Discarding the will of God, man will manipulate DNA in an effort to improve the human race (eliminate birth defects, tendency to disease, etc.) This may be spurred by women insisting on a perfect baby every time and suing when their expectations are not met. For lack of tort reform, a defective baby may already be seen as a "get rich quick" opportunity via a wrongful birth lawsuit.
If God does not intervene - but I am confident He will - the optimum child for the "civilized world" could ultimately be the product of a test tube (like the movie Gattica) - where "natural born" babies are considered to be sub-human.
No, if God does not intervene - but I am confident He will - evolution will not matter. In the name of ridding the world of disease and improving inheritable traits such as intelligence and beauty and avoiding lawsuits - mankind will continue down the road of eugenics by another name.
Maranatha, Jesus!!!
And notice how *useful* that all is.
Well said, sister.....
Like Socialism to Free-Markets, Eugenics thinks they know better than “the market” what is desired and desirable - but they are wrong. Humans bred to be “nonviolent” will simply not have the same drive to succeed as a normal “violent” human.
Moreover that is the future that a Eugenic State would want - humans bred for compliance and nonviolence.
That would hardly be a “superior” human. We Americans would eat their lunch, drink their milkshake, and laugh at their nonviolent response.