I agree with that. I grew up in a church that constantly preached grace. And when I was about 20 this 70 year old woman stood up and said "I get it now". This woman had been in the church as long as I can remember, and was a hard worker in the church. I think she had been there at least 50 years. She sat through the same sermons I sat through, but somehow it just didn't sink in that it was grace not works. I'm glad it finally got through to her.
If that can happen in a church that constantly preaches grace, how much more does it happen in churches that either through traditions or through fads, or simply unfocused preaching does not dwell on grace.
DannyTN - "This woman had been in the church as long as I can remember, and was a hard worker in the church."
I think part of the problem is that we have been doing it backwards. The command is to GO and preach...and THEN make disciples. In modern Christianity we instead GO and invite the unregenerate into the Assembly of the Saints so our Pastors can preach, mostly a man centered/initiated gospel, while at the same time encouraging the unregenerate to be discipled by Bible Study and Sunday School, mechanisms used for the equipping of the Saints, of which the unregenerate cannot truly partake of since they are not illuminated by the Holy Spirit. Thus we have unregenerate people learning how to DO Christianity, instead of BEING found in Christ. Many of these people then become lay-leaders, and some even pastors.
Think of it this way, what fellowship can the "enemies of God", or those "who are at war with God" have with what takes place on the Lord's Day?