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Catholic Caucus: Sunday Mass Readings, 05-20-12, Solemnity, Ascension of the Lord American Bible ^ | 05-20-12 | Revised New American Bible

Posted on 05/19/2012 3:14:08 PM PDT by Salvation

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May 2012

Pope's intentions

General Intention: The Family. That initiatives which defend and uphold the role of the family may be promoted within society. .

Missionary Intention: Mary, Guide of Missionaries. That Mary, Queen of the World and Star of Evangelization, may accompany all missionaries in proclaiming her Son Jesus.

21 posted on 05/19/2012 7:50:26 PM PDT by Salvation ("With God all things are possible." Matthew 19:26)
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Arlington Catholic Herald

A longer view of life
By Fr. Jerome Magat

The mystery of the Ascension is one of the most powerful tools in consoling the suffering and the dying. In their ministry, priests often encounter individuals who have lost perspective on what life and living really mean. These individuals are nearing despair because they only see life on earth as the total sum of their lives. Burdened with a worldly perspective consumed with the passing temporalities of this life and a lack of faith, these individuals cannot perceive life beyond one’s brief sojourn on earth. Hence, the Ascension reminds us that life on earth is short and that the remainder of life is to be experienced in eternity. By preceding us in His ascension, Jesus reminds us of our eternal destiny: Life in heaven in a gloried body and soul. Jesus opens up for us the way back to the Father so that we may live fully in His presence.

The mysterious nature of the Ascension invites us to an increase in the virtue of hope — a filial trust in God that helps us transcend all of the sufferings of this life and assures us the possibility of heaven. Whenever beleaguered by the rigors of life, the Ascension reminds us that heaven awaits those who are faithful and that all of the sacrifices made in this life can be meritorious in the life of the world to come. Moreover, the Ascension compels us to seek those who are still far from really knowing Jesus, who describes Himself as the life. The hope of the Ascension reminds us to witness to others that there is a life in the world to come beyond all imagining and that what we do in this life will reap either a great reward or eternal punishment in the next.

When Jesus assures the apostles of the powers they will have as they preach the Gospel in His name, he reminds them that all power comes from the One who has transcended suffering and death itself on the cross. Jesus makes no sentimental statement here. Rather, He solemnly assures the apostles that there is nothing that the Christian life cannot conquer because the power of the Christian life comes from God. The Fathers of the Church often describe the Ascension as the event that made way for the Holy Spirit to descend upon the Church so as to continue the work of Jesus on earth.

We do well to pray that we continue to lift up our hearts to our Father in heaven, with our eyes firmly set on our heavenly homeland and our ultimate desired destination. This hope should empower us to actively engage the world in this life and help transform it in the name of the Gospel. May our hope in Him who has ascended to the Father's right hand encourage us to proclaim this hope to others so that His glory may be theirs.

Fr. Magat is parochial vicar of St. William of York Parish in Stafford.

22 posted on 05/19/2012 7:59:40 PM PDT by Salvation ("With God all things are possible." Matthew 19:26)
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The Work of God

 Go into the whole world, and preach the gospel to every creature. Catholic Gospels - Homilies - Matthew, Luke, Mark, John - Inspirations of the Holy Spirit

Year B

 -  The Ascension of the Lord

Go into the whole world, and preach the gospel to every creature.

Go into the whole world, and preach the gospel to every creature. Catholic Gospels - Matthew, Luke, Mark, John - Inspirations of the Holy Spirit Mark 16:15-20

15 And he said to them: Go into the whole world, and preach the gospel to every creature.
16 He that believes and is baptized, shall be saved: but he that believes not shall be condemned.
17 And these signs shall follow those who believe: In my name they shall cast out devils: they shall speak with new tongues.
18 They shall take up serpents; and if they shall drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them: they shall lay their hands upon the sick, and they shall recover.
19 And the Lord Jesus, after he had spoken to them, was taken up into heaven, and was seated at the right hand of God.
20 But they going forth preached everywhere: the Lord working with them, and confirming the word with signs that followed.

Inspiration of the Holy Spirit - From the Sacred Heart of Jesus

The Ascension of the Lord - Go into the whole world, and preach the gospel to every creature. My dear disciples, apostles, and you who listen to me, my time on earth was very fruitful and the hour came for me to return to my Father since I had already accomplished his Will.

I have already told you that I am the way, the truth and the life, I have offered you food for the journey because I am the bread of life, I will protect you and save you because I am the Good Shepherd and I have asked you to remain in me because I am the vine and you are the branches.

My presence with you will continue always in my Church until the end of times, it is by being part of my mystical body and by eating and drinking of my Eucharistic Presence that you will draw life from me and be nourished to remain strong in the faith until you also accomplish the plan of my Father.

I invite you to be my witnesses, to live a life by my model of charity, to live my commandments of love and to teach others to do the same. You don’t have to be priests to preach my gospel, since you can preach by your example, however you will be my joy if you are my anointed ministers and proclaim my words not from your minds but from your hearts. I am very sad to hear my gospel being torn apart by those who resist the inspiration of my Holy Spirit.

To believe in my gospel is to believe every sentence that I spoke, to ponder it in your hearts and to open yourselves to that powerful word that speaks to you in order to change your life. When I speak in my gospel I always have a double message, one that is understood by the mind and another that is to be sought for, my Spirit takes care to reveal it. My words are addressed to you in human language so that you understand, but they are spoken from the Spirit and therefore they have the power of God.

In baptism you become part of me, and you enter into my mystical body the Church. Those who reject the Church, reject me, those who reject me, reject life. Those who believe in my words and take them into their hearts will be given my gifts. They will have the power to cast out devils, and to pray for the sick who will recover, but the intellectuals don’t even believe in my word nor in the devil, so they miss out on my spiritual gifts.

Anyone who believes in me can pray in my name and I will grant his petitions, provided they are in accordance with the Will of my Father. A prayer of faith has great power, when it is said by someone who loves my word, I remain faithful to what I say.

My signs will accompany the believers, because they take my word seriously. Miracles are quite possible even today. I am the Lord ever faithful, I will respond with integrity to the call of those who belong to me.

I have ascended to my Father, I have taken possession of my Kingdom, I am preparing a place for your souls in eternity. In due time you will join me in the everlasting joy that the Father has prepared for those who love Him.

Author: Joseph of Jesus and Mary

23 posted on 05/19/2012 8:04:22 PM PDT by Salvation ("With God all things are possible." Matthew 19:26)
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To: All
Sunday Gospel Reflections

7th Sunday of Easter
Reading I:
Acts 1:15-17,20-26 II: 1 John 4:11-16
John 17:11-19

11 Holy Father, keep them in your name that you have given me, so that they may be one just as we are.
12 When I was with them I protected them in your name that you gave me, and I guarded them, and none of them was lost except the son of destruction, in order that the scripture might be fulfilled.
13 But now I am coming to you. I speak this in the world so that they may share my joy completely.
14 I gave them your word, and the world hate them, because they do not belong to the world any more than I belong to the world.
15 I do not ask that you take them out of the world but that you keep them from the evil one.
16 They do not belong to the world anymore than I belong to the world.
17 Consecrate them in the truth. Your word is truth.
18 As you sent me into the world, so I sent them into the world.
19 And I consecrate myself for them, so that they also may be consecrated in truth.

Interesting Details
  • Having completed his farewell speech to the disciples near Passover, Jesus allows them and the bystanding listeners to overhear some of the ongoing conversation between God the Father and God the Son.
  • This passage is part of the high-priestly prayer by Jesus (Jn 17:1-26). The term high-priestly prayer is given by the 16th century Lutheran theologian David Chytraeus.
  • It is for the disciples that Jesus say this "high-priestly prayer" (vv.1-26) at his moment of departure. After this prayer, Jesus will proceed to the Garden of Gethsemane and there Judas will betray him.
  • (v.12) Lost or "perished" refers to falling away from discipleship, not necessarily to eternal perdition.
  • While verse 12 seems at first to suggest an imperfect performance by Jesus in allowing one to be destroyed, Jesus makes clear that the betrayal was not in fact given to him by the Father but Judas' treachery had been taking shape little by little through his petty infidelities, and by the devil, the father of lies and murder (Jn8:44). Jesus notes it again that the loss of Judas was part of the risk taken in the incarnation (Jn13:18).
  • In sacred Scripture "world" has a number of meanings:
    1. It means the whole of creation (Gen 1:1ff) and within creation, mankind, which God loves most tenderly (Pro 8:31); this is the meaning intended in v.15.
    2. It refers to the things of this world, which do not last, which can be at odds with the things of the spirit (Mt 16:26);
    3. It sometimes means God's enemy, something opposed to Christ and his followers (Jn 1:10). In this sense, the "world" is the place of evil and therefore Jesus is not of the world, nor are his disciples (v.16).
  • (v.17) The disciples are the priests of the New Law. Just as the priests of the Old Law were consecrated (made holy), so are those of the New, but in a far more personal and intimate way.

One Main Point

Although still in the world, Jesus looks on his earthly ministry as a thing in the past (v.14). Death is the act that begins the process of leading his community into holiness, armed only with the truth, to continue the mission, sent by God into the world.

  1. Imagine you are about to leave the group of close friends and disciples. What do you have to tell your group? What would your prayer be for them?
  2. How does the world treat me? Am I given to Jesus "from this world?" Do I see myself as part of the risk Jesus has taken in choosing his followers?
  3. Why does Jesus pray to the Father for "those you have given me" but not for the "world?" How often do you pray for the protection and the unity of Jesus' followers and of the church?

24 posted on 05/19/2012 8:14:31 PM PDT by Salvation ("With God all things are possible." Matthew 19:26)
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Archdiocese of Washington

In more dioceses than not, the Feast of the Ascension is celebrated this weekend. The liturgist in me regrets the move, but here we are any way. So let’s ascend with the Lord, three days late!

This marvelous feast is not merely about something that took place two thousand years ago. For, though Christ our head has ascended, we the members of his body are ascending with him. Since he was ascended, we too have ascended. In my own life, as a Christian, I am brought higher every year by the Lord who is drawing me up with him. This is not some mere slogan, but something I am actually experiencing. An old song says, I was sinking deep in sin, far from the peaceful shore. Very deeply stained with sin, sinking to rise no more. But he master of the sea, heard my despairing cry. And from the waters lifted me. Now safe am I. Love Lifted me, When nothing else could help. Love lifted me!

Yes, the feast of the Lord’s Ascension is our feast too, if we are faithful. Let’s look at it from three perspectives.

I. The Fact of the Ascension. – The readings today describe a wondrous event that the Apostles witnessed. The Lord, by his own power is taken to heaven. In so doing he opens a path for us too. The gates of paradise swing open again: Lift up your heads, O gates! and be lifted up, O ancient doors! that the King of glory may come in! (Psalm 24:7). In Christ, man returns to God. Consider three things about the Ascension:

A. The Reality – Imagine the glory of this moment. Scripture says, As they were looking on, he was lifted up and cloud took him from their sight….they were looking intently in the sky as he was going (Acts 1:9). So impressive was the sight that the angels had to beckon them to get along to Jerusalem as the Lord had said, Men of Galilee,” they said, “why do you stand here looking into the sky? This same Jesus, who has been taken from you into heaven, will come back in the same way you have seen him go into heaven (Acts 1:11). Yes, it was glorious. Jesus had once said as a summons to faith, What if you were to see the Son of Man ascending to where he was before? (John 6:62). He had also encouraged them saying: Truly, truly, I say to you, you will see heaven opened, and the angels of God ascending and descending upon the Son of man (John 1:51) So here is a glorious reality, and a fulfillment of what Jesus had said.

B. The Rescue – In the Ascension, it does not seem that the Lord entered heaven alone. As we have remarked, in his mystical body we also ascend with him. But consider too this remarkable text that affirms that: Therefore it is said, “When he ascended on high he led a host of captives, and he gave gifts to men. In saying, “He ascended,” what does it mean but that he had also descended into the lower parts of the earth? He who descended is he who also ascended far above all the heavens, that he might fill all things (Eph 4:8ff). Yes, the Lord had earlier, just after his death, descended to Sheol and awakened the dead and preached the gospel to them (cf 1 Peter 4:6). And now, for those he had justified, came the moment ascend with Jesus as a “host,” as an army of former captives, now set free. Behold the great procession that enters behind Christ through the now opened gates of heaven: Adam and Eve, Noah, Abraham, Sarah, Isaac Jacob, Rachel, Judith, Deborah, David, Samuel, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Malachi, John the Baptist….and one day you! Yes this is a great rescue. Adam and his descendants have not simply been restored to some paradisical garden, they have entered heaven.

C. The Rejoicing – Consider how, this once captive train, sings exultantly as they follow Christ upward to heaven. The liturgy today puts before us a likely song they sang: God mounts his throne to shouts of Joy! The Lord amid trumpet blasts. All you peoples clap your hands, shout to God with cries of gladness, for the Lord the most high, the awesome is the great king over all the earth. God reigns over the nations, God sits upon his holy throne (Psalm 47:6-7). I also have it on the best of authority that they were singing an old gospel song: I’m so glad, Jesus lifted me! Yes I also have it on the best of authority that they were even singing an old Motown song: Your love is lifting me higher, than I’ve ever been lifted before!

Yes, Here are some glorious facets of the Ascension.

II. The Fellowship of the Ascension – We have already remarked that, when Christ ascends, we ascend. Why and how? Scripture says, Now you are the body of Christ and individually members of it (1 Cor 12:27). It also says, All of us who were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death. By baptism we were buried together with him so that Just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of God the Father, we too might live a new and glorious life. For if we have been united with him by likeness to his death we shall be united with him by likeness to his resurrection (Rom 6:3ff). So, when Christ died we died. When Christ rose, we rose. When He ascends, we ascend.

But you may say, he is in glory, but I am still here, how is it that I am ascended or ascending? Consider a humorous example about our physical bodies. When I get on an elevator and punch the button for the top floor, the crown of my head gets there before the soles of my feet. But the whole body will get there unless some strange loss of integrity or tragic dismemberment takes place. So in an analogous way it is with Jesus’ Jesus mystical body. In Christ our head we are already in glory. Some members of his body have already gotten there. We who come later will get there too, provided we stay a member of the Body. Yes we are already ascended in Christ our head. We are already enthroned in glory with him, if we hold fast and stay a member of his Body. This is the fellowship of the Ascension.

III. The Fruitfulness of the Ascension – Jesus does not return to heaven to abandon us. He is more present to us than we are to ourselves. He is with us always to the end of the age (cf Matt 28:20). But in Ascending, without abandoning us, he goes to procure so very important things. Consider four of them:

A. Holy Ghost power – Jesus teaches very clearly that he is ascending in order to send us the Holy Spirit: Nevertheless I tell you the truth: it is to your advantage that I go away, for if I do not go away, the Counselor will not come to you; but if I go, I will send him to you (Jn 16:7ff) He also says, These things I have spoken to you, while I am still with you. But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you (Jn 14:25ff). And yet again, I still have many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth, for he will not speak on his own authority, but whatever he hears he will speak, and he will declare to you the things that are to come (Jn 16:13-14). So the Lord goes, that he might, with the Father, send the Holy Spirit to live within us as in a temple. In this way, and through the Eucharist, he will dwell with us even more intimately than when he walked this earth.

B. Harvest – Jesus says, And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me (John 12:32). While the immediate context of this verse is the crucifixion, the wonder of John’s gospel is that is that he often intends double meanings. Clearly Christ’s glorification is his crucifixion, but it also includes his resurrection and ascension. So, from his place in glory, Christ is drawing all people to himself. He is also bestowing grace on us from his Father’s right hand to be his co-workers in the harvest: But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria and to the end of the earth (Acts 1:8). Yes, from his place in glory, Christ is bringing in a great harvest, as he said in Scripture: Do you not say, ‘Four months more and then the harvest’? I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest. Even now the reaper draws his wages, even now he harvests the crop for eternal life, so that the sower and the reaper may be glad together. Thus the saying ‘One sows and another reaps’ is true. I sent you to reap what you have not worked for. Others have done the hard work, and you have reaped the benefits of their labor.” (Jn 4:35-38). Harvest! And it is the Lord’s work from heaven in which we participate.

C. Help – At the Father’s right hand Jesus intercedes for us. Scripture says, Consequently he is able, for all time, to save those who draw near to God through him, since he lives always to make intercession for them (Heb 7:25). The Lord links his ascension to an unleashing of special power: Amen, amen, I say to you, he who believes in me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will he do, because I go to the Father. Whatever you ask in my name, I will do it, that the Father may be glorified in the Son (Jn 14:12).

It is true, we must not understand asking in the name of Jesus as a mere incantation, for to ask in his Name means to ask in accord with his will. And yet, we must come to experience the power of Jesus to draw us up to great and wondrous things in his sight. Despite the mystery of iniquity all about us, we trust that Christ is conquering, even in the puzzling and apparent victories of this world’s rebellion. We read, In putting everything under him, God left nothing that is not subject to him. Though, at present we do not see everything subject to him, yet we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels, now crowned with glory and honor….so that by his death he might destroy him who holds the power of death—that is, the devil— and free those who all their lives were held in slavery by their fear of death (Heb 2:8-9; 14-15). Thus, from heaven we have the help of the Lord’s grace which, if we will accept it, is an ever present help unto our salvation.

