38 above is just a bunch of baloney.
Like it or not Mitt Romney is the most visible adherent to MormonISM in the world today. More people are aware of the fact that Mitt Romney is a Mormon than are aware of the fact that Thomas Monson is his Religion's official Prophet.
So naturally any expose of MormonISM is going to be impacted by the fact that the most visible manifestation of that Religion is currently running for President of the United States.
So naturally any and all references to LDS Doctrine and History are going to have a political effect because Mitt Romney is an adherent to those peculiar doctrines and beliefs.
FWIW some of my family members and other church members were blatant racists who freely used the "N" word in a very derogatory manner when referencing black people while at church functions. These were the adults. So this thread is quite important both religiously and politically. Did Mitt Romney adhere to the blatantly racist doctrines taught by the church prior to the "Revelation" that God decided to relent to the Prophet and stop being the blatant racist that He apparently was prior to 1978? The Kimball revelation clearly stands for the proposition that GOD was the racist and that the forward thinking Mormon Prophet convinced GOD of the error of HIS ways.
MHG, I stand by what I said. You are carrying the water for the LDS Church apparently based solely on your fear that to tell the truth about what Romney believes might result in Obama being re-elected. Well whether or not Romney is going to be elected is really out of my hands and your hands since God has already ordained who HE has chosen to lead us for the next 4 years. If God wills it, then Romney will weather the storm of the criticism of his cult. If God wills otherwise, then he won't be the next president of the United States (but you can be assured that he might be the next President of the LDS Church).
Whatever it is, I am dismayed that you have chosen to carry the water for Mitt and his Religion on this forum.
Carry on.
‘CArry the water for LDSinc’ ... what an arrogant insult you’ve posted! In post #38 I make it very clear that I consider MormonISM to be anti-Christian. Yet you feel the need to insult me by mischaracterizing so it fits the perspective you WANT to hold. So be it as your perspective. Go in Peace, brother.