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To: Salvation
  English: Douay-Rheims Latin: Vulgata Clementina Greek NT: Byzantine/Majority Text (2000)
  Mark 11
27 And they come again to Jerusalem. And when he was walking in the temple, there come to him the chief priests and the scribes and the ancients, Et veniunt rursus Jerosolymam. Et cum ambularet in templo, accedunt ad eum summi sacerdotes, et scribæ, et seniores : και ερχονται παλιν εις ιεροσολυμα και εν τω ιερω περιπατουντος αυτου ερχονται προς αυτον οι αρχιερεις και οι γραμματεις και οι πρεσβυτεροι
28 And they say to him: By what authority dost thou these things? and who hath given thee this authority that thou shouldst do these things? et dicunt ei : In qua potestate hæc facis ? et quis dedit tibi hanc potestatem ut ista facias ? και λεγουσιν αυτω εν ποια εξουσια ταυτα ποιεις και τις σοι την εξουσιαν ταυτην εδωκεν ινα ταυτα ποιης
29 And Jesus answering, said to them: I will also ask you one word, and answer you me, and I will tell you by what authority I do these things. Jesus autem respondens, ait illis : Interrogabo vos et ego unum verbum, et respondete mihi : et dicam vobis in qua potestate hæc faciam. ο δε ιησους αποκριθεις ειπεν αυτοις επερωτησω υμας και εγω ενα λογον και αποκριθητε μοι και ερω υμιν εν ποια εξουσια ταυτα ποιω
30 The baptism of John, was it from heaven, or from men? Answer me. Baptismus Joannis, de cælo erat, an ex hominibus ? Respondete mihi. το βαπτισμα ιωαννου εξ ουρανου ην η εξ ανθρωπων αποκριθητε μοι
31 But they thought with themselves, saying: If we say, From heaven; he will say, Why then did you not believe him? At illi cogitabant secum, dicentes : Si dixerimus : De cælo, dicet : Quare non credidistis ei ? και ελογιζοντο προς εαυτους λεγοντες εαν ειπωμεν εξ ουρανου ερει δια τι ουν ουκ επιστευσατε αυτω
32 If we say, From men, we fear the people. For all men counted John that he was a prophet indeed. Si dixerimus : Ex hominibus, timemus populum : omnes enim habebant Joannem quia vere propheta esset. αλλ ειπωμεν εξ ανθρωπων εφοβουντο τον λαον απαντες γαρ ειχον τον ιωαννην οτι οντως προφητης ην
33 And they answering, say to Jesus: We know not. And Jesus answering, saith to them: Neither do I tell you by what authority I do these things. Et respondentes dicunt Jesu : Nescimus. Et respondens Jesus ait illis : Neque ego dico vobis in qua potestate hæc faciam. και αποκριθεντες λεγουσιν τω ιησου ουκ οιδαμεν και ο ιησους αποκριθεις λεγει αυτοις ουδε εγω λεγω υμιν εν ποια εξουσια ταυτα ποιω

24 posted on 06/02/2012 8:17:23 AM PDT by annalex (
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To: annalex
27. And they come again to Jerusalem: and as He was walking in the temple, there come to him the chief priests, and the Scribes, and the elders,
28. And say to him, By what authority do you these things? and who gave you this authority to do these things?
29. And Jesus answered and said to them, I will also ask of you one question, and answer me, and I will tell you by what authority I do these things.
30. The baptism of John, was it from heaven, or of men? Answer me.
31. And they reasoned with themselves, saying, If we shall say, From heaven; he will say, Why then did you not believe him?
32. But if we shall say, Of men; they feared the people; for all men committed John, that he was a prophet indeed.
33. And they answered and said to Jesus, we cannot tell. And Jesus answering said to them, Neither do I tell you by what authority I do these things.

THEOPHYL. They were angry with the Lord, for having cast out of the temple those who had made it a place of merchandise, and therefore they come up to Him, to question and tempt Him. Wherefore it is said: And they come again to Jerusalem: and as he was walking in the temple, there come to him the Chief Priests, and the Scribes, and the elders, and say to him, By what authority do you these things? and who gave you authority to do these things? As if they had said, Who are you that do these things? Do you make yourself a doctor, and ordain yourself Chief Priest?

BEDE; And indeed, when they say, By what authority do you these things, they doubt its being the power of God, and wish it to be understood that what He did was the devil's work. When they add also, Who gave you this authority, they evidently deny that He is the Son of God, since they believe that He works miracles, not by His own but by another's power.

THEOPHYL. Further, they said this, thinking to bring Him to judgment, so that if He said, by mine own power, they might lay hold upon Him; but if He said, by the power of another, they might make the people leave Him, for they believed Him to be God. But the Lord asks them concerning John, not without a reason, nor in a sophistical way, but because John had borne witness of Him. Wherefore there follows: And Jesus answered and said to them, I will also ask of you one question, and answer me, and I will tell you by what authority I do these things.

The baptism of John, was it from heaven, or of men answer me.

BEDE; The Lord might indeed have confuted the cavils of his tempters by a direct answer, but prudently puts them a question, that they might be condemned either by their silence or their speaking, which is evident from what is added, And they reasoned with themselves, saying, If we shall say, From heaven; he will say, Why then did you not believe him? As if He had said, he whom you confess to have had his prophecy from heaven bore testimony of Me, and you have heard from him, by what authority I do these things.

It goes on: But if we shall say, Of men; they feared the people. They saw then that whatever they answered, they should fall into a snare; fearing to be stoned, they feared still more the confession of the truth. Wherefore it goes on: And they answered and said to Jesus, We cannot tell.

PSEUDO-JEROME; They envied the Lamp, and were in the dark, wherefore it is said, I have ordained a lamp for my anointed; his enemies will I clothe with shame. There follows: And Jesus answering said to them, Neither do I tell you by what authority I do these things.

BEDE; As if He had said, I will not tell you what I know, since you will not confess what you know. Further, we must observe that knowledge is hidden from those who seek it, principally for two reasons, namely, when he who seeks for it either has not sufficient capacity to understand what he seeks for, or when through contempt for the truth, or some other reason, he is unworthy of having that for which he seeks opened to him.

Catena Aurea Mark 11
25 posted on 06/02/2012 8:18:12 AM PDT by annalex (
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