D. Habitation – Simply put, Jesus indicates that in going to heaven he is preparing a place for us: In my Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. 3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also (Jn 14:2ff) Yes, indeed, He has the blueprints out, and a hard hat on. He is overseeing the construction of a mansion for each of us that we may dwell with him, the Father and the Spirit forever.

Here then are the ways that Christ, by his love is lifting us higher, than we’ve ever been lifted before. Yes, love lifted me, when nothing else could help, Love lifted me.

25 posted on 05/19/2012 8:19:13 PM PDT by Salvation ("With God all things are possible." Matthew 19:26)
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To: All
Sunday, May 20, 2012
The Ascension of the Lord (Solemnity)
First Reading:
Second Reading:
Acts 1:1-11
Psalm 47:2-3, 6-9
Ephesians 1:17-23 or 4:1-13 or 4:1-7, 11-13
Mark 16:15-20

I see in my neighbor the Person of Jesus Christ.

-- St. Gerard Majella

26 posted on 05/19/2012 8:21:14 PM PDT by Salvation ("With God all things are possible." Matthew 19:26)
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Regina Coeli


This prayer, which dates from the twelfth century, is substituted for the Angelus during Easter Season.

Glory to God in the highest!

In Latin

In English

Regina coeli, laetare, alleluia: Quia quem meruisti portare, alleluia. Resurrexit sicut dixit, alleluia. Ora pro nobis Deum, alleluia.


V. Gaude et laetare, Virgo Maria, Alleluia,

R. Quia surrexit Dominus vere, alleluia.


Oremus: Deus qui per resurrectionem Filii tui, Domini nostri Iesu Christi, mundum laetificare dignatus es: praesta, quaesumus, ut per eius Genetricem Virginem Mariam, perpetuae capiamus gaudia vitae. Per eundem Christum Dominum nostrum.

R. Amen.

Queen of Heaven rejoice, alleluia: For He whom you merited to bear, alleluia, Has risen as He said, alleluia. Pray for us to God, alleluia.


V. Rejoice and be glad, O Virgin Mary, alleluia.

R. Because the Lord is truly risen, alleluia.


Let us pray: O God, who by the Resurrection of Thy Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, granted joy to the whole world: grant we beseech Thee, that through the intercession of the Virgin Mary, His Mother, we may lay hold of the joys of eternal life. Through the same Christ our Lord.

R. Amen.

27 posted on 05/19/2012 8:22:20 PM PDT by Salvation ("With God all things are possible." Matthew 19:26)
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Office of Readings

The texts for the Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord follow those for the Seventh Sunday of Easter. Please scroll down for the Ascension texts.


The Invitatory may be said for the first ‘hour’ recited in the day.

Lord, + open my lips.
And my mouth will proclaim your praise.

Ant. Come, let us adore Christ the Lord who promised to send the Holy Spirit on his people, alleluia.

Psalm 95
A call to praise God

Encourage each other daily while it is still today (Hebrews 3:13).

Come, let us sing to the Lord *
   and shout with joy to the Rock who saves us.
Let us approach him with praise and thanksgiving *
   and sing joyful songs to the Lord.

Ant. Come, let us adore Christ the Lord who promised to send the Holy Spirit on his people, alleluia.

The Lord is God, the mighty God, *
   the great king over all the gods.
He holds in his hands the depths of the earth *
   and the highest mountains as well.
He made the sea; it belongs to him, *
   the dry land, too, for it was formed by his hands.

Ant. Come, let us adore Christ the Lord who promised to send the Holy Spirit on his people, alleluia.

Come, then, let us bow down and worship *
   bending the knee before the Lord, our maker.
For he is our God and we are his people, *
   the flock he shepherds.

Ant. Come, let us adore Christ the Lord who promised to send the Holy Spirit on his people, alleluia.

Today, listen to the voice of the Lord:
Do not grow stubborn, as your fathers did
   in the wilderness, *
when at Meriba and Massah
   they challenged me and provoked me, *
Although they had seen all of my works.

Ant. Come, let us adore Christ the Lord who promised to send the Holy Spirit on his people, alleluia.

Forty years I endured that generation. *
I said, “They are a people whose hearts go astray
   and they do not know my ways.”
So I swore in my anger, *
   “They shall not enter into my rest.”

Ant. Come, let us adore Christ the Lord who promised to send the Holy Spirit on his people, alleluia.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, *
and to the Holy Spirit:
as it was in the beginning, is now, *
and will be for ever. Amen.

Ant. Come, let us adore Christ the Lord who promised to send the Holy Spirit on his people, alleluia.

If the Invitatory is not said, then the following is used:

God, + come to my assistance.
Lord, make haste to help me.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit:
as it was in the beginning, is now, and will be for ever. Amen. Alleluia.


Christ the Lord is ris’n today;
Christians, haste your vows to pay;
Offer you your praises meet
At the Paschal Victim’s feet.
For the sheep the Lamb has bled,
Sinless in the sinner’s stead;
Christ, the Lord, is ris’n on high,
Now he lives no more to die!

Christ, the Victim undefiled,
Man to God has reconciled;
When in strange and awful strife
Met together death and life;
Christians, on this happy day
Haste with joy your vows to pay.
Christ, the Lord, is ris’n on high,
Now he lives no more to die!

Christ, who once for sinners bled,
Now the firstborn from the dead,
Throned in endless might and power,
Lives and reigns forevermore.
Hail, eternal Hope on high!
Hail, our King of Victory!
Hail, our Prince of life adored!
Help and save us, gracious Lord.

Tune: Victimae Paschali Laudes 77.77 D
Music: Traditional, alt.
Text: Victimae Paschali Laudes, Wipo, eleventh century


The day of resurrection!
Earth spread the news abroad;
The Paschal feast of gladness,
The Paschal feast of God.
From death to life eternal,
From earth to heaven’s height
Our Savior Christ has brought us,
The glorious Lord of Light.

Our hearts be free from evil
That we may see aright
The Savior resurrected
In his eternal light;
And hear his message plainly,
Delivered calm and clear:
“Rejoice with me in triumph,
Be glad and do not fear.”

Now let the heav’ns be joyful,
And earth her song begin,
The whole world keep high triumph
And all that is therein;
Let all things in creation
Their notes of gladness blend,
For Christ the Lord has risen,
Our joy that has no end.

Tune: Ellacombe or Aurelia 76.76 D
Music: (Ellacombe) Wurtemburg Gesangbuch, 1784, adapted in the Mainz Gesangbuch, 1833, and further adapted in the St. Gall Gesangbuch, 1863; (Aurelia) S. S. Wesley, 1810-1876
Text: John Mason Neale, 1818-1866, adapted by Anthony G. Petti


Ant. 1 Alleluia, God has raised up Christ from the dead and given him glory, alleluia.

Psalm 145
Praise of God’s majesty

Lord, you are the Just One, who was and who is (Revelation 16:5).


I will give you glory, O God my King, *
I will bless your name forever.

I will bless you day after day *
and praise your name for ever.
The Lord is great, highly to be praised, *
his greatness cannot be measured.

Age to age shall proclaim your works, *
shall declare your mighty deeds,
shall speak of your splendor and glory, *
tell the tale of your wonderful works.

They will speak of your terrible deeds, *
recount your greatness and might.
They will recall your abundant goodness; *
age to age shall ring out your justice.

The Lord is kind and full of compassion, *
slow to anger, abounding in love.
How good is the Lord to all, *
compassionate to all his creatures.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, *
and to the Holy Spirit:
as it was in the beginning, is now, *
and will be for ever. Amen.

Ant. Alleluia, God has raised up Christ from the dead and given him glory, alleluia.

Ant. 2 Alleluia, praise be to you, O Lord, beyond the highest heavens, alleluia.


All your creatures shall thank you, O Lord, *
and your friends shall repeat their blessing.
They shall speak of the glory of your reign *
and declare your might, O God,

to make known to men your mighty deeds *
and the glorious splendor of your reign.
Yours is an everlasting kingdom; *
your rule lasts from age to age.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, *
and to the Holy Spirit:
as it was in the beginning, is now, *
and will be for ever. Amen.

Ant. Alleluia, praise be to you, O Lord, beyond the highest heavens, alleluia.

Ant. 3 Alleluia, all power in heaven and on earth has been given to me, alleluia.


The Lord is faithful in all his words *
and loving in all his deeds.
The Lord supports all who fall *
and raises all who are bowed down.

The eyes of all creatures look to you *
and you give them their food in due time.
You open wide your hand, *
grant the desires of all who live.

The Lord is just in all his ways *
and loving in all his deeds.
He is close to all who call him, *
who call on him from their hearts.

He grants the desires of those who fear him, *
he hears their cry and he saves them.
The Lord protects all who love him; *
but the wicked he will utterly destroy.

Let me speak the praise of the Lord,
let all mankind bless his holy name *
for ever, for ages unending.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, *
and to the Holy Spirit:
as it was in the beginning, is now, *
and will be for ever. Amen.

Psalm Prayer

Lord, be near to all who call upon you in truth and increase the dedication of those who revere you. Hear their prayers and save them, that we may always love and praise your holy name.

Ant. Alleluia, all power in heaven and on earth has been given to me, alleluia.

My whole body rejoices, alleluia.
With all my strength I will praise my God, alleluia.



From the book of Revelation

The Lamb opens the seals of the book of God

I, John, watched while the Lamb broke open the first of the seven seals, and I heard one of the four living creatures cry out in a voice like thunder, “Come forward!” To my surprise I saw a white horse; its rider had a bow, and he was given a crown. He rode forth victorious, to conquer yet again.

When the Lamb broke open the second seal, I heard the second living creature cry out, “Come forward!” Another horse came forth, a red one. Its rider was given power to rob the earth of peace by allowing men to slaughter one another. For this he was given a huge sword.

When the Lamb broke open the third seal, I heard the third living creature cry out, “Come forward!” This time I saw a black horse, the rider of which held a pair of scales in his hand. I heard what seemed to be a voice coming from in among the four living creatures. It said: “A day’s pay for a ration of wheat and the same for three of barley! But spare the olive oil and the wine!”

When the Lamb broke open the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth living creature cry out, “Come forward!” Now I saw a horse sickly green in color. Its rider was named Death, and the nether world was in his train. These four were given authority over one quarter of the earth, to kill with sword and famine and plague and the wild beasts of the earth.

When the Lamb broke open the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the spirits of those who had been martyred because of the witness they bore to the word of God. They cried out at the top of their voices: “How long will it be, O Master, holy and true, before you judge our cause and avenge our blood among the inhabitants of the earth?” Each of the martyrs was given a long white robe, and they were told to be patient a little while longer until the quota was filled of their fellow servants and brothers to be slain, as they had been.

When I saw the Lamb break open the sixth seal, there was a violent earthquake; the sun turned black as a goat’s hair tentcloth and the moon grew red as blood. The stars in the sky fell crashing to earth like figs shaken loose by a mighty wind. Then the sky disappeared as if it were a scroll being rolled up; every mountain and island was uprooted from its base. The kings of the earth, the nobles and those in command, the wealthy and powerful, the slave and the free—all hid themselves in caves and mountain crags. They cried out to the mountains and rocks, “Fall on us! Hide us from the face of the One who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb! The great day of their vengeance has come. Who can withstand it?”

Revelation 6:9, 10, 11

I heard the voices of those who had been slain
crying out from under the altar:
Why do you not avenge our blood?
The Lord answered:
Be patient a little while longer
until the full number of your brothers joins you, alleluia.

They were given white robes to wear
and he said to them:
Be patient a little while longer
until the full number of your brothers joins you, alleluia.


From the first apology in defense of the Christians by Saint Justin, martyr
(Cap. 66-67: PB 6, 427-431)

The celebration of the eucharist

No one may share the eucharist with us unless he believes that what we teach is true, unless he is washed in the regenerating waters of baptism for the remission of his sins, and unless he lives in accordance with the principles given us by Christ.

We do not consume the eucharistic bread and wine as if it were ordinary food and drink, for we have been taught that as Jesus Christ our Savior became a man of flesh and blood by the power of the Word of God, so also the food that our flesh and blood assimilates for its nourishment becomes the flesh and blood of the incarnate Jesus by the power of his own words contained in the prayer of thanksgiving.

The apostles, in their recollections, which are called gospels, handed down to us what Jesus commanded them to do. They tell us that he took bread, gave thanks and said: Do this in memory of me. This is my body. In the same way he took the cup, he gave thanks and said: This is my blood. The Lord gave this command to them alone. Ever since then we have constantly reminded one another of these things. The rich among us help the poor and we are always united. For all that we receive we praise the Creator of the universe through his Son Jesus Christ and through the Holy Spirit.

On Sunday we have a common assembly of all our members, whether they live in the city or the outlying districts. The recollections of the apostles or the writings of the prophets are read, as long as there is time. When the reader has finished, the president of the assembly speaks to us; he urges everyone to imitate the examples of virtue we have heard in the readings. Then we all stand up together and pray.

On the conclusion of our prayer, bread and wine and water are brought forward. The president offers prayers and gives thanks to the best of his ability, and the people give assent by saying, “Amen.” The eucharist is distributed, everyone present communicates, and the deacons take it to those who are absent.

The wealthy, if they wish, may make a contribution, and they themselves decide the amount. The collection is placed in the custody of the president, who uses it to help the orphans and widows and all who for any reason are in distress, whether because they are sick, in prison, or away from home. In a word, he takes care of all who are in need.

We hold our common assembly on Sunday because it is the first day of the week, the day on which God put darkness and chaos to flight and created the world, and because on that same day our savior Jesus Christ rose from the dead. For he was crucified on Friday and on Sunday he appeared to his apostles and disciples and taught them the things that we have passed on for your consideration.


When he was about to pass from this world to the Father,
Jesus established a memorial of his death:
he gave us the sacrament of his body and blood, alleluia.

He gave us his body as food, his blood as drink,
and he said:
Do this in memory of me.
He gave us the sacrament of his body and blood, alleluia.

If the Optional Vigil is not celebrated the Office continues with the Te Deum.



Ant. Come, let us worship the Lord who has risen from the dead; through his cross joy came into the world, alleluia.

Canticle I: Isaiah 63:1-5
The Lord alone has triumphed over the enemy

By the blood of the Lamb they defeated the dragon (see Revelation 12:11).

Who is this that comes from Edom, *
in crimsoned garments, from Bozrah—
This one arrayed in majesty, *
marching in the greatness of his strength?

“It is I, I who announce vindication, *
I who am mighty to save.”
Why is your apparel red, *
and your garments like those of the wine presser?

“The wine press I have trodden alone, *
and of my people there was no one with me.
I trod them in my anger, *
and trampled them down in my wrath;
their blood spurted on my garments; *
all my apparel I stained.

For the day of vengeance was in my heart, *
my year for redeeming was at hand.
I looked about, but there was no one to help, *
I was appalled that there was no one to lend support;
so my own arm brought about the victory *
and my own wrath lent me its support.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, *
and to the Holy Spirit:
as it was in the beginning, is now, *
and will be for ever. Amen.

Canticle II: Hosea 6:1-6
The Lord is compassionate; he desires mercy and not sacrifice

On the third day Christ rose from the dead in accordance with the Scriptures (1 Corinthians 15:4)

Come, let us return to the Lord,
for it is he who has rent, but he will heal us; *
he has struck us, but he will bind our wounds.

He will revive us after two days;
on the third day he will raise us up, *
to live in his presence.

Let us know, let us strive to know the Lord;
as certain as the dawn is his coming, *
and his judgment shines forth like the light of day!

He will come to us like the rain, *
like spring rain that waters the earth.

What can I do with you, Ephraim? *
What can I do with you, Judah?
Your piety is like a morning cloud, *
like the dew that early passes away.

For this reason I smote them through the prophets, *
I slew them by the words of my mouth;
for it is love that I desire, not sacrifice, *
and knowledge of God rather than holocausts.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, *
and to the Holy Spirit:
as it was in the beginning, is now, *
and will be for ever. Amen.

Canticle III: Zephaniah 3:8-13
In the end the remnant of Israel will be saved

Isaiah proclaimed this about Israel: Though the Israelites be as numerous as the sands of the sea, only a remnant will be saved (Romans 9:27).

Wait for me, says the Lord, *
against the day when I arise as accuser;
for it is my decision to gather together the nations, *
to assemble the kingdoms,

in order to pour out upon them my wrath, *
all my blazing anger;
for in the fire of my jealousy *
shall all the earth be consumed.

For then I will change and purify *
the lips of the peoples,
that they all may call upon the name of the Lord, *
to serve him with one accord;

from beyond the rivers of Ethiopia
and as far as the recesses of the North, *
they shall bring me offerings.

On that day *
you need not be ashamed
of all your deeds, *
your rebellious actions against me;

for then will I remove from your midst *
the proud braggarts,
and you shall no longer exalt yourself *
on my holy mountain.

