Thank you, BB. I very much appreciate the sentiment.
We have quite a struggle as Christians with the dark forces of radical secularism here in our country; but, it’s worse in ‘new’ Europe and much much worse in those areas on the frontline and behind the lines of Islam.
I’m afraid we are in for a very long bad time before the downward part of this cycle is complete.
thanks again.
Reading through this thread (rare for me these past months) I can’t help but think of a dear and close friend of mine who is a deacon in the Catholic Church and also a lawyer.
On more than one occasion he defended priests who had been unjustly and untruthfully accused of illicit actions.
He told me the name of two activist lawyers and an activist judge who had spent a lot of time and effort, in concert with a female lawyer from the east coast, in digging for prospective victims and bringing law suits. They were making an incredible amount of money.
My friend was successful in his defense of the priests and rightly so, thank God.
But the damage to those priests is irreparable.
So there are actually cases of innocence.
When I say this, I underscore that this is NOT and NEVER COULD BE a defense of those who are guilty. The reprehensible acts of those who are guilty has been visited on all of us—the lay people and especially the overwhelming number of priests who are innocent and who have remained faithful to their vows and their servanthood to their people for many, many years.
My son is one of those priests who have remained faithful to his vows and in servanthood to his people for many years now. Three times I have been able to visit him at his mission parish. His love for his people and their love for him is wonderful to see and experience.
I am making this my last post on this forum.
So, D-fendr and ArrogantBustard, and Petrosius, fill in for me.
PS: someone could come along now and say this isn’t my first “opus”, as they did to another poster here in the past. I’m prepared for that. :-) It’s still my last post.