“For the first time in American history, we are”
No WE are not.
someone may have any standing of any kind in their church, it does not translate to how and why or why not the majority of people vote, or don’t vote for them, or should, or should not vote for them,
there is far too much separation of Church and state in American politics to believe religious theory conspiracies about electing anyone of any faith
Mitt is striving in his personal life to be and live as his faith and belief teaches him to be; as do all of us in our own way; as did G.W. Bush and others like him in their own way;
but, the NATION was not electing them to represent their faith, nor to be a representative of their faith;
and I have no more fear of Mitt giving strength or policy preferences to his Church, than I did John Kennedy for his Church, in as much as I am propably almost as much NOT a Roman Catholic as I am NOT a Mormon;
I will not help people like you help Obama win this election.
Yes we are electing an actual religious leader, whether you know it or not, a man who to become a God must govern in service to his religious cult, his sole measure of success will be in how true to Mormonism that he remains, if he strays, then he not only loses heaven, but he will never attain Godhood.
It is absurd for you to compare such a powerful religious leader and a future God, with a mere church member like Reagan, or JFK, or anyone else, even a regular Mormon.
The ignorance of the voter does not change what Bishop Romney is in terms of being a powerful religious leader.
We have never seen anything like this in American history.