But I will leave as a remnant in your midst *
a people humble and lowly,
who shall take refuge in the name of the Lord: *
the remnant of Israel.

They shall do no wrong *
and speak no lies;
nor shall there be found in their mouths *
a deceitful tongue;
they shall pasture and couch their flocks *
with none to disturb them.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, *
and to the Holy Spirit:
as it was in the beginning, is now, *
and will be for ever. Amen.

Ant. Come, let us worship the Lord who has risen from the dead; through his cross joy came into the world, alleluia.


+ A reading from the holy Gospel according to John

The appearance of Jesus after eight days.

On the evening of that first day of the week, even though the disciples had locked the doors of the place where they were for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood before them. “Peace be with you,” he said. When he had said this, he showed them his hands and his side. At the sight of the Lord the disciples rejoiced. “Peace be with you,” he said again.

   “As the Father has sent me,
   so I send you.”

   Then he breathed on them and said:

   “Receive the Holy Spirit.
   If you forgive men’s sins,
   they are forgiven them;
   if you hold them bound,
   they are held bound.”

It happened that one of the Twelve, Thomas (the name means “Twin”), was absent when Jesus came. The other disciples kept telling him: “We have seen the Lord!” His answer was, “I’ll never believe it without probing the nail-prints in his hands, without putting my finger in the nail-marks and my hand into his side.”

A week later, the disciples were once more in the room, and this time Thomas was with them. Despite the locked doors, Jesus came and stood before them. “Peace be with you,” he said; then, to Thomas: “Take your finger and examine my hands. Put your hand into my side. Do not persist in your unbelief, but believe!” Thomas said in response, “My Lord and my God!”

Jesus then said to him:
   “You became a believer because you saw me.
   Blest are they who have not seen and have believed.”

Jesus performed many other signs as well—signs not recorded here—in the presence of his disciples. But these have been recorded to help you believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, so that through this faith you may have life in his name.

A homily on the Gospel may be given.


You are God: we praise you;
You are the Lord: we acclaim you;
You are the eternal Father:
All creation worships you.

To you all angels, all the powers of heaven,
Cherubim and Seraphim, sing in endless praise:
   Holy, holy, holy Lord, God of power and might,
   heaven and earth are full of your glory.

The glorious company of apostles praise you.
The noble fellowship of prophets praise you.
The white-robed army of martyrs praise you.

Throughout the world the holy Church acclaims you:
   Father, of majesty unbounded,
   your true and only Son, worthy of all worship,
   and the Holy Spirit, advocate and guide.

You, Christ, are the king of glory,
the eternal Son of the Father.

When you became man to set us free
you did not shun the Virgin’s womb.

You overcame the sting of death,
and opened the kingdom of heaven to all believers.

You are seated at God’s right hand in glory.
We believe that you will come, and be our judge.

Come then, Lord, and help your people,
bought with the price of your own blood,
and bring us with your saints
to glory everlasting.

V. Save your people, Lord, and bless your inheritance.
R. Govern and uphold them now and always.
V. Day by day we bless you.
R. We praise your name for ever.
V. Keep us today, Lord, from all sin.
R. Have mercy on us, Lord, have mercy.
V. Lord, show us your love and mercy;
R. for we put our trust in you.
V. In you, Lord, is our hope:
R. and we shall never hope in vain.

The concluding part of the hymn may be omitted


Let us pray.

help us keep in mind that Christ our Savior
lives with you in glory
and promised to remain with us until the end of time.
We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever.


May your people exult for ever, O God,
in renewed youthfulness of spirit,
so that, rejoicing now in the restored glory of our adoption,
we may look forward in confident hope
to the rejoicing of the day of resurrection.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever.


Let us praise the Lord.
And give him thanks.

If the Ascension is celebrated, the following is used:


The Invitatory may be said for the first ‘hour’ recited in the day.

Lord, + open my lips.
And my mouth will proclaim your praise.

Ant. Alleluia, come, let us worship Christ the Lord as he ascends into heaven, alleluia.

Psalm 95
A call to praise God

Encourage each other daily while it is still today (Hebrews 3:13).

Come, let us sing to the Lord *
  and shout with joy to the Rock who saves us.
Let us approach him with praise and thanksgiving *
  and sing joyful songs to the Lord.

Ant. Alleluia, come, let us worship Christ the Lord as he ascends into heaven, alleluia.

The Lord is God, the mighty God, *
  the great king over all the gods.
He holds in his hands the depths of the earth *
  and the highest mountains as well.
He made the sea; it belongs to him, *
  the dry land, too, for it was formed by his hands.

Ant. Alleluia, come, let us worship Christ the Lord as he ascends into heaven, alleluia.

Come, then, let us bow down and worship *
  bending the knee before the Lord, our maker.
For he is our God and we are his people, *
  the flock he shepherds.

Ant. Alleluia, come, let us worship Christ the Lord as he ascends into heaven, alleluia.

Today, listen to the voice of the Lord: *
Do not grow stubborn, as your fathers did
  in the wilderness,
when at Meriba and Massah
  they challenged me and provoked me, *
Although they had seen all of my works.

Ant. Alleluia, come, let us worship Christ the Lord as he ascends into heaven, alleluia.

Forty years I endured that generation.
I said, “They are a people whose hearts go astray *
  and they do not know my ways.”
So I swore in my anger, *
  “They shall not enter into my rest.”

Ant. Alleluia, come, let us worship Christ the Lord as he ascends into heaven, alleluia.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, *
and to the Holy Spirit:
as it was in the beginning, is now, *
and will be for ever. Amen.

Ant. Alleluia, come, let us worship Christ the Lord as he ascends into heaven, alleluia.

If the Invitatory is not said, then the following is used:

God, + come to my assistance.
Lord, make haste to help me.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit:
as it was in the beginning, is now, and will be for ever. Amen. Alleluia.


Greeting the dawn of this great feast
Our hearts are filled with joy today,
When we recall how Christ our God
Ascended to his realms of light.

Winner for ever in the strife
Against the prince of death and sin,
Glory of all creation’s hope,
Before the Father’s face he stands.

Brightest of clouds hid him from sight,
But pledge remained of life to come,
Since Paradise can now be ours
Which our first parents host by sin.

Greatest of joys mankind can claim,
That he whom holy Mary bore,
Reigns at his Father’s side in pow’r,
His Cross and bitter Passion past.

Saving Avenger of our race,
To him our grateful hearts we raise;
In his immortal deity
Our mortal nature dwells on high.

We have a lasting cause for joy,
Which all the saints and angels share;
Theirs is the bliss of seeing him,
And we still know that he is near.

Jesus, in splendor bright enthroned,
Keep all our hearts at rest in you,
Sending your Spirit down to us,
To teach the Father’s love for all. Amen.

Melody: Duke Street, L.M.
Music: John Hatton, ca. 1710-1793
Text: Optatus votis omnium. © Benedictines of St. Cecilia’s Abbey, Ryde, UK. Used with permission.     .


Ant. 1 Sing to God, sing psalms to his name, make a path for him who rides high above the clouds, alleluia.

Psalm 68
The Lord’s triumphant entrance into his sanctuary

Ascending on high he led captivity captive, and gave gifts to men (Ephesians 4:10).


Let God arise, let his foes be scattered. *
Let those who hate him flee before him.
As smoke is blown away so will they be blown away;
like wax that melts before the fire, *
so the wicked shall perish at the presence of God.

But the just shall rejoice at the presence of God, *
they shall exult and dance for joy.
O sing to the Lord, make music to his name;
make a highway for him who rides on the clouds. *
Rejoice in the Lord, exult at his presence.

Father of the orphan, defender of the widow, *
such is God in his holy place.
God gives the lonely a home to live in;
he leads the prisoners forth into freedom; *
but rebels must dwell in a parched land.

When you went forth, O God, at the head of your people, *
when you marched across the desert, the earth trembled:
the heavens melted at the presence of God, *
at the presence of God, Israel’s God.

You poured down, O God, a generous rain; *
when your people were starved you gave them new life.
It was there that your people found a home, *
prepared in your goodness, O God, for the poor.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, *
and to the Holy Spirit:
as it was in the beginning, is now, *
and will be for ever. Amen.

Ant. Sing to God, sing psalms to his name, make a path for him who rides high above the clouds, alleluia.

Ant. 2 The Lord God ascended on high; he has led captivity captive, alleluia.


The Lord gives the word to the bearers of good tidings: *
The Almighty has defeated a numberless army
and king sand armies are in flight, in flight *
while you were at rest among the sheepfolds.

At home the women already share the spoil. *
They are covered with silver as the wings of a dove,
its feathers brilliant with shining gold *
and jewels flashing like snow on Mount Zalmon.

The mountains of Bashan are mighty mountains; *
high-ridged mountains are the mountains of Bashan.
Why look with envy, you high-ridged mountains,
at the mountain where God has chosen to dwell? *
It is there that the Lord shall dwell for ever.

The chariots of God are thousands upon thousands. *
The Lord has come from Sinai to the holy place.
You have gone up on high; you have taken captives,
receiving men and women in tribute, O God, *
even those who rebel, into your dwelling, O Lord.

May the Lord be blessed day after day. *
He bears our burdens, God our savior;
this God of ours is a God who saves. *
The Lord our God holds the keys of death.
And God will smite the head of his foes, *
the crown of those who persist in their sins.

The Lord said: “I will bring them back from Bashan; *
I will bring them back from the depth of the sea.
Then your feet will tread in their blood *
and the tongues of your dogs take their share of the foe.”

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, *
and to the Holy Spirit:
as it was in the beginning, is now, *
and will be for ever. Amen.

Ant. The Lord God ascended on high; he has led captivity captive, alleluia.

Ant. 3 They see your procession, O God, the procession of my God and king to the sanctuary, alleluia.


They see your solemn procession, O God, *
the procession of my God, of my king, to the sanctuary:
the singers in the forefront, the musicians coming last, *
between them, maidens sounding their timbrels.

“In festive gatherings, bless the Lord; *
bless God, O you who are Israel’s sons.”
There is Benjamin, least of the tribes, at the head,
Judah’s princes, a mighty throng, *
Zebulun’s princes, Naphtali’s princes.

Show forth, O God, show forth your might, *
your might, O God, which you have shown for us.
For the sake of your temple high in Jerusalem *
may nations come to you bringing their tribute.

Threaten the wild beast that dwells in the reeds, *
the bands of the mighty and lords of the peoples.
Let them bow down offering silver. *
Scatter the peoples who delight in war.
Princes will make their way from Egypt; *
Ethiopia will stretch out her hands to God.

Kingdoms of the earth, sing to God, praise the Lord *
who rides on the heavens, the ancient heavens.
He thunders his voice, his mighty voice. *
Come, acknowledge the power of God.

His glory is on Israel; his might is in the skies. *
God is to be feared in his holy place.
He is the Lord, Israel’s God. *
He gives strength and power to his people.

Blessed be God!

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, *
and to the Holy Spirit:
as it was in the beginning, is now, *
and will be for ever. Amen.

Psalm Prayer

Lord Jesus Christ, King of the universe, you have given us joy in your holy meal. Help us to understand the significance of your death and to acknowledge you as the conqueror of death seated at the right hand of the Father.

Ant. They see your procession, O God, the procession of my God and king to the sanctuary, alleluia.

The Lord opened their minds, alleluia.
That they might understand the Scriptures, alleluia.



From the letter of the apostle Paul to the Ephesians

He ascended to heaven and led captivity captive

I plead with you, as a prisoner for the Lord, to live a life worthy of the calling you have received, with perfect humility, meekness, and patience, bearing with one another lovingly. Make every effort to preserve the unity which has the Spirit as its origin and peace as its binding force. There is but one body and one Spirit, just as there is but one hope given all of you by your call. There is one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is over all, and works through all, and is in all.

Each of us has received God’s favor in the measure in which Christ bestows it. Thus you find Scripture saying:

   “When he ascended on high, he took a host of captives
   and gave gifts to men.”

“He ascended”—what does this mean but that he had first descended into the lower regions of the earth? He who descended is the very one who ascended high above the heavens, that he might fill all men with his gifts.

It is he who gave apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers in roles of service for the faithful to build up the body of Christ, till we become one in faith and in the knowledge of God’s Son, and form that perfect man who is Christ come to full stature.

Let us, then, be children no longer, tossed here and there, carried about by every wind of doctrine that originates in human trickery and skill in proposing error. Rather, let us profess the truth in love and grow to the full maturity of Christ the head. Through him the whole body grows, and with the proper functioning of the members joined firmly together by each supporting ligament, builds itself up in love.

I declare and solemnly attest in the Lord that you must no longer live as the pagans do—their minds empty, their understanding darkened. They are estranged from a life in God because of their ignorance and their resistance; without remorse they have abandoned themselves to lust and the indulgence of every sort of lewd conduct.

That is not what you learned when you learned Christ! I am supposing, of course, that he has been preached and taught to you in accord with the truth that is in Jesus: namely, that you must lay aside your former way of life and the old self which deteriorates through illusion and desire, and acquire a fresh, spiritual way of thinking. You must put on that new man created in God’s image, whose justice and holiness are born of truth.

Ephesians 4:8; Psalms 68:19; Psalms 47:6

When Christ ascended on high,
he led captivity captive,
he gave gifts to men, alleluia.

God ascends to shouts of joy,
the Lord to the blasts of trumpets.
He gave gifts to men, alleluia.


From a sermon by Saint Augustine, bishop
(Sermo de Ascensione Domini, Mai 98, 1-2: PLS 2, 494-495)

No one has ever ascended into heaven except the one who descended from heaven

Today our Lord Jesus Christ ascended into heaven; let our hearts ascend with him. Listen to the words of the Apostle: If you have risen with Christ, set your hearts on the things that are above where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God; seek the things that are above, not the things that are on earth. For just as he remained with us even after his ascension, so we too are already in heaven with him, even though what is promised us has not yet been fulfilled in our bodies.

Christ is now exalted above the heavens, but he still suffers on earth all the pain that we, the members of his body, have to bear. He showed this when he cried out from above: Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me? and when he said: I was hungry and you gave me food.

Why do we on earth not strive to find rest with him in heaven even now, through the faith, hope and love that unites us to him? While in heaven he is also with us; and we while on earth are with him. He is here with us by his divinity, his power and his love. We cannot be in heaven, as he is on earth, by divinity, but in him, we can be there by love.

He did not leave heaven when he came down to us; nor did he withdraw from us when he went up again into heaven. The fact that he was in heaven even while he was on earth is borne out by his own statement: No one has ever ascended into heaven except the one who descended from heaven, the Son of Man, who is in heaven.

These words are explained by our oneness with Christ, for he is our head and we are his body. No one ascended into heaven except Christ because we also are Christ: he is the Son of Man by his union with us, and we by our union with him are the sons of God. So the Apostle says: Just as the human body, which has many members, is a unity, because all the different members make one body, so is it also with Christ. He too has many members, but one body.

Out of compassion for us he descended from heaven, and although he ascended alone, we also ascend, because we are in him by grace. Thus, no one but Christ descended and no one but Christ ascended; not because there is no distinction between the head and the body, but because the body as a unity cannot be separated from the head.

Acts 1:3, 9, 4

During the forty days after his passion,
he appeared to them and spoke with them about the kingdom of God.
As they watched, he was lifted up,
and a cloud took him from their sight, alleluia.

While he was with them,
he told them not to leave Jerusalem,
but to wait there for the fulfillment of the Father’s promise.
As they watched, he was lifted up,
and a cloud took him from their sight, alleluia.

If the Optional Vigil is not celebrated the Office continues with the Te Deum.



Ant. Come, let us worship the Lord who has risen from the dead; through his cross joy came into the world, alleluia.

Canticle I: Isaiah 63:1-5
The Lord alone has triumphed over the enemy

By the blood of the Lamb they defeated the dragon (see Revelation 12:11).

Who is this that comes from Edom, *
in crimsoned garments, from Bozrah—
This one arrayed in majesty, *
marching in the greatness of his strength?

“It is I, I who announce vindication, *
I who am mighty to save.”
Why is your apparel red, *
and your garments like those of the wine presser?

“The wine press I have trodden alone, *
and of my people there was no one with me.
I trod them in my anger, *
and trampled them down in my wrath;
their blood spurted on my garments; *
all my apparel I stained.

For the day of vengeance was in my heart, *
my year for redeeming was at hand.
I looked about, but there was no one to help, *
I was appalled that there was no one to lend support;
so my own arm brought about the victory *
and my own wrath lent me its support.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, *
and to the Holy Spirit:
as it was in the beginning, is now, *
and will be for ever. Amen.

Canticle II: Hosea 6:1-6
The Lord is compassionate; he desires mercy and not sacrifice

On the third day Christ rose from the dead in accordance with the Scriptures (1 Corinthians 15:4)

Come, let us return to the Lord,
for it is he who has rent, but he will heal us; *
he has struck us, but he will bind our wounds.

