Southern Baptists vote 80% pro-life and pro-marriage, and anti-liberal.
Roman Catholics vote 54% for Obamas abortion, gay marriage, and anti-conservatism.
Who do we need to fix?
Southern Baptists vote 80% pro-life and pro-marriage, and anti-liberal.
Roman Catholics vote 54% for Obamas abortion, gay marriage, and anti-conservatism.
Who do we need to fix?
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Your same reply repeated, I give you the same answer.
Your statistics? The Baptist percentage on life is about Abortion. Protestants caved in 1930, going against God, approving contraception.
The Pill came on the market in the mid 1960s. The question is being asked now? Reverend Mohler has no answers.
Read the article. Contraception is against God, Reverend Mohler realizes the Church teaches this but can’t say it himself.
If they use the pill they are not pro-life. They only self-identify as pro-life. These are two different things.