I cannot bring myself to vote for Romney when he becomes the GOP representative. I can't even HOLD MY NOSE and do it.
I guess I won't be voting for a president.
SAD, SAD state of affairs. A Mormon running as the GOP representative. SAD.
A mormon who claims to be a Christian.
A muslim who claims to be a Christian.
Not much of a choice, huh.
A LIBERAL Mormon running as a GOP representative.
I will vote for Romney if he is the candidates.
I will vote for Santorum if he is the candidate.
I will vote for Gingrich if he is the candidate.
I would vote for head lice for president and maggots for vice-president over Barack Obama.
To do otherwise, to sit home, or vote third party, is to give the election to Democrats and be responsible for destroying what's left of freedom and the USA.
I would put anyone who chose that course in the same category as Obama.
“I cannot bring myself to vote for Romney when he becomes the GOP representative. I can’t even HOLD MY NOSE and do it.
I guess I won’t be voting for a president.”
Consider voting Constitution Party for POTUS. There is not a snowball’s chance, but it DOES register your vote as opposed to either Government Party candidate, and pidgeon holes the vote as conservative. Your vote is your own, of course - something the self appointed GOP Gauleiters can’t figure out, but personally I want them to know I went to the polls and REJECTED their fraud(s); that I am neither beaten down nor apathetic.