He will revive us after two days;
on the third day he will raise us up, *
to live in his presence.

Let us know, let us strive to know the Lord;
as certain as the dawn is his coming, *
and his judgment shines forth like the light of day!

He will come to us like the rain, *
like spring rain that waters the earth.

What can I do with you, Ephraim? *
What can I do with you, Judah?
Your piety is like a morning cloud, *
like the dew that early passes away.

For this reason I smote them through the prophets, *
I slew them by the words of my mouth;
for it is love that I desire, not sacrifice, *
and knowledge of God rather than holocausts.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, *
and to the Holy Spirit:
as it was in the beginning, is now, *
and will be for ever. Amen.

Canticle III: Zephaniah 3:8-13
In the end the remnant of Israel will be saved

Isaiah proclaimed this about Israel: Though the Israelites be as numerous as the sands of the sea, only a remnant will be saved (Romans 9:27).

Wait for me, says the Lord, *
against the day when I arise as accuser;
for it is my decision to gather together the nations, *
to assemble the kingdoms,

in order to pour out upon them my wrath, *
all my blazing anger;
for in the fire of my jealousy *
shall all the earth be consumed.

For then I will change and purify *
the lips of the peoples,
that they all may call upon the name of the Lord, *
to serve him with one accord;

from beyond the rivers of Ethiopia
and as far as the recesses of the North, *
they shall bring me offerings.

On that day *
you need not be ashamed
of all your deeds, *
your rebellious actions against me;

for then will I remove from your midst *
the proud braggarts,
and you shall no longer exalt yourself *
on my holy mountain.

But I will leave as a remnant in your midst *
a people humble and lowly,
who shall take refuge in the name of the Lord: *
the remnant of Israel.

They shall do no wrong *
and speak no lies;
nor shall there be found in their mouths *
a deceitful tongue;
they shall pasture and couch their flocks *
with none to disturb them.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, *
and to the Holy Spirit:
as it was in the beginning, is now, *
and will be for ever. Amen.

Ant. Come, let us worship the Lord who has risen from the dead; through his cross joy came into the world, alleluia.


A reading from the conclusion of the holy Gospel according to Matthew

All power in heaven and earth has been given to me.

The eleven disciples went to Galilee,
   to the mountain to which Jesus had ordered them.
When they saw him, they worshiped, but they doubted.
Then Jesus approached and said to them,
   “All power in heaven and on earth has been given to me.
Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations,
   baptizing them in the name of the Father,
   and of the Son, and of the holy Spirit,
   teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.
And behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age.”


+ A reading from the conclusion of the holy Gospel according to Luke

As he blessed them, he was taken up to heaven.

Jesus said to his disciples:
“Thus it is written that the Messiah would suffer
   and rise from the dead on the third day
   and that repentance, for the forgiveness of sins,
   would be preached in his name
    to all the nations, beginning from Jerusalem.
You are witnesses of these things.
And behold I am sending the promise of my Father upon you;
   but stay in the city
   until you are clothed with power from on high.”

Then he led them out as far as Bethany,
   raised his hands, and blessed them.
As he blessed them he parted from them
   and was taken up to heaven.
They did him homage
   and then returned to Jerusalem with great joy,
   and they were continually in the temple praising God.

A homily on the Gospel may be given.


You are God: we praise you;
You are the Lord: we acclaim you;
You are the eternal Father:
All creation worships you.

To you all angels, all the powers of heaven,
Cherubim and Seraphim, sing in endless praise:
   Holy, holy, holy Lord, God of power and might,
   heaven and earth are full of your glory.

The glorious company of apostles praise you.
The noble fellowship of prophets praise you.
The white-robed army of martyrs praise you.

Throughout the world the holy Church acclaims you:
   Father, of majesty unbounded,
   your true and only Son, worthy of all worship,
   and the Holy Spirit, advocate and guide.

You, Christ, are the king of glory,
the eternal Son of the Father.

When you became man to set us free
you did not shun the Virgin’s womb.

You overcame the sting of death,
and opened the kingdom of heaven to all believers.

You are seated at God’s right hand in glory.
We believe that you will come, and be our judge.

Come then, Lord, and help your people,
bought with the price of your own blood,
and bring us with your saints
to glory everlasting.

V. Save your people, Lord, and bless your inheritance.
R. Govern and uphold them now and always.
V. Day by day we bless you.
R. We praise your name for ever.
V. Keep us today, Lord, from all sin.
R. Have mercy on us, Lord, have mercy.
V. Lord, show us your love and mercy;
R. for we put our trust in you.
V. In you, Lord, is our hope:
R. and we shall never hope in vain.

The final part of the hymn may be omitted.


Let us pray.

God our Father,
make us joyful in the ascension of your Son Jesus Christ.
May we follow him into the new creation,
for his ascension is our glory and our hope.
We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever.


Gladden us with holy joys, almighty God,
and make us rejoice with devout thanksgiving,
for the Ascension of Christ your Son
is our exaltation,
and, where the Head has gone before us in glory,
the Body is called to follow in hope.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever.


Grant, we pray, almighty God,
that we, who believe that your Only Begotten Son, our Redeemer,
ascended this day to the heavens,
may in spirit dwell already in heavenly realms.
Who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever.


Let us praise the Lord.
And give him thanks.
28 posted on 05/20/2012 3:34:36 AM PDT by markomalley (Nothing emboldens the wicked so greatly as the lack of courage on the part of the good-Pope Leo XIII)
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The texts for the Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord follow those for the Seventh Sunday of Easter. Please scroll down for the Ascension texts.


The Invitatory may be said for the first ‘hour’ recited in the day.

Lord, + open my lips.
And my mouth will proclaim your praise.

Ant. Come, let us adore Christ the Lord who promised to send the Holy Spirit on his people, alleluia.

Psalm 95
A call to praise God

Encourage each other daily while it is still today (Hebrews 3:13).

Come, let us sing to the Lord *
   and shout with joy to the Rock who saves us.
Let us approach him with praise and thanksgiving *
   and sing joyful songs to the Lord.

Ant. Come, let us adore Christ the Lord who promised to send the Holy Spirit on his people, alleluia.

The Lord is God, the mighty God, *
   the great king over all the gods.
He holds in his hands the depths of the earth *
   and the highest mountains as well.
He made the sea; it belongs to him, *
   the dry land, too, for it was formed by his hands.

Ant. Come, let us adore Christ the Lord who promised to send the Holy Spirit on his people, alleluia.

Come, then, let us bow down and worship *
   bending the knee before the Lord, our maker.
For he is our God and we are his people, *
   the flock he shepherds.

Ant. Come, let us adore Christ the Lord who promised to send the Holy Spirit on his people, alleluia.

Today, listen to the voice of the Lord:
Do not grow stubborn, as your fathers did
   in the wilderness, *
when at Meriba and Massah
   they challenged me and provoked me, *
Although they had seen all of my works.

Ant.Come, let us adore Christ the Lord who promised to send the Holy Spirit on his people, alleluia.

Forty years I endured that generation. *
I said, “They are a people whose hearts go astray
   and they do not know my ways.”
So I swore in my anger, *
   “They shall not enter into my rest.”

Ant. Come, let us adore Christ the Lord who promised to send the Holy Spirit on his people, alleluia.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, *
and to the Holy Spirit:
as it was in the beginning, is now, *
and will be for ever. Amen.

Ant. Come, let us adore Christ the Lord who promised to send the Holy Spirit on his people, alleluia.

If the Invitatory is not said, then the following is used:

God, + come to my assistance.
Lord, make haste to help me.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit:
as it was in the beginning, is now, will be for ever. Amen. Alleluia.


Jesus Christ is ris’n today, Alleluia
Our triumphant holy day, Alleluia!
Who did once upon the cross, Alleluia!
Suffer to redeem our loss, Alleluia!

Hymns of praise then let us sing, Alleluia!
Unto Christ our heav’nly King, Alleluia!
Who endured the cross and grave, Alleluia!
Sinners to redeem and save, Alleluia!

But the pains which he endured, Alleluia!
Our salvation have procured, Alleluia!
Now He rules eternal King, Alleluia!
Where the angels ever sing, Alleluia!

Praise to God the Father sing, Alleluia!
Praise to God the Son, our King, Alleluia!
Praise to God the Spirit be, Alleluia!
Now and through eternity, Alleluia!

Tune: Easter Hymn 77.77 with alleluia
Music: Lyra Davidica, 1708
Text: I. Latin Carol, para. In Lyra Davidica, 1708, alt Stanzas 2,3, The Compleat Psalmodist, 1749, alt. St. 4, William Reynolds, 1860


Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia.
Ye sons and daughters, let us sing!
The King of Heav’n, the glorious King,
O’er death today rose triumphing.

Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia.
That Easter morn, at break of day,
The faithful women went their way
To seek the tomb where Jesus lay.

Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia.
An angel clad in white they see,
Who sat, and spoke unto the three,
“Your Lord doth go to Galilee.”

Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia.
On this most holy day of days,
To God your hearts and voices raise,
In laud and jubilee and praise.

Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia.
And we with Holy Church unite,
As evermore is just and right,
In glory to the King of light.

Tune: O Filii et Filiae 88.88 with alleluias.
Music: Seventeenth Century French Proper Melody
Text: Jean Tisserand, d. 1495
Translation: John Mason Neale, 1818-1866, alt.


Ant. 1 The Lord is king, robed in splendor, alleluia.

Psalm 93
Splendor of God the Creator

The Lord our mighty God now reigns supreme; let us rejoice and be glad and give him praise (Revelation 19:6-7).

The Lord is king, with majesty enrobed;
the Lord has robed himself with might, *
he has girded himself with power.

The world you made firm, not to be moved;
your throne has stood firm from of old. *
From all eternity, O Lord, you are.

The waters have lifted up, O Lord,
the waters have lifted up their voice, *
the waters have lifted up their thunder.

Greater than the roar of mighty waters
more glorious than the surgings of the sea, *
the Lord is glorious on high.

Truly your decrees are to be trusted.
Holiness is fitting to your house, *
O Lord, until the end of time.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, *
and to the Holy Spirit:
as it was in the beginning, is now, *
and will be for ever. Amen.

Psalm Prayer

All power and all authority in heaven and earth have been given to you, Lord Jesus; you rule with decrees that are firm and trustworthy. Be with us always so that we may make disciples whose holiness will be worthy of your house.

Ant. The Lord is king, robed in splendor, alleluia.

Ant. 2 All creation will be freed; all peoples will know the glory and freedom of God’s children, alleluia.

Canticle: Daniel 3:57-88, 56
Let all creatures praise the Lord

All you servants of the Lord, sing praise to him (Revelation 19:5).

Bless the Lord, all you works of the Lord. *
Praise and exalt him above all forever.
Angels of the Lord, bless the Lord. *
You heavens, bless the Lord,
All you waters above the heavens, bless the Lord. *
All you hosts of the Lord, bless the Lord.
Sun and moon, bless the Lord. *
Stars of heaven, bless the Lord.

Every shower and dew, bless the Lord. *
All you winds, bless the Lord.
Fire and heat, bless the Lord. *
Cold and chill, bless the Lord.
Dew and rain, bless the Lord. *
Frost and chill, bless the Lord.
Ice and snow, bless the Lord. *
Nights and days, bless the Lord.
Light and darkness, bless the Lord. *
Lightnings and clouds, bless the Lord.

Let the earth bless the Lord. *
Praise and exalt him above all forever.
Mountains and hills, bless the Lord. *
Everything growing from the earth, bless the Lord.
You springs, bless the Lord. *
Seas and rivers, bless the Lord.
You dolphins and all water creatures, bless the Lord. *
All you birds of the air, bless the Lord.
All you beasts, wild and tame, bless the Lord. *
You sons of men, bless the Lord.

O Israel, bless the Lord. *
Praise and exalt him above all forever.
Priests of the Lord, bless the Lord. *
Servants of the Lord, bless the Lord.
Spirits and souls of the just, bless the Lord. *
Holy men of humble heart, bless the Lord.
Hananiah, Azariah, Mishael, bless the Lord. *
Praise and exalt him above all forever.

Let us bless the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. *
Let us praise and exalt him above all forever.
Blessed are you, Lord, in the firmament of heaven. *
Praiseworthy and glorious and exalted above all for ever.

Ant. All creation will be freed; all peoples will know the glory and freedom of God’s children, alleluia.

Ant. 3 The name of the Lord is praised in heaven and on earth, alleluia.

Psalm 148
Praise to the Lord, the Creator

Praise and honor, glory and power for ever to him who sits upon the throne and to the Lamb (Revelation 5:13).

Praise the Lord from the heavens, *
praise him in the heights.
Praise him, all his angels, *
praise him, all his host.

Praise him, sun and moon, *
praise him, shining stars.
Praise him, highest heavens *
and the waters above the heavens.

Let them praise the name of the Lord. *
He commanded: they were made.
He fixed them for ever, *
gave a law which shall not pass away.

Praise the Lord from the earth, *
sea creatures and all oceans,
fire and hail, snow and mist, *
stormy winds that obey his word;

all mountains and hills, *
all fruit trees and cedars,
beasts, wild and tame, *
reptiles and birds on the wing;

all earth’s kings and peoples, *
earth’s princes and rulers,
young men and maidens, *
old men together with children.

Let them praise the name of the Lord *
for he alone is exalted.
The splendor of his name *
reaches beyond heaven and earth.

He exalts the strength of his people. *
He is the praise of all his saints,
of the sons of Israel, *
of the people to whom he comes close.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, *
and to the Holy Spirit:
as it was in the beginning, is now, *
and will be for ever. Amen.

Psalm Prayer

Lord, extolled in the heights by angelic powers, you are also praised by all earth’s creatures, each in its own way. With all the splendor of heavenly worship, you still delight in such tokens of love as earth can offer. May heaven and earth together acclaim you as king; may the praise that is sung in heaven resound in the heart of every creature on earth.

Ant. The name of the Lord is praised in heaven and on earth, alleluia.


Acts 10:40-43

God raised up Jesus on the third day and granted that he be seen, not by all, but only by such witnesses as had been chosen beforehand by God—by us who ate and drank with him after he rose from the dead. He commissioned us to preach to the people and to bear witness that he is the one set apart by God as judge of the living and the dead. To him all the prophets testify, saying that everyone who believes in him has forgiveness of sins through his name.


Christ, Son of the living God, have mercy on us, alleluia, alleluia.
Christ, Son of the living God, have mercy on us, alleluia, alleluia.

You have risen from the dead,
alleluia, alleluia.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.
Christ, Son of the living God, have mercy on us, alleluia, alleluia.


Ant. Father, I have glorified you upon the earth, I have accomplished the work you gave me to do, alleluia.

Luke 1:68-79
The Messiah and his forerunner

Blessed + be the Lord, the God of Israel; *
he has come to his people and set them free.

He has raised up for us a mighty savior, *
born of the house of his servant David.

Through his holy prophets he promised of old
  that he would save us from our enemies, *
  from the hands of all who hate us.

He promised to show mercy to our fathers *
and to remember his holy covenant.

This was the oath he swore to our father Abraham: *
to set us free from the hands of our enemies,
free to worship him without fear, *
holy and righteous in his sight
   all the days of our life.

You, my child, shall be called the prophet of the Most High; *
for you will go before the Lord to prepare his way,
to give his people knowledge of salvation *
by the forgiveness of their sins.

In the tender compassion of our God *
the dawn from on high shall break upon us,
to shine on those who dwell in darkness and the shadow of death, *
and to guide our feet into the way of peace.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, *
and to the Holy Spirit:
as it was in the beginning, is now, *
and will be for ever. Amen.

Ant. Father, I have glorified you upon the earth, I have accomplished the work you gave me to do, alleluia.


In company with all who have been reconciled with the Father by the power of the Holy Spriit, let us join in prayer and praise, saying:
May your Spirit come to our aid.

Lord Jesus, may we be guided today by God’s Spirit,
and walk always as children of your Father.
May your Spirit come to our aid.

Through your Spirit intercede for us with the Father,
that we may be made worthy to receive what you promise.
May your Spirit come to our aid.

Give us a genrous heart, that we may not seek our selfish interests,
but be concerned for the good of others.
May your Spirit come to our aid.

Teach us to know God,
that we may advance in knowledge of you and the Father through the Holy Spirit.
May your Spirit come to our aid.


(Gathering our prayer and praises into one, let us offer the prayer Christ himself taught us:)

Our Father, who art in heaven,
hallowed be thy name;
thy kingdom come;
thy will be done on earth
as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread;
and forgive us our trespasses
as we forgive those who trespass against us;
and lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.


help us keep in mind that Christ our Savior,
lives with you in glory
and promised to remain with us until the end of time.
We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever.


Graciously hear our supplications, O Lord,
so that we, who believe that the Savior of the human race
is with you in your glory,
may experience, as he promised,
until the end of the world,
his abiding presence among us.
Who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever.


May the Lord bless + us,
protect us from all evil
and bring us to everlasting life.

If the Ascension is celebrated, the following is used:


The Invitatory may be said for the first ‘hour’ recited in the day.

