You're not being truthful!
The cup was not removed it was given to Priests at one point during the reformation and the rest of the congregation still received the full Body ,Blood ,Soul and Divinity of Christ in the Eucharist. Nobody missed out on the full Christ
Your problem is that there are too many of us former Catholics who remember quite clearly the time when BOTH elements of communion were NOT offered to snow us.
I always remember the cup being offered and I am 51 years old.
It was only their manufactured round white piece of cardboard. And the cup was NOT offered.
So don't tell anyone they aren't telling the truth by what you did not experience.
It doesn't matter to me anymore because I repented for the years I spent in the catholic church being brainwashed with their man made teachings even though I was born into it!
Praise God, I now belong to HIM alone now and NO ONE can snatch me from HIS HAND/HIS TRUTH. I'm blessed, saved and Holy Spirit filled.