“RE: But it isnt the business of government to make people morally upright.”
“Is it the business of government to IMPOSE its view of morality on citizens? This question needs to be asked because government IS already doing it.”
This is precisely why God’s inspired Government (and our Constitution), expressly forbids Goverment from interjecting into more than a handful of issues. Because the pendulum ALWAYS swings the other way. If people try to use government to enforce morality (beyond crimes/harm against other people), they are overstepping God’s bounds. And eventually the rationale the use for restricting people’s freedoms are used against them. Either extreme is always the abridgement of freedom, whether it’s for “our own good” on the “right” or the “left.” Good government butts out of peoples lives, and lets them face the consequences. Children out of wedlock, scrape by in poverty. Rampant sexual behavior, get diseases. The problem is that we don’t allow people to make bad choices and face the consequences. That’s the ONLY thing that teaches people.
And yes, it’s wrong for goverment to impose its view of morality upon the people. It’s NOWHERE in the Constitution. States may vary on that, as I do not know the States’ Constitutions.
Is the government wasn’t doing unconstitutional and/or immoral things things like taxing income, and interfering in a persona’s right to house, employy etc. whomever they want, then we would have the issues of who’s married and who’s not, etc. etc. I am all for a Federal Amendment for a definition of marriage, but without an amendment, and that’s a strict and near unanimous process. All these things are outseide the proper role of government.