Lord, + open my lips.
And my mouth will proclaim your praise.

Ant. Alleluia, come, let us worship Christ the Lord as he ascends into heaven, alleluia.

Psalm 95
A call to praise God

Encourage each other daily while it is still today (Hebrews 3:13).

Come, let us sing to the Lord *
  and shout with joy to the Rock who saves us.
Let us approach him with praise and thanksgiving *
  and sing joyful songs to the Lord.

Ant. Alleluia, come, let us worship Christ the Lord as he ascends into heaven, alleluia.

The Lord is God, the mighty God, *
  the great king over all the gods.
He holds in his hands the depths of the earth *
  and the highest mountains as well.
He made the sea; it belongs to him, *
  the dry land, too, for it was formed by his hands.

Ant. Alleluia, come, let us worship Christ the Lord as he ascends into heaven, alleluia.

Come, then, let us bow down and worship *
  bending the knee before the Lord, our maker.
For he is our God and we are his people, *
  the flock he shepherds.

Ant. Alleluia, come, let us worship Christ the Lord as he ascends into heaven, alleluia.

Today, listen to the voice of the Lord: *
Do not grow stubborn, as your fathers did
  in the wilderness,
when at Meriba and Massah
  they challenged me and provoked me, *
Although they had seen all of my works.

Ant. Alleluia, come, let us worship Christ the Lord as he ascends into heaven, alleluia.

Forty years I endured that generation. *
I said, “They are a people whose hearts go astray
  and they do not know my ways.”
So I swore in my anger, *
  “They shall not enter into my rest.”

Ant. Alleluia, come, let us worship Christ the Lord as he ascends into heaven, alleluia.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, *
and to the Holy Spirit:
as it was in the beginning, is now, *
and will be for ever. Amen.

Ant. Alleluia, come, let us worship Christ the Lord as he ascends into heaven, alleluia.

If the Invitatory is not said, then the following is used:

God, + come to my assistance.
Lord, make haste to help me.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son,
and to the Holy Spirit:
as it was in the beginning, is now,
and will be for ever. Amen. Alleluia.


Greeting the dawn of this great feast
Our hearts are filled with joy today,
When we recall how Christ our God
Ascended to his realms of light.

Winner for ever in the strife
Against the prince of death and sin,
Glory of all creation’s hope,
Before the Father’s face he stands.

Brightest of clouds hid him from sight,
But pledge remained of life to come,
Since Paradise can now be ours
Which our first parents host by sin.

Greatest of joys mankind can claim,
That he whom holy Mary bore,
Reigns at his Father’s side in pow’r,
His Cross and bitter Passion past.

Saving Avenger of our race,
To him our grateful hearts we raise;
In his immortal deity
Our mortal nature dwells on high.

We have a lasting cause for joy,
Which all the saints and angels share;
Theirs is the bliss of seeing him,
And we still know that he is near.

Jesus, in splendor bright enthroned,
Keep all our hearts at rest in you,
Sending your Spirit down to us,
To teach the Father’s love for all. Amen.

Melody: Duke Street, L.M.
Music: John Hatton, ca. 1710-1793
Text: Optatus votis omnium. © Benedictines of Saint Cecilia’s Abbey, Ryde, UK. Used with permission.


Ant. 1 Men of Galilee, why are you looking up into the sky? This Jesus who has been taken up into heaven will return in the same way, alleluia.

Psalm 63:2-9
A soul thirsting for God

Whoever has left the darkness of sin yearns for God.

O God, you are my God, for you I long; *
for you my soul is thirsting.
My body pines for you *
like a dry, weary land without water.
So I gaze on you in the sanctuary *
to see your strength and your glory.

For your love is better than life, *
my lips will speak your praise.
So I will bless you all my life, *
in your name I will lift up my hands.
My soul shall be filled as with a banquet, *
my mouth shall praise you with joy.

On my bed I remember you. *
On you I muse through the night
for you have been my help; *
in the shadow of your wings I rejoice.
My soul clings to you; *
your right hand holds me fast.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, *
and to the Holy Spirit:
as it was in the beginning, is now, *
and will be for ever. Amen.

Psalm Prayer

Father, creator of unfailing light, give that same light to those who call to you. May our lips praise you; our lives proclaim your goodness; our work give you honor, and our voices celebrate you for ever.

Ant. Men of Galilee, why are you looking up into the sky? This Jesus who has been taken up into heaven will return in the same way, alleluia.

Ant. 2 Give glory to the King of kings, sing praise to God, alleluia.

Canticle: Daniel 3:57-88, 56
Let all creatures praise the Lord

All you servants of the Lord, sing praise to him (Revelation 19:5).

Bless the Lord, all you works of the Lord. *
Praise and exalt him above all forever.
Angels of the Lord, bless the Lord. *
You heavens, bless the Lord.
All you waters above the heavens, bless the Lord. *
All you hosts of the Lord, bless the Lord.
Sun and moon, bless the Lord. *
Stars of heaven, bless the Lord.

Every shower and dew, bless the Lord. *
All you winds, bless the Lord.
Fire and heat, bless the Lord. *
Cold and chill, bless the Lord.
Dew and rain, bless the Lord. *
Frost and chill, bless the Lord.
Ice and snow, bless the Lord. *
Nights and days, bless the Lord.
Light and darkness, bless the Lord. *
Lightnings and clouds, bless the Lord.

Let the earth bless the Lord. *
Praise and exalt him above all forever.
Mountains and hills, bless the Lord. *
Everything growing from the earth, bless the Lord.
You springs, bless the Lord. *
Seas and rivers, bless the Lord.
You dolphins and all water creatures, bless the Lord. *
All you birds of the air, bless the Lord.
All you beasts, wild and tame, bless the Lord. *
You sons of men, bless the Lord.

O Israel, bless the Lord. *
Praise and exalt him above all forever.
Priests of the Lord, bless the Lord. *
Servants of the Lord, bless the Lord.
Spirits and souls of the just, bless the Lord. *
Holy men of humble heart, bless the Lord.
Hananiah, Azariah, Mishael, bless the Lord. *
Praise and exalt him above all forever.

Let us bless the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. *
Let us praise and exalt him above all forever.
Blessed are you, Lord, in the firmament of heaven. *
Praiseworthy and glorious and exalted above all forever.

Ant. Give glory to the King of kings, sing praise to God, alleluia.

Ant. 3 As they watched, he was lifted up, and a cloud took him from their sight, alleluia.

Psalm 149
The joy of God’s holy people

Let the sons of the Church, the children of the new people, rejoice in Christ, their King (Hesychius).

Sing a new song to the Lord, *
his praise in the assembly of the faithful.
Let Israel rejoice in its maker, *
let Zion’s sons exult in their king.
Let them praise his name with dancing *
and make music with timbrel and harp.

For the Lord takes delight in his people. * 
He crowns the poor with salvation.
Let the faithful rejoice in their glory, *
shout for joy and take their rest.
Let the praise of God be on their lips *
and a two-edged sword in their hand,

to deal out vengeance to the nations *
and punishment on all the peoples;
to bind their kings in chains *
and their nobles in fetters of iron;
to carry out the sentence pre-ordained; *
this honor is for all his faithful.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, *
and to the Holy Spirit:
as it was in the beginning, is now, *
and will be for ever. Amen.

Psalm Prayer

Let Israel rejoice in you, Lord, and acknowledge you as creator and redeemer. We put our trust in your faithfulness and proclaim the wonderful truths of salvation. May your loving kindness embrace us now and for ever.

Ant. As they watched, he was lifted up, and a cloud took him from their sight, alleluia.


Hebrews 10:12-14

Jesus offered one sacrifice for sins and took his seat forever at the right hand of God; now he waits until his enemies are placed beneath his feet. By one offering he has forever perfected those who are being sanctified.


Christ ascended into heaven, alleluia, alleluia.
Christ ascended into heaven, alleluia, alleluia.

He led captivity captive,
alleluia, alleluia.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.
Christ ascended into heaven, alleluia, alleluia.


Ant. I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God, alleluia.

Luke 1:68-79
The Messiah and his forerunner

Blessed + be the Lord, the God of Israel; *
he has come to his people and set them free.

He has raised up for us a mighty savior, *
born of the house of his servant David.

Through his holy prophets he promised of old
  that he would save us from our enemies, *
  from the hands of all who hate us.

He promised to show mercy to our fathers *
and to remember his holy covenant.

This was the oath he swore to our father Abraham: *
to set us free from the hands of our enemies,
free to worship him without fear, *
holy and righteous in his sight
   all the days of our life.

You, my child, shall be called the prophet of the Most High; *
for you will go before the Lord to prepare his way,
to give his people knowledge of salvation *
by the forgiveness of their sins.

In the tender compassion of our God *
the dawn from on high shall break upon us,
to shine on those who dwell in darkness and the shadow of death, *
and to guide our feet into the way of peace.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, *
and to the Holy Spirit:
as it was in the beginning, is now, *
and will be for ever. Amen.

Ant. I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God, alleluia.


The Lord has been lifted high above the earth and draws all things to himself. Let us cry out to him in our joy:
Lord Jesus, you are the King of glory.

Lord Jesus, King of glory, you were offered once as the victim for sins, and ascended to the right hand of the Father,
make perfect for all time those whom you sanctify.
Lord Jesus, you are the King of glory.

Eternal Priest and minister of the new Covenant, you live for ever to make intercession for us,
save the people that prays to you.
Lord Jesus, you are the King of glory.

You showed yourself alive after your passion and appeared to the disciples for forty days,
confirm our faith today.
Lord Jesus, you are the King of glory.

Today you promised the Spirit to your apostles, to make them your witnesses to the ends of the earth,
by the power of the Spirit strengthen our own witness.
Lord Jesus, you are the King of glory.


(Remember us, Lord, when you come to your kingdom and teach us how to pray:)

Our Father, who art in heaven,
hallowed be thy name;
thy kingdom come;
thy will be done on earth
as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread;
and forgive us our trespasses
as we forgive those who trespass against us;
and lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.


God our Father,
make us joyful in the ascension of your Son Jesus Christ.
May we follow him into the new creation,
for his ascension is our glory and our hope.
We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever.


Gladden us with holy joys, almighty God,
and make us rejoice with devout thanksgiving,
for the Ascension of Christ your Son
is our exaltation,
and, where the Head has gone before us in glory,
the Body is called to follow in hope.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever.


Grant, we pray, almighty God,
that we, who believe that your Only Begotten Son, our Redeemer,
ascended this day to the heavens,
may in spirit dwell already in heavenly realms.
Who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever.


May the Lord bless + us,
protect us from all evil
and bring us to everlasting life.
29 posted on 05/20/2012 3:34:47 AM PDT by markomalley (Nothing emboldens the wicked so greatly as the lack of courage on the part of the good-Pope Leo XIII)
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Daytime Prayer

The texts for the Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord follow those for the Seventh Sunday of Easter. Please scroll down for the Ascension texts.


God, + come to my assistance.
Lord, make haste to help me.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit:
as it was in the beginning, is now, and will be for ever. Amen. Alleluia.


Alleluia! sing to Jesus!
His the scepter, his the throne;
Alleluia! his the triumph,
His the victory alone:
Hark! the songs of peaceful Sion
Thunder like a mighty flood;
Jesus, out of ev’ry nation,
Has redeemed us by his Blood.

Alleluia! not as orphans
Are we left in sorrow now;
Alleluia! He is near us,
Faith believes nor questions how:
Though the cloud from sight received him,
When the forty days were o’er
Shall our hearts forget his promise,
“I am with you evermore”?

Alleluia! Bread of angels,
Thou on earth our food, our stay;
Alleluia! here the sinful
Flee to thee from day to day:
Intercessor, friend of sinners,
Earth’s Redeemer, plead for me,
Where the songs of all the sinless
Sweep across the crystal sea.

Alleluia! King eternal,
Thee, the Lord of lords we own;
Alleluia! born of Mary,
Earth thy footstool, heav’n thy throne:
Thou within the veil has entered,
Robed in flesh, our great High Priest;
Thou on earth both Priest and Victim
In the Eucharistic feast.

Tune: Hyfrydol 87.87 D
Music: R. H. Prichard, 1811-1887
Text: William Chatterton Dix, 1837-1898


Ant. Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia.

Psalm 118
Song of joy for salvation

This Jesus is the stone which, rejected by you builders, has become the chief stone supporting all the rest (Acts 4:11).


Give thanks to the Lord for he is good, *
for his love endures for ever.

Let the sons of Israel say: *
“His love endures for ever.”
Let the sons of Aaron say: *
“His love endures for ever”
Let those who fear the Lord say: *
“His love endures for ever.”

I called to the Lord in my distress; *
he answered and freed me.
The Lord is at my side; I do not fear. *
What can man do against me?
The Lord is at my side as my helper: *
I shall look down on my foes.

It is better to take refuge in the Lord *
than to trust in men:
it is better to take refuge in the Lord *
than to trust in princes.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, *
and to the Holy Spirit:
as it was in the beginning, is now, *
and will be for ever. Amen.


The nations all encompassed me; *
in the Lord’s name I crushed them.
They compassed me, compassed me about; *
in the Lord’s name I crushed them.
They compassed me about like bees;
they blazed like a fire among thorns. *
In the Lord’s name I crushed them.

I was hard-pressed and was falling *
but the Lord came to help me.
The Lord is my strength and my song; *
he is my savior.
There are shouts of joy and victory *
in the tents of the just.

The Lord’s right hand has triumphed; *
his right hand raised me up.
The Lord’s right hand has triumphed;
I shall not die, I shall live *
and recount his deeds.
I was punished, I was punished by the Lord, *
but not doomed to die.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, *
and to the Holy Spirit:
as it was in the beginning, is now, *
and will be for ever. Amen.


Open to me the gates of holiness: *
I will enter and give thanks.
This is the Lord’s own gate *
where the just may enter.
I will thank you for you have answered *
and you are my savior.

The stone which the builders rejected *
has become the corner stone.
This is the work of the Lord, *
a marvel in our eyes.
This day was made by the Lord; *
we rejoice and are glad.

O Lord, grant us salvation; *
O Lord, grant success.
Blessed in the name of the Lord *
is he who comes.
We bless you from the house of the Lord; *
the Lord God is our light.

Go forward in procession with branches *
even to the altar.
You are my God, I thank you. *
My God, I praise you.
Give thanks to the Lord for he is good; *
for his love endures for ever.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, *
and to the Holy Spirit:
as it was in the beginning, is now, *
and will be for ever. Amen.

Psalm Prayer

Lord God, you have given us the great day of rejoicing: Jesus Christ, the stone rejected by the builders, has become the cornerstone of the Church, our spiritual home. Shed upon your Church the rays of your glory, that it may be seen as the gate of salvation open to all nations. Let cries of joy and exultation ring out from its tents to celebrate the wonder of Christ’s resurrection.

Ant. Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia.

At the other hours, the complementary psalmody is used.


See 1 Corinthians 15:3b-5

Christ died for our sins in accordance with the Scriptures; he was buried and, in accordance with the Scriptures, rose on the third day; he was seen by Cephas, then by the Twelve.

This is the day the Lord has made, alleluia.
Let us rejoice and be glad, alleluia.


Let us pray.

help us keep in mind that Christ our Savior,
lives with you in glory
and promised to remain with us until the end of time.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.


Graciously hear our supplications, O Lord,
so that we, who believe that the Savior of the human race
is with you in your glory,
may experience, as he promised,
until the end of the world,
his abiding presence among us.
Who lives and reigns for ever and ever.


Let us praise the Lord.
And give him thanks.


Ephesians 2:4-6

But God is rich in mercy; because of his great love for us he brought us to life with Christ when we were dead in sin. By this favor you were saved. Both with and in Christ Jesus he raised us up and gave us a place in the heavens.

This is the day the Lord has made, alleluia.
Let us rejoice and be glad, alleluia.


Let us pray.

help us keep in mind that Christ our Savior,
lives with you in glory
and promised to remain with us until the end of time.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.


Graciously hear our supplications, O Lord,
so that we, who believe that the Savior of the human race
is with you in your glory,
may experience, as he promised,
until the end of the world,
his abiding presence among us.
Who lives and reigns for ever and ever.


Let us praise the Lord.
And give him thanks.


Romans 6:4

Through baptism into Christ’s death we were buried with him, so that, just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, we too might live a new life.

This is the day the Lord has made, alleluia.
Let us rejoice and be glad, alleluia.


Let us pray.

help us keep in mind that Christ our Savior,
lives with you in glory
and promised to remain with us until the end of time.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.


Graciously hear our supplications, O Lord,
so that we, who believe that the Savior of the human race
is with you in your glory,
may experience, as he promised,
until the end of the world,
his abiding presence among us.
Who lives and reigns for ever and ever.


Let us praise the Lord.
And give him thanks.

If the Ascension is celebrated, the following is used:


God, + come to my assistance.
Lord, make haste to help me.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit:
as it was in the beginning, is now, and will be for ever. Amen. Alleluia.


