You’re right, there is nothing onerous about the agreement.
I wonder why the article didn’t print it? Because, if you are teaching in a Christian college, there really isn’t anything there to offend you.
I would be put off if I were asked to sign such a thing in any other context, but in this context it only makes sense.
Granted, anyone can sign it and not mean it; indeed, if you don’t agree with it and are teaching in a Christian college, you are already a bit of a fraud.
The alcohol portion of it might put off people from some backgrounds, but its a Baptist college and so the alcohol ban wouldn’t surprise any one expecting to teach at a Baptist college. If you want to teach at a Baptist institution, its reasonable to assume you are in agreement with Baptist thinking.
It just sounds like a “public behavior” injunction. I dont think they actually intend to prevent any of their employees from drinking in bars or anywhere else. They are merely issuing legal warning that if you get FUed up and DUIed etc or DISORDed by local police, they can fire you for bringing discredit upon the institution.
Probably also trying to curb employee drinking parties (leading to excess).