I asked: Are you saying that people who are exposing mormonISM are anti-Semitic?
It, really is simple to answer.
As a side note, I do not understand why you appear to be so focused on Luther.
You’ve really got to be kidding. I answered your question and explained I drew an analogy to Luther by way of example as to how one person can look at another’s religion. IOW religions have glass houses, don’t b so quick to throw stones.
Now I’m “hung up on Luther” when the whole point of this post was a serious hang up with Mormonism.
Further, there is a post here saying that Jews are unhappy with Mormon post death baptisms. Just as I’m being lectured that Catholicism is threatened by Mormonism. There also was a discussion about how the anti Mormon posters view Jews. My suggestion is that fundamentalist christians who are hung up on Mormonism are not going to be supporters of Catholics or Jews. You also have posts here mocking my call for religious freedom and tolerance.
I’m not sure what Catholics are supposd to do about Mormons. My best guess is, nothing.