If Copeland did make foolish statements in the past, he turned people away from him. And when he did that, people did not come back. That’s the nature of the television ministry where the words and deeds of the minister are noted and spread far and wide. The ministry welcomes that type of exposure and scrutiny because it is on television. A larger audience invites more criticism. Copeland knows this.
I doubt he sits and worries about his detractors because he counts the numbers of the faithful, instead.
I wouldn’t worry too much about his feelings and if he’s concerned. I’d worry more about the overall message that his congregation is getting from him. It is the message that matters the most. As long as they adhere to the gospel then all is well.
Isn’t that true?
True enough.
I agree. "Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written: "It is mine to avenge; I will repay," says the Lord."
While he's about his Father's business, God takes care of his business when and how He sees fit.
As long as they adhere to the gospel then all is well.