I have an advance order in for it with Amazon (I think?, I’ll check) and am looking forward to it. We’re an awful lot closer that sort of situation than people think we are because most folks like to ignore the fact that the Executive Branch no longer cares what’s legislated and what isn’t, it just rules by fiat. It’s going to stay that way as long as the government has it’s fingers in so many pies and controls so much through regulation. Turn regulation of most things back over to the States and you’d cripple the Federal Government because they rely on regulation and regulatory threats far more than they do the laws themselves.
That bunk about, “and regulations required to implement and enforce this law” or something like that, that’s boilerplate in so much of what Congress passes should be ripped out of everything they have passed and everything they pass in the future. If Congress can’t oversee and approve the regulations required to implement the laws it passes it shouldn’t be passing them. The people we elect are supposed to be in charge, not just thinking up grand visions and BS they then turn over to faceless scum who have made a career out of twisting things to suit their own agenda.
The problem is that Congress make so many laws that devolve large powers onto the executive branch, rather than writing narrow ones that limit the regulators. It take too much time to write good law, and they prefer to just write lots of bad ones.