Alleluia! sing to Jesus!
His the scepter, his the throne;
Alleluia! his the triumph,
His the victory alone:
Hark! the songs of peaceful Sion
Thunder like a mighty flood;
Jesus, out of ev’ry nation,
Has redeemed us by his Blood.

Alleluia! not as orphans
Are we left in sorrow now;
Alleluia! He is near us,
Faith believes nor questions how:
Though the cloud from sight received him,
When the forty days were o’er
Shall our hearts forget his promise,
“I am with you evermore”?

Alleluia! Bread of angels,
Thou on earth our food, our stay;
Alleluia! here the sinful
Flee to thee from day to day:
Intercessor, friend of sinners,
Earth’s Redeemer, plead for me,
Where the songs of all the sinless
Sweep across the crystal sea.

Alleluia! King eternal,
Thee, the Lord of lords we own;
Alleluia! born of Mary,
Earth thy footstool, heav’n thy throne:
Thou within the veil has entered,
Robed in flesh, our great High Priest;
Thou on earth both Priest and Victim
In the Eucharistic feast.

Melody: Hyfrydol 87.87.D
Music: R. H. Prichard, 1811-1887
Text: William Chatterton Dix, 1837-1898



Midmorning: O God, your majesty is praised high above the heavens, alleluia.

Midday: From the heights of heaven he goes forth and to those heights he returns, alleluia.

Midafternoon: Raising his hands, he blessed them and was lifted up to heaven, alleluia.

Psalm 8
The majesty of the Lord and man’s dignity

The Father gave Christ lordship of creation and made him head of the Church (Ephesians 1:22).

How great is your name, O Lord our God, *
through all the earth!

Your majesty is praised above the heavens; *
on the lips of children and of babes
you have found praise to foil your enemy, *
to silence the foe and the rebel.

When I see the heavens, the work of your hands, *
the moon and the stars which you arranged,
what is man that you should keep him in mind, *
mortal man that you care for him?

Yet you have made him little less than a god; *
with glory and honor you crowned him,
gave him power over the works of your hand, *
put all things under his feet.

All of them, sheep and cattle, *
yes, even the savage beasts,
birds of the air, and fish *
that make their way through the waters.

How great is your name, O Lord our God, *
through all the earth!

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, *
and to the Holy Spirit:
as it was in the beginning, is now, *
and will be for ever. Amen.

Psalm Prayer

Almighty Lord, how wonderful is your name. You have made every creature subject to you; make us worthy to give you service.

Psalm 19A
Praise of the Lord, Creator of all

The dawn from on high shall break on us . . . to guide our feet into the way of peace (Luke 1:78,79).

The heavens proclaim the glory of God *
and the firmament shows forth the work of his hands.
Day unto day takes up the story *
and night unto night makes known the message.

No speech, no word, no voice is heard
yet their span extends through all the earth, *
their words to the utmost bounds of the world.

There he has placed a tent for the sun;
it comes forth like a bridegroom coming from his tent, *
rejoices like a champion to run its course.

At the end of the sky is the rising of the sun;
to the furthest end of the sky is its course. *
There is nothing concealed from its burning heat.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, *
and to the Holy Spirit:
as it was in the beginning, is now, *
and will be for ever. Amen.

Psalm Prayer

To enlighten the world, Father, you sent to us your Word as the sun of truth and justice shining upon humankind. Illumine our eyes that we may discern your glory in the many works of your hand.

Psalm 19B
Praise of God who gave us the law of love

You must be perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect (Matthew 5:48).

The law of the Lord is perfect, *
it revives the soul.
The rule of the Lord is to be trusted, *
it gives wisdom to the simple.

The precepts of the Lord are right, *
they gladden the heart.
The command of the Lord is clear, *
it gives light to the eyes.

The fear of the Lord is holy, *
abiding for ever.
The decrees of the Lord are truth *
and all of them just.

They are more to be desired than gold, *
than the purest of gold,
and sweeter are they than honey, *
than honey from the comb.

So in them your servant finds instruction; *
great reward is in their keeping.
But who can detect all his errors? *
From hidden faults acquit me.

From presumption restrain your servant *
and let it not rule me.
Then shall I be blameless, *
clean from grave sin.

May the spoken words of my mouth, *
the thoughts of my heart,
win favor in your sight, O Lord, *
my rescuer, my rock!

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, *
and to the Holy Spirit:
as it was in the beginning, is now, *
and will be for ever. Amen.

Psalm Prayer

May our words in praise of your commandments find favor with you, Lord. May our faith prove we are not slaves, but sons, not so much subjected to your law as sharing your power.


Midmorning: O God, your majesty is praised high above the heavens, alleluia.

Midday: From the heights of heaven he goes forth and to those heights he returns, alleluia.

Midafternoon: Raising his hands, he blessed them and was lifted up to heaven, alleluia.

At the other hours, the complementary psalmody is used.


Revelation 1:17c-18

I beheld the Son of Man, who said to me: I am the First and the Last and the One who lives. Once I was dead but now I live—forever and ever. I hold the keys of death and the nether world.

Do not let your heart be troubled, alleluia.
I am going to the Father, alleluia.


Let us pray.

God our Father,
make us joyful in the ascension of your Son Jesus Christ.
May we follow him into the new creation,
for his ascension is our glory and our hope.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.


Gladden us with holy joys, almighty God,
and make us rejoice with devout thanksgiving,
for the Ascension of Christ your Son
is our exaltation,
and, where the Head has gone before us in glory,
the Body is called to follow in hope.
Through Christ our Lord.


Grant, we pray, almighty God,
that we, who believe that your Only Begotten Son, our Redeemer,
ascended this day to the heavens,
may in spirit dwell already in heavenly realms.
Who lives and reigns for ever and ever.


Let us praise the Lord.
And give him thanks.


Hebrews 8:1b-3a

We have such a high priest who has taken his seat at the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in heaven, minister of the sanctuary and of that true tabernacle set up, not by man, but by the Lord. Now every high priest is appointed to offer gifts and sacrifices.

The Lord in heaven has prepared a royal throne, alleluia.
Christ has ascended on high, alleluia.


Let us pray.

God our Father,
make us joyful in the ascension of your Son Jesus Christ.
May we follow him into the new creation,
for his ascension is our glory and our hope.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.


Gladden us with holy joys, almighty God,
and make us rejoice with devout thanksgiving,
for the Ascension of Christ your Son
is our exaltation,
and, where the Head has gone before us in glory,
the Body is called to follow in hope.
Through Christ our Lord.


Grant, we pray, almighty God,
that we, who believe that your Only Begotten Son, our Redeemer,
ascended this day to the heavens,
may in spirit dwell already in heavenly realms.
Who lives and reigns for ever and ever.


Let us praise the Lord.
And give him thanks.


Colossians 3:1-2

Since you have been raised up in company with Christ, set your heart on what pertains to higher realms where Christ is seated at  God’s right hand. Be intent on things above rather than on things of earth.

Give glory to the King of kings, alleluia.
Sing praise to God, alleluia.


Let us pray.

God our Father,
make us joyful in the ascension of your Son Jesus Christ.
May we follow him into the new creation,
for his ascension is our glory and our hope.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.


Gladden us with holy joys, almighty God,
and make us rejoice with devout thanksgiving,
for the Ascension of Christ your Son
is our exaltation,
and, where the Head has gone before us in glory,
the Body is called to follow in hope.
Through Christ our Lord.


Grant, we pray, almighty God,
that we, who believe that your Only Begotten Son, our Redeemer,
ascended this day to the heavens,
may in spirit dwell already in heavenly realms.
Who lives and reigns for ever and ever.


Let us praise the Lord.
And give him thanks.

30 posted on 05/20/2012 3:34:55 AM PDT by markomalley (Nothing emboldens the wicked so greatly as the lack of courage on the part of the good-Pope Leo XIII)
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The texts for the Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord follow those for the Seventh Sunday of Easter. Please scroll down for the Ascension texts.


God, + come to my assistance.
Lord, make haste to help me.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit:
as it was in the beginning, is now, and will be for ever. Amen. Alleluia.


Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!
The strife is o’er, the battle done;
Now is the victor’s triumph won:
O let the song of praise be sung.

Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!
On the third morn he rose again,
Glorious in majesty to reign:
O let us swell the joyful strain:

Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!
O risen Lord, all praise to thee,
Who from our sins has set us free,
That we may live eternally:

Tune: Victory 888 with alleluias
Music: G.P. da Palestrina, 1588 adapted with alleluias by W.H. Monk, 1861
Text: Cologne, 1695
Translation: Francis Pott, 1861, alt.


Christ Jesus lay in death’s strong bands
For our offenses given:
But now at God’s right hand he stands
And brings us life from heaven;
Therefore let us joyful be,
And praise the Father thankfully
With songs of Alleluia.

How long and bitter was the strife
When life and death contended,
The victory remained with life,
The reign of death was ended:
Stripped of power, no more it reigns,
And empty form alone remains.
Death’s sting is lost for ever.

So let us keep this festival
To which Our Lord invites us,
The Savior who is joy of all,
The Sun that warms and lights us:
By his grace he shall impart
Eternal sunshine to the heart;
The night of sin has ended.

Tune: Christ lag in Todesbanden
87.87.787 with alleluia
Music: Walther’s Gesangbuchlein, 1524
Text: Martin Luther, 1483-1546, based on Victimae Paschali laudes
Translation: Richard Massie, 1800-1887, adapted by Anthony G. Petti


Ad cenam Agni providi,
stolis salutis candidi,
post transitum maris Rubri
Christo canamus principi.

Cuius corpus sanctissimum
in ara crucis torridum,
sed et cruorem roseum
gustando, Deo vivimus.

Protecti paschae vespero
a devastante angelo,
de Pharaonis aspero
sumus erepti imperio.

Iam pascha nostrum Christus est,
agnus occisus innocens;
sinceritatis azyma
qui carnem suam obtulit.

O vera, digna hostia,
per quam franguntur tartara,
captiva plebs redimitur,
redduntur vitae praemia!

Consurgit Christus tumulo,
victor redit de barathro,
tyrannum trudens vinculo
et paradisum reserans.

Esto perenne mentibus
paschale, Iesu, gaudium
et nos renatos gratiae
tuis triumphis aggrega.

Iesu, tibi sit gloria,
qui morte victa praenites,
cum Patre et almo Spiritu,
in sempiterna saecula. Amen.


Ant. 1 He purified us from our sins, and is seated on high at God’s right hand, alleluia.

Psalm 110:1-5, 7
The Messiah, king and priest

Christ’s reign will last until all his enemies are made subject to him (1 Corinthians 15:25).

The Lord’s revelation to my Master:
“Sit on my right: *
your foes I will put beneath your feet.”

The Lord will wield from Zion
your scepter of power: *
rule in the midst of all your foes.

A prince from the day of your birth
on the holy mountains; *
from the womb before the dawn I begot you.

The Lord has sworn an oath he will not change.
“You are a priest for ever, *
a priest like Melchizedeck of old.”

The Master standing at your right hand *
will shatter kings in the day of his wrath.

He shall drink from the stream by the wayside *
and therefore he shall lift up his head.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, *
and to the Holy Spirit:
as it was in the beginning, is now, *
and will be for ever. Amen.

Psalm Prayer

Father, we ask you to give us victory and peace. In Jesus Christ, our Lord and King, we are already seated at your right hand. We look forward to praising you in the fellowship of all your saints in our heavenly homeland.

Ant. He purified us from our sins, and is seated on high at God’s right hand, alleluia.

Ant. 2 The Lord has redeemed his people, alleluia.

Psalm 111
God’s marvelous works

We are lost in wonder at all you have done for us, our Lord and mighty God (Revelation 15:3).

I will thank the Lord with all my heart *
in the meeting of the just and their assembly.
Great are the works of the Lord, *
to be pondered by all who love them.

Majestic and glorious his work, *
his justice stands firm for ever.
He makes us remember his wonders. *
The Lord is compassion and love.

He gives food to those who fear him; *
keeps his covenant ever in mind.
He has shown his might to his people *
by giving them the lands of the nations.

His works are justice and truth, *
his precepts are all of them sure,
standing firm for ever and ever; *
they are made in uprightness and truth.

He has sent deliverance to his people
and established his covenant for ever. *
Holy his name, to be feared.

To fear the Lord is the first stage of wisdom;
all who do so prove themselves wise. *
His praise shall last for ever!

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, *
and to the Holy Spirit:
as it was in the beginning, is now, *
and will be for ever. Amen.

Psalm Prayer

Merciful and gentle Lord, you are the crowning glory of all the saints. Give us, your children, the gift of obedience which is the beginning of wisdom, so that we may do what you command and be filled with your mercy.

The Lord has redeemed his people, alleluia.

Ant. 3 Alleluia, our Lord is king; let us rejoice and give glory to him, alleluia.

Canticle: See Revelation 19:1-7
The wedding of the Lamb

The following canticle is said with the Alleluia when Evening Prayer is sung; when the Office if recited, the Alleluia may be said at the beginning and end of each strophe.

Salvation, glory, and power to our God: *
his judgments are honest and true. *
Alleluia (alleluia).

Sing praise to our God, all you his servants, *
all who worship him reverently, great and small. *
Alleluia (alleluia).

The Lord our all-powerful God is King; *
Let us rejoice, sing praise, and give him glory. *
Alleluia (alleluia).

The wedding feast of the Lamb has begun, *
and his bride is prepared to welcome him. *
Alleluia (alleluia).

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, *
and to the Holy Spirit: *
Alleluia (alleluia).

as it was in the beginning, is now, *
and will be for ever. Amen. *
Alleluia (alleluia).

Ant. Alleluia, our Lord is king; let us rejoice and give glory to him, alleluia.


Hebrews 10:12-14

Jesus offered one sacrifice for sins and took his seat forever at the right hand of God; now he waits until his enemies are placed beneath his feet. By one offering he has forever perfected those who are being sanctified.


The Lord is risen, alleluia, alleluia.
The Lord is risen, alleluia, alleluia.

He has appeared to Simon,
alleluia, alleluia.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.
The Lord is risen, alleluia, alleluia.


Ant. I will send you the Spirit of truth who comes from the Father. When the Paraclete comes he will bear witness to me, alleluia.

Luke 1:46-55
The soul rejoices in the Lord

My + soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord,
my spirit rejoices in God my Savior *
for he has looked with favor on his lowly servant.

From this day all generations will call me blessed:
the Almighty has done great things for me, *
and holy is his Name.

He has mercy on those who fear him *
in every generation.

He has shown the strength of his arm, *
he has scattered the proud in their conceit.

He has cast down the mighty from their thrones, *
and has lifted up the lowly.

He has filled the hungry with good things, *
and the rich he has sent away empty.

He has come to the help of his servant Israel *
for he has remembered his promise of mercy,
the promise he made to our fathers, *
to Abraham and his children for ever.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, *
and to the Holy Spirit:
as it was in the beginning, is now, *
and will be for ever. Amen.

Ant. I will send you the Spirit of truth who comes from the Father. When the Paraclete comes he will bear witness to me, alleluia.


We do not know how to pray as we ought, but the Spirit himself prays for us with inexpressible longing. Let us then say:
May the Holy Spirit pray on our behalf.

Lord Jesus, shepherd in glory, give wisdom and counsel to our shepherds,
to lead your flock more surely to salvation.
May the Holy Spirit pray on our behalf.

You are exalted in heaven, and rich in mercy,
look with compassion on the poor and needy on earth.
May the Holy Spirit pray on our behalf.

You were conceived by the Virgin Mary by the overshadowing of the Holy Spirit,
sustain those vowed to virginity in the spirit of their self-offering.
May the Holy Spirit pray on our behalf.

You are our priest, offering praise to the Father in the Holy Spirit,
unite all mankind in your sacrifice of praise.
May the Holy Spirit pray on our behalf.

May the dead enter into the glorious freedom of God’s children,
and the fullness of redemption for their bodies.
May the Holy Spirit pray on our behalf.


(Gathering our prayer and praises into one, let us offer the prayer Christ himself taught us:)

Our Father, who art in heaven,
hallowed be thy name;
thy kingdom come;
thy will be done on earth
as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread;
and forgive us our trespasses
as we forgive those who trespass against us;
and lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.


help us keep in mind that Christ our Savior,
lives with you in glory
and promised to remain with us until the end of time.
We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever.


Graciously hear our supplications, O Lord,
so that we, who believe that the Savior of the human race
is with you in your glory,
may experience, as he promised,
until the end of the world,
his abiding presence among us.
Who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever.


May the Lord bless + us,
protect us from all evil
and bring us to everlasting life.

If the Ascension is celebrated, the following is used:


God, + come to my assistance.
Lord, make haste to help me.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit:
as it was in the beginning, is now, and will be for ever. Amen. Alleluia.


The head that once was crowned with thorns
Is crowned with glory now:
A royal diadem adorns
The mighty victor’s brow.

The highest place that heav’n affords
Is surely his by right:
The King of kings and Lord of lords,
And heav’n’s eternal light.

The joy he is of all above,
The joy of all below:
To ev’ryone he shows his love,
And grants his name to know.

