Then why don't you answer some for a change?
The CCC states that the host becomes the literal flesh and blood of Christ.
Is that true?
Do you agree?
If so, then why isn't the change detectable? Why is the host still made out of flour?
And why has the Catholic church historically served only the bread to the communicants. in direct disobedience to the Lord's command to take the bread and the cup?
And how about an honest answer instead of Catholic double-speak?
Could any doctor or forensic scientist determine that Jesus' body was Divine?
Please don't play loose with the wording of the Catechism when trying to make a point. The Catechism teaches that the substance of the bread substantially becomes the body of Christ and the substance of the wine becomes the blood of Christ.
Your "protestations" aside, the words literal and literally are never used in the Catechism in association with the Eucharist. Unless you familiarize yourself with the terms substance and property there is no more point in discussing this or answering your questions.
Peace be with you
It's the old Catholic 'shell game'...They always have different answers depending who is asking the question...
We were told earlier that the Eucharist is 'substantially, but not fully Jesus Christ; with the false caveat that Jesus was substantially but not fully God...
So in another place in the CC we find that the Eucharist IS fully Jesus Christ...
With a thousand pages in the CC which barely covers any of the scriptures, it has more twists and turns than a corkscrew...