saved $100 ... it was marked down from 300 to 200))
The primary's and the race is all supposed to bring that favorite out, and as best as a diverse field and electorate can do ... they did it.
There's legitimate reasons why Newt could not get the nomination, but I think he would be a good president.
But then, Santorum (who too had 'problems' ) could also have made a good President ...
And every one in the race ... but we ended up with Romney
I don't buy the "we did it to ourselves" argument.
You PLANNED and WANTED that flat tire, DINT chu !