To them the cross, with all its shame,
With all its grace, is giv’n:
Their name an everlasting name.
Their joy the joy of heav’n.

The cross he bore is life and health,
Though shame and death to him:
His people’s hope, his people’s wealth,
Their everlasting theme.

Melody: St. Magnus (Nottingham) C.M.
Music: Jeremiah Clarke, 1659-1707
Text: Thomas Kelly, 1769-1854, slightly adapted


Ant. 1 He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father, alleluia.

Psalm 110:1-5, 7
The Messiah, king and priest

Christ’s reign will last until all his enemies are made subject to him (1 Corinthians 15:25).

The Lord’s revelation to my Master: *
“Sit on my right:
your foes I will put beneath your feet.” *
The Lord will yield from Zion
your scepter of power: *
rule in the midst of all your foes.

A prince from the day of your birth
on the holy mountains; *
from the womb before the dawn I begot you.

The Lord has sworn an oath he will not change.
“You are a priest for ever, *
a priest like Melchizedeck of old.”

The Master standing at your right hand *
will shatter kings in the day of his wrath.

He shall drink from the stream by the wayside *
and therefore he shall lift up his head.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, *
and to the Holy Spirit:
as it was in the beginning, is now, *
and will be for ever. Amen.

Psalm Prayer

Father, we ask you to give us victory and peace. In Jesus Christ, our Lord and King, we are already seated at your right hand. We look forward to praising you in the fellowship of all your saints in our heavenly homeland.

Ant. He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father, alleluia.

Ant. 2 God ascends to shouts of joy, the Lord to the blast of trumpets, alleluia.

Psalm 47
The Lord Jesus is King of all

He is seated at the right hand of the Father, and his kingdom will have no end.

All peoples, clap your hands, *
cry to God with shouts of joy!
For the Lord, the Most High, we must fear, *
great king over all the earth.

He subdues peoples under us *
and nations under our feet.
Our inheritance, our glory, is from him, *
given to Jacob out of love.

God goes up with shouts of joy; *
the Lord goes up with trumpet blast.
Sing praise for God, sing praise, *
sing praise to our king, sing praise.

God is king of all the earth, *
sing praise with all your skill.
God is king over the nations; *
God reigns on his holy throne.

The princes of the people are assembled *
with the people of Abraham’s God.
The rulers of the earth belong to God, *
to God who reigns over all.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, *
and to the Holy Spirit:
as it was in the beginning, is now, *
and will be for ever. Amen.

Psalm Prayer

God, King of all peoples and all ages, it is your victory we celebrate as we sing with all the skill at our command. Help us always to overcome evil by good, that we may rejoice in your triumph for ever.

Ant. God ascends to shouts of joy, the Lord to the blast of trumpets, alleluia.

Ant. 3 Now the Son of Man has been glorified and God has been glorified in him, alleluia.

Canticle: Revelation 11:17-18; 12:10b-12a
The judgment of God

We praise you, the Lord God Almighty, *
who is and who was.
You have assumed your great power, *
you have begun your reign.

The nations have raged in anger, *
but then came your day of wrath
and the moment to judge the dead: *
The time to reward your servants the prophets
and the holy ones who revere you, *
the great and the small alike.

Now have salvation and power come,
the reign of our God and the authority *
of his Anointed One.
For the accuser of our brothers is cast out, *
who night and day accused them before God.

They defeated him by the blood of the Lamb
and by the word of their testimony; *
love for life did not deter them from death.
So rejoice, you heavens, *
and you that dwell therein!

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, *
and to the Holy Spirit:
as it was in the beginning, is now, *
and will be for ever. Amen.

Ant. Now the Son of Man has been glorified and God has been glorified in him, alleluia.


1 Peter 3:18, 22

The reason why Christ died for sins once for all, the just man for the sake of the unjust, was that he might lead you to God. He was put to death insofar as fleshly existence goes, but was given life in the realm of the spirit. He went to heaven and is at God’s right hand, with angelic rulers and powers subjected to him.


I am ascending to my Father and your Father, alleluia, alleluia.
I am ascending to my Father and your Father, alleluia, alleluia.

To my God and your God,
alleluia, alleluia.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.
I am ascending to my Father and your Father, alleluia, alleluia.


Ant. O Victor King, Lord of power and might, today you have ascended in glory above the heavens. Do not leave us orphans, but send us the Father’s promised gift, the Spirit of truth, alleluia.

Luke 1:46-55
The soul rejoices in the Lord

My + soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord,
my spirit rejoices in God my Savior *
for he has looked with favor on his lowly servant.

From this day all generations will call me blessed:
the Almighty has done great things for me, *
and holy is his Name.

He has mercy on those who fear him *
in every generation.

He has shown the strength of his arm, *
he has scattered the proud in their conceit.

He has cast down the mighty from their thrones, *
and has lifted up the lowly.

He has filled the hungry with good things, *
and the rich he has sent away empty.

He has come to the help of his servant Israel *
for he has remembered his promise of mercy,
the promise he made to our fathers, *
to Abraham and his children for ever.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, *
and to the Holy Spirit:
as it was in the beginning, is now, *
and will be for ever. Amen.

Ant. O Victor King, Lord of power and might, today you have ascended in glory above the heavens. Do not leave us orphans, but send us the Father’s promised gift, the Spirit of truth, alleluia.


In joy of spirit let us acclaim Christ, who sits at the right hand of the Father:
Lord Jesus, you are the King of glory.

King of glory, you took with you our frail humanity to be glorified in heaven; remove the sins of the world,
and restore us to the innocence which was ours before the Fall.
Lord Jesus, you are the King of glory.

You came down from heaven on a pilgrimage of love,
grant that we may take the same path to your presence.
Lord Jesus, you are the King of glory.

You promised to draw all things to yourself,
do not allow any one of us to be separated from your body.
Lord Jesus, you are the King of glory.

Where you have gone before us in glory,
may we follow you in mind and heart.
Lord Jesus, you are the King of glory.

True God, we await your coming as our judge,
may we see the vision of your glory and your mercy in company with all the dead.
Lord Jesus, you are the King of glory.


Our Father, who art in heaven,
hallowed be thy name;
thy kingdom come;
thy will be done on earth
as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread;
and forgive us our trespasses
as we forgive those who trespass against us;
and lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.


God our Father,
make us joyful in the ascension of your Son Jesus Christ.
May we follow him into the new creation,
for his ascension is our glory and our hope.
We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever.


Gladden us with holy joys, almighty God,
and make us rejoice with devout thanksgiving,
for the Ascension of Christ your Son
is our exaltation,
and, where the Head has gone before us in glory,
the Body is called to follow in hope.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever.


Grant, we pray, almighty God,
that we, who believe that your Only Begotten Son, our Redeemer,
ascended this day to the heavens,
may in spirit dwell already in heavenly realms.
Who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever.


May the Lord bless + us,
protect us from all evil
and bring us to everlasting life.
31 posted on 05/20/2012 3:35:13 AM PDT by markomalley (Nothing emboldens the wicked so greatly as the lack of courage on the part of the good-Pope Leo XIII)
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God, + come to my assistance.
Lord, make haste to help me.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit:
as it was in the beginning, is now, and will be for ever. Amen. Alleluia.

Examination of Conscience

A brief examination of conscience may be made. In the communal celebration of the Office, a Penitential Rite using the formulas of the Mass may be inserted here.

[I confess to almighty God
and to you, my brothers and sisters,
that I have greatly sinned,
in my thoughts and in my words,
in what I have done and in what I have failed to do,

And, striking their breast, they say:

through my fault, through my fault,
through my most grievous fault;

Then they continue:

therefore I ask blessed Mary ever-Virgin,
all the Angels and Saints,
and you, my brothers and sisters,
to pray for me to the Lord our God.

The absolution by the Priest follows:

May almighty God have mercy on us,
forgive us our sins,
and bring us to everlasting life.


At the Lamb’s high feast we sing
Praise to our victorious King,
Who has washed us in the tide
Flowing from his wounded side;
Praise the Lord, whose love divine
Gives his sacred blood for wine,
Gives his body for the feast,
Christ the victim, Christ the priest.

Where the Paschal blood is poured,
Death’s dark angel sheathes his sword;
Israel’s host in triumph go
Through the waves that drown the foe.
Christ the Lamb whose blood was shed,
Paschal victim, Paschal bread;
Let us with a fervent love
Taste the manna from above.

Mighty Victim from on high,
Pow’rs of hell now vanquished lie;
Sin is conquered in the fight:
You have brought us life and light;
Your resplendent banners wave,
You have risen from the grave;
Christ has opened Paradise,
And in him all men shall rise.

Easter triumph, Easter joy,
Sin alone can this destroy;
Souls form sin and death set free
Glory in their liberty.
Hymns of glory, hymns of praise
Father unto you we raise;
Risen Lord, for joy we sing;
Let our hymns through heaven ring.

Tune: Salzburg 77.77 D
Music: Jacob Hintze, 1622-1702
Text: Ad regias Agni dapes
Translation: Robert Campbell, 1814-1868, adapted by Geoffrey Laycock


God who made the earth and heaven,
    Darkness and light;
You the day for work have giv’n
    For rest the night.
May your angel guards defend us,
Slumber sweet your mercy send us,
Holy dreams and hope attend us,
    All through the night.

And when morn again shall call us
    To run life’s way,
May we still whate’er befall us,
    Your will obey.
From the pow’r of evil hide us,
In the narrow pathway guide us,
Never be your smile denied us
    All through the day.

Guard us waking, guard us sleeping,
    And, when we die,
May we in your mighty keeping
    All peaceful lie.
When the last dread call shall wake us,
Then O Lord, do not forsake us,
But to reign in glory take us
  With you on high.

Melody: Ar Hyd Y Nos
Music: Welsh Carol
Text: st 1 Reginald Heber, 1783-1826; st. 2 William Mercer, 1811-1876; st. 3 Richard Whately, 1787-1863


Ant. Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia.

Psalm 91
Safe in God’s sheltering care

I have given you the power to tread upon serpents and scorpions (Luke 10:19).

He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High *
and abides in the shade of the Almighty
says to the Lord: “My refuge, *
my stronghold, my God in whom I trust!”

It is he who will free you from the snare *
of the fowler who seeks to destroy you;
he will conceal you with his pinions *
and under his wings you will find refuge.

You will not fear the terror of the night *
nor the arrow that flies by day,
nor the plague that prowls in the darkness *
nor the scourge that lays waste at noon.

A thousand may fall at your side, *
ten thousand fall at your right,
you, it will never approach; *
his faithfulness is buckler and shield.

Your eyes have only to look *
to see how the wicked are repaid,
you who have said: “Lord, my refuge!” *
and have made the Most High your dwelling.

Upon you no evil shall fall, *
no plague approach where you dwell.
For you has he commanded his angels, *
to keep you in all your ways.

They shall bear you upon their hands *
lest you strike your foot against a stone.
On the lion and the viper you will tread *
and trample the young lion and the dragon.

Since he clings to me in love, I will free him; *
protect him for he knows my name.
When he calls I shall answer: “I am with you,” *
I will save him in distress and give him glory.

With length of life I will content him; *
I shall let him see my saving power.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, *
and to the Holy Spirit:
as it was in the beginning, is now, *
and will be for ever. Amen.

Ant. Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia.


Revelation 22:4-5

They shall see the Lord face to face and bear his name on their foreheads. The night shall be no more. They will need no light from lamps or the sun, for the Lord God shall give them light, and they shall reign forever


Into your hands, Lord, I commend my spirit, alleluia, alleluia.
Into your hands, Lord, I commend my spirit, alleluia, alleluia.

You have redeemed us, Lord God of truth.
Alleluia, alleluia.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.
Into your hands, Lord, I commend my spirit, alleluia, alleluia.


Ant. Protect us, Lord, as we stay awake; watch over us as we sleep, that awake, we may keep watch with Christ, and asleep, rest in his peace, alleluia.

Luke 2:29-32
Christ is the light of the nations and the glory of Israel

Lord, + now you let your servant go in peace; *
your word has been fulfilled:

my own eyes have seen the salvation *
which you have prepared in the sight of every people:

a light to reveal you to the nations *
and the glory of your people Israel.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, *
and to the Holy Spirit:
as it was in the beginning, is now, *
and will be for ever. Amen.

Ant. Protect us, Lord, as we stay awake; watch over us as we sleep, that awake, we may keep watch with Christ, and asleep, rest in his peace, alleluia.


Let us pray.

we have celebrated today
the mystery of the rising of Christ to new life.
May we now rest in your peace,
safe from all that could harm us,
and rise refreshed and joyful,
to praise you throughout another day.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.


May the all-powerful Lord
grant us a restful night
and a peaceful death.

Antiphon or song in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Queen of heaven, rejoice, alleluia.
The Son whom you merited to bear, alleluia,
has risen as he said, alleluia.
Pray for us to God, alleluia.

Rejoice and be glad, O Virgin Mary, alleluia!
For the Lord has truly risen, alleluia!


Regina caeli, laetare, alleluia,
quia quem meruisti portare, alleluia,
resurrexit sicut dixit, alleluia;
ora pro nobis Deum, alleluia.

Gaude et laetare, Virgo Maria, alleluia.
Quia surrexit Dominus vere, alleluia.


Hail, holy Queen, mother of mercy,
our life, our sweetness, and our hope.
To you do we cry,
poor banished children of Eve.
To you do we send up our sighs
mourning and weeping in this vale of tears.
Turn then, most gracious advocate,
your eyes of mercy toward us,
and after this exile
show us the blessed fruit of your womb, Jesus.
O clement, O loving,
O sweet Virgin Mary.


Hail Mary, full of grace,
the Lord is with you!
Blessed are you among women,
and blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God,
pray for us sinners,
now and at the hour of our death.


Salve, Regina, mater misericordiae;
 vita, dulcedo et spes nostra, salve,
Ad te clamamus, exsules filii Evae.
Ad te suspiramus, gementes et flentes
 in hac lacrimarum valle.

Eia ergo, advocata nostra,
 illos tuos misericordes occulos
 ad nos converte.
Et Iesum, benedictum fructum ventris tui,
 nobis post hoc exilium ostende.
O clemens, o pia, o dulcis Virgo Maria.


Loving mother of the Redeemer,
gate of heaven, star of the sea,
assist your people who have fallen yet strive to rise again.
To the wonderment of nature you bore your Creator,
yet remained a virgin after as before.
You who received Gabriel’s joyful greeting,
have pity on us poor sinners.

32 posted on 05/20/2012 3:35:24 AM PDT by markomalley (Nothing emboldens the wicked so greatly as the lack of courage on the part of the good-Pope Leo XIII)
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To: All
All saints' days are superseded by the Sunday liturgy, nevertheles...

Saint Bernardine of Siena, priest

Saint Bernardine of Siena, priest
Optional Memorial
May 20th

Madonna and Child between Saint Francis and Saint Bernardine of Siena
Benozzo Gozzoli
San Fortunato, Montefalco


Saint Bernardine of Siena was called the "Apostle of Italy". Left an orphan at six Bernardine was brought up with great care by his pious aunts. His youth was blameless and engaging. In 1397 after a course of civil and canon law, he joined the Confraternity of Our Lady attached to the great hospital of Santa Maria della Scala. Three years later, when the pestilence revisited Siena, he came forth from the life of seclusion and prayer he had embraced, to minister to the plague-stricken, and, assisted by ten companions, took upon himself for four months entire charge of this hospital. Despite his youth Bernardine proved fully equal to this task, but the heroic and unremitting labor it involved so far shattered his health that he never completely recovered. Having distributed his patrimony in charity, Bernardine received the habit of the Friars Minor at San Francesco in Siena, September 8, 1402, but soon withdrew to the Observantine convent of Columbaio outside the city. He was professed September 8, 1403 and ordained September 8, 1404. About 1406 S. Vincent Ferrer, while preaching at Alexandria in Piedmont, foretold that his mantle should descend upon one who was then listening to him, and said that he would return to France and Spain leaving to Bernardine the task of evangelizing the remaining peoples of Italy.

