First off, preach it to your fellow Catholics who vote democrat in the elections and have put the likes of Kennedy, Kerry, Pelosi, Schumer, etc into office, those very politicians who ARE attacking this country and Christianity. Catholics vote dem in much higher percentage than other religious groups, and are thus as a group, more culpable in what's happening in this country than others. They need to seriously clean house for that criticism to hold water. I will not align with any group which votes that way.
And we're not into a bragging game here about who's got the greater numbers.
We're telling people why we left the RCC and being called liars on it, as usual.
Some people persist in maintaining that former Catholics left the Catholic church over morals and because they were poorly catechized when person after person on this board is saying that it's over theology and doctrine and discrepancies between Catholic church doctrine and the clear teaching of Scripture. I for one, will not continually be back-handedly called a liar and let it rest.
Catholics engage in the *Were right, youre wrong* with the best of them.
People's eternal destiny is at stake if they don't put their faith in Christ alone for their salvation. That certainly trumps what happens in the here and now.
Your post supports my point.