Nearly twelve years passed before this prediction was fulfilled. During this period, of which we have no details, Bernardine seems to have lived in retirement at Capriola. It was in 1417 that his gift of eloquence was made manifest and his missionary life really began at Milan at the close of that year. Thenceforth, various cities contended for the honor of hearing him, and he was often compelled to preach in the market places, his auditors sometimes numbering thirty thousand. Bernardine gradually gained an immense influence over the turbulent, luxurious Italian cities. Pius II, who as a youth had been a spellbound auditor of Bernardine, records that the saint was listened to as another Paul, and Vespasiano da Bisticci, a well-known Florentine biographer, says that by his sermons Bernardine "cleansed all Italy from sins of every kind in which she abounded". The penitents, we are told, flocked to confession "like ants", and in several cities the reforms urged by the saint were embodied in the laws under the name of Riformazioni di frate Bernardino. Indeed, the success which crowned Bernardine's labors to promote morality and regenerate society, can scarcely be exaggerated. He preached with apostolic freedom, openly censuring Visconti, Duke of Milan, and elsewhere fearlessly rebuking the evil in high places which undermined the Quattrocento. In each city he denounced the reining vice so effectively that bonfires were kindled and "vanities" were cast upon them by the cartload. Usury was one of the principal objects of the saint's attacks, and he did much to prepare the way for the establishment of the beneficial loan societies, known as Monti di Pietà. But Bernardine's watchward, like that of St. Francis, was "Peace". On foot he traversed the length and breadth of Italy peacemaking, and his eloquence was exercised with great effect towards reconciling the mutual hatred of Guelphs and Ghibellines. At Crema, as a result of his preaching, the political exiles were recalled and even reinstated in their confiscated possessions. Everywhere Bernardine persuaded the cities to take down the arms of their warring factions from the church and palace walls and to inscribe there, instead, the initials I. H. S. He thus gave a new impulse and a tangible form to the devotion to the Holy Name of Jesus which was ever a favorite topic with him and which he came to regard as a potent means of rekindling popular fervor. He used to hold a board in front of him while preaching, with the sacred monogram painted on it in the midst of rays and afterwards expose it for veneration. Bernardine had to suffer both opposition and persecution. He was accused of heresy, the tablets he had used to promote devotion to the Holy Name being made the basis of a clever attack by the adherents of the Dominican, Manfred of Vercelli, whose false preaching about Antichrist Bernardine had combated. The saint was charged with having introduced a profane, new devotion which exposed the people to the danger of idolatry, and he was cited to appear before the pope. This was in 1427. Martin V received Bernardine coldly and forbade him to preach or exhibit his tablets until his conduct had been examined. The saint humbly submitted, his sermons and writings being handed over to a commission and a day set for his trial. The latter took place at St. Peter's in presence of the pope, 8 June, St. John Capistran having charge of the saint's defence. The malice and futility of the charges against Bernardine were so completely demonstrated that the pope not only justified and commended the saint's teaching, but urged him to preach in Rome. Martin V subsequently approved Bernardine's election as Bishop of Siena. The saint, however, declined this honour as well as the Sees of Ferrara and Urbino, offered to him in 1431 and 1435, respectively, saying playfully that all Italy was already his diocese. After the accession of Eugene IV Bernardine's enemies renewed their accusations against him, but the pope by a Bull, 7 January 1432, annulled their highhanded, secret proceedings and thus reduced the saint's calumniators to silence, nor does the question seem to have been reopened during the Council of Basle as some have asserted. The vindication of Bernardine's teaching was perpetuated by the feast of the Triumph of the Holy Name, conceded to the Friars Minor in 1530 and extended to the Universal Church in 1722.

In 1433 Bernardine accompanied the Emperor Sigismund to Rome for the latter's coronation. Soon after he withdrew to Capriola to compose a series of sermons. He resumed his missionary labours in 1436, but was forced to abandon them in 1438 on his election as Vicar-General of the Observants throughout Italy. Bernardine had laboured strenuously to spread this branch of the Friars Minor from the outset of his religious life, but it is erroneous to style him its founder since the origin of the Observants may be traced back to the middle of the fourteenth century. Although not the immediate founder of this reform, Bernardine became to the Observants what St. Bernard was to the Cistercians their principal support and indefatigable propagator. Some idea of his zeal may be gathered from the fact that, instead of the one hundred and thirty Friars constituting the Observance in Italy at Bernardine's reception into the order, it counted over four thousand before his death. In addition to the number he received into the order, Bernardine himself founded, or reformed, at least three hundred convents of Friars. Not content with extending his religious family at home, Bernardine sent missionaries to different parts of the Orient and it was largely through his efforts that so many ambassadors from different schismatical nations attended the Council of Florence in which we find the saint addressing the assembled Fathers in Greek. Having in 1442 persuaded the pope to accept his resignation as vicar-general so that he might give himself more undividedly to preaching, Bernardine resumed his missionary labours. Although a Bull was issued by Eugene IV, 26 May, 1443, charging Bernardine to preach the indulgence for the Crusade against the Turks, there is no record of his having done so. There is, moreover, no good reason to believe that the saint ever preached outside Italy, and the missionary journey to Palestine mentioned by one of his early biographers may perhaps be traced to a confusion of names.

Miracles multiplied after the saint's death, and he was canonized by Nicholas V, May 24, 1450. On May 17, 1472, Bernardine's body was solemnly translated to the new church of the Observants at Aquila, especially erected to receive it, and enclosed in a costly shrine presented by Louis XI of France. This church having been completely destroyed by earthquake in 1703, was replaced by another edifice where the precious relics of St. Bernardine are still venerated. His feast is celebrated on May 20.

St. Bernardine is accounted the foremost Italian missionary of the fifteenth century, the greatest preacher of his day, the Apostle of the Holy Name, and the restorer of the Order of Friars Minor. He remains one of the most popular of Italian saints, more especially in his own Siena. With both painters and sculptors he has ever been a favorite figure.

(Principal source - Catholic Encyclopedia - 1913 edition)

O God, who gave the Priest Saint Bernardine of Siena
a great love for the holy Name of Jesus,
grant, through his merits and prayers,
that we may ever be set aflame
with the spirit of your love.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever. +Amen.

First Reading: Acts of the Apostles 4:8-12
Then Peter, filled with the Holy Spirit, said to them, "Rulers of the people and elders, if we are being examined today concerning a good deed done to a cripple, by what means this man has been healed, be it known to you all, and to all the people of Israel, that by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom you crucified, whom God raised from the dead, by Him this man is standing before you well. This is the stone which was rejected by you builders, but which has become the head of the corner. And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved."

Gospel Reading: Luke 9:57-62
As they were going along the road, a man said to Him, "I will follow you wherever you go." And Jesus said to him, "Foxes have holes, and birds of the air have nests; but the Son of man has nowhere to lay His head." To another He said, "Follow me." But he said, "Lord, let me first go and bury my father." But He said to him, "Leave the dead to bury their own dead; but as for you, go and proclaim the kingdom of God." Another said, "I will follow you, Lord; but let me first say farewell to those at my home." Jesus said to him, "No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for the kingdom of God".

33 posted on 05/20/2012 1:20:33 PM PDT by Salvation ("With God all things are possible." Matthew 19:26)
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St. Bernardine of Siena (Priest) (Origin of the "IHS" notation)
Holy Name of Jesus [San Bernadino of Siena] Ecumenical
Saint Bernadine of Siena, Franciscan Missionary Preacher
34 posted on 05/20/2012 1:24:10 PM PDT by Salvation ("With God all things are possible." Matthew 19:26)
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Infant Jesus of Prague


Infant Jesus of Prague
3rd Sunday in May

Prayer of Father Cyrillus a Matre Dei

JESUS, unto Thee I flee,
Through Thy Mother praying Thee
In my need to succor me.
Truly, I believe of Thee
God Thou art with strength to shield me;
Full of trust, I hope of Thee
Thou Thy grace wilt give to me.
All my heart I give to Thee,
Therefore, do my sins repent me;
From them breaking, I beseech Thee,
Jesus, from their bonds to free me.
Firm my purpose is to mend me;
Never more will I offend Thee.
Wholly unto Thee I give me,
Patiently to suffer for Thee,
Thee to serve eternally.
And my neighbor like to me
I will love for love of Thee.
Little Jesus, I beseech Thee,
In my need to succor me,
That with Joseph and Mary
And the angels, I may Thee
Once enjoy eternally. Amen.

-Father Cyrillus a Matre Dei

35 posted on 05/20/2012 1:27:59 PM PDT by Salvation ("With God all things are possible." Matthew 19:26)
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The Ascension of the Lord"

The Ascension of the Lord
Feast Day
Thursday after the sixth Sunday of Easter or on the seventh Sunday of Easter

Christ in Glory
Detail from Disputa dei Sacramento - The Triumph of the Christian Faith
Raphael (ca 1508) Stanza della Segnatura, Apostolic Palace, Vatican

Readings - Hymn

The feast of the Ascension is celebrated on the fortieth day after Easter Sunday*, commemorating the Ascension of Christ into Heaven and His completion of the work of our redemption. The liturgy on this day celebrates the entry of Christ into heaven with our human nature glorified, and the pledge of our glorification with Him. In the past, processions outside the church were held on this day to imitate Christ's leading the Apostles out of the city to the Mount of Olives, and to commemorate the entry of Christ into heaven.

* In some dioceses of the United States, this feast is celebrated on the Seventh Sunday of Easter. See local liturgical calendar.


This high priest of ours is one who has taken His seat in heaven, on the right hand of that throne where God sits in majesty, monistering now in the sanctuary, in that true tabernacle which the Lord, not man, has set up. After all, it is ther very function of a pirest to offer gift and sacrifice.

Hebrews 8:1b:3a
Feast of the Ascension - Prayers for Midday


Collect at the Vigil Mass:

O God, whose Son today ascended to the heavens
as the Apostles looked on,
grant, we pray, that, in accordance with his promise,
we may be worthy for him to live with us always on earth,
and we with him in heaven.
Who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever. +Amen.


Gladden us with holy joys, almighty God,
and make us rejoice with devout thanksgiving,
for the Ascension of Christ your Son
is our exaltation,
and, where the Head has gone before in glory,
the Body is called to follow in hope.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever. +Amen.


Grant, we pray, almighty God,
that we, who believe that your Only Begotten Son, our Redeemer,
ascended this day dwell already in heavenly realms.
Who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever. +Amen.

First Reading for Mass: Acts of the Apostles 1:1-11 Year A,B,C

In the first book, O Theophilus, I have dealt with all that Jesus began to do and teach, until the day when He was taken up, after He had given commandment through the Holy Spirit to the apostles whom He had chosen. To them He presented Himself alive after His passion by many proofs, appearing to them during forty days, and speaking of the kingdom of God. And while staying with them He charged them not to depart from Jerusalem, but to wait for the promise of the Father, which, He said, "you heard from Me, for John baptized with water, but before many days you shall be baptized with the Holy Spirit."

So when they had come together, they asked Him, "Lord, will You at this time restore the kingdom to Israel?" He said to them, "It is not for you to know times or seasons which the Father has fixed by His own authority. But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be My witness in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria and to the end of the earth." And when He had said this, as they were looking on, He was lifted up, and a cloud took Him out of their sight. And while they were gazing into heaven as He went, behold, two men stood by them in white robes, and said, "Men of Galilee, why do you stand looking into heaven? This Jesus, who was taken up from you into heaven, will come in the same way as you saw Him go into heaven."

Second Reading: Ephesians 1:17-23 Year A,B,C

Jesus came and preached peace to you who were far off and peace to those who were near; for through Him we both have access in one Spirit to the Father. So then you are no longer strangers and sojourners, but you are fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God, built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus himself being the cornerstone, in whom the whole structure is joined together and grows into a holy temple in the Lord; in whom you also are built into it for a dwelling place of God in the Spirit.

Year B Optional Readings: Eph 4:1-13 or Eph 4:1-7, 11-13
Year C Optional Readings: Heb 9:24-28 - 10:19-23

Year A
Gospel Reading: Matthew 28:16-20

Now the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain to which Jesus had directed them. And when they saw Him they worshipped Him; but some doubted. And Jesus came and said to them, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, to the close of the age."

Year B
Gospel Reading: Mark 16:15-20

Jesus said to His disciples, "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to the whole creation. He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned. And these signs will accompany those who believe: in My name they will cast out demons; they will speak in new tongues; they will pick up serpents, and if they drink any deadly thing, it will not hurt them; they will lay their hands on the sick, and they will recover."
So then the Lord Jesus, after He had spoken to them, was taken up into heaven, and sat down at the right hand of God. And they went forth and preached everywhere, while the Lord worked with them and confirmed the message by the signs that attended it. Amen.

Year C
Gospel Reading: Luke 24:46-53

Jesus said to His disciples, "Thus it is written, that the Christ should suffer and on the third day rise from the dead, and that repentance and forgiveness of sins should be preached in His name to all nations, beginning from Jerusalem. You are witnesses of these things. And behold, I send the promise of My Father upon you; but stay in the city, until you are clothed with power from on high."

Then He led them out as far as Bethany, and lifting up His hands He blessed them. While He blessed them, He parted from them, and was carried up into heaven. And they worshipped Him, and returned to Jerusalem with great joy, and were continually in the temple blessing God.

(Scripture: RSV-CE Ignatius Bible)

Hymn for the Ascension

Hail the day that sees Him rise

Hail the day that sees Him rise, Alleluia!
Glorious to His native skies: Alleluia!
Christ, awhile to mortals giv'n, Alleluia!
Enters now the highest heav'n! Alleluia

There the glorious triumph waits; Alleluia!
Lift your heads, eternal gates! Alleluia!
Wide unfold the radiant scene; Alleluia!
Take the King of glory in! Alleluia!

See! He lifts His hands above, Alleluia!
See! He shows the prints of love: Alleluia!
Hark! His gracious lips bestow, Alleluia!
Blessings on His Church below. Alleluia!

Lord, beyond our mortal signt, Alleluia!
Raise our hearts to reach Thy height, Alleluia!
There Thy face unclouded see, Alleluia!
Find our heav'n of heav'ns in Thee. Alleluia!

Text: Charles Wesley (1707-88); Melody: Robert Williams (1781-1821)

36 posted on 05/20/2012 2:05:07 PM PDT by Salvation ("With God all things are possible." Matthew 19:26)
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Please Let us Celebrate Ascension on Thursday Again
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ASCENSION THURSDAY - Holy Day of Obligation in certain dioceses

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New Roman">Ascension Thursday Sermons
Today's the Solemnity of the Ascension of Our Lord
Ascension reveals the 'ultimate vocation' of all human beings, says Pope during prayer today
Extinguish the Paschal Candle on the Feast of Ascension . . . or Else!
Ascension Thursday
Thursday of the Ascension of Our Lord
Feast of the Ascension - Catholic Holy Day of Obligation
The Ascension of Christ and His Glorified Existence

37 posted on 05/20/2012 2:11:26 PM PDT by Salvation ("With God all things are possible." Matthew 19:26)
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St. Bernardine of Siena
Feast Day: May 20
Born: 1380, Massa Marittima, Italy
Died: 1444, Aquila, Italy
Canonized: 24 May 1450 by Pope Nicholas V
Patron of: advertisers; advertising; Aquila, Italy; chest problems; Italy; gambling addicts; public relations personnel; public relations work;

38 posted on 05/20/2012 2:19:26 PM PDT by Salvation ("With God all things are possible." Matthew 19:26)
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Interactive Saints for Kids

St. Bernadine of Siena

Feast Day: May 20
Born: 1380 :: Died: 1444

St. Bernardine of Siena was born in 1380 in a town near Siena, Italy. He was the son of an Italian governor. His parents died when he was seven. His relatives loved him as if he were their own. They also gave him a good education. He grew up to be a tall, handsome boy. He was so much fun that his friends loved to be with him. Yet they knew better than to use any dirty words when he was around. He would not put up with it. Twice when a man tried to lead him into sin, Bernardine punched him and sent him on his way.

The saint had a special love for the Blessed Mother. She was the one who kept him pure. Even when he was a teenager, Bernardine would pray to her as a child talks with his mother.

Bernardine was tender hearted. He felt great pity for the poor. Once, his aunt had no extra food to give a beggar. The boy cried, "I'd rather go without food myself than leave that poor man with none." When a plague struck the area in 1400, Bernardine and his friends volunteered their services at the hospital. They helped the sick and dying day and night for six weeks until the plague had ended.

Bernardine joined the Franciscan order when he was twenty-two. He became a priest. After several years, he was assigned to go to towns and cities to preach. The people needed to be reminded about the love of Jesus. In those days, bad habits were ruining both young and old people. "How can I save these people by myself?" Bernardine asked the Lord in prayer. "With what weapons can I fight the devil?" And God answered, "My Holy Name will be enough for you." So Bernardine spread devotion to the Holy Name of Jesus. He used this Name a great many times in every sermon. He asked people to print Jesus' Name over the gates of their cities, over their doorways-everywhere. Through devotion to the Holy Name of Jesus and devotion to the Blessed Mother, Bernardine brought thousands of people from all over Italy back to the Church.

St. Bernardine spent forty-two years of his life as a Franciscan. He died at the age of sixty-four in Aquila, Italy. It was May 20, 1444. He was declared a saint just six years later, in 1450, by Pope Nicholas V.

Reflection: "If you speak of God, speak with love. If you speak of yourself, speak with love. Take care that there is nothing in you but love, love, love."-St. Bernadine of Siena

39 posted on 05/20/2012 2:21:07 PM PDT by Salvation ("With God all things are possible." Matthew 19:26)
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Sunday, May 20
Liturgical Color: White

Today is the optional memorial of St. Bernardine of Siena, priest. He was such an effective speaker that thousands would gather to hear him preach with many giving up their vices because of him. St. Bernardine died in 1444.

40 posted on 05/20/2012 2:25:57 PM PDT by Salvation ("With God all things are possible." Matthew 19:26)
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