Maybe I shouldn't quibble. But please list for me what churches, besides the Catholic Church, still tell their faithful to go forth and multiply and NOT contracept?
Some of the Orthodox.
“Maybe I shouldn’t quibble. But please list for me what churches, besides the Catholic Church, still tell their faithful to go forth and multiply and NOT contracept?
So, when we look at our possibly biggest social issue today, that of taking care of the elderly - be it through SS or family, I guess we have to say the church was right.
50 million aborted (mostly black) and hundreds of millions not born due to contraception has gotten us where we are today.
If each couple has only two offspring, then each of them is going to have to support one parent in old age. We complain about three workers for every retiree. It’s going to soon become one...
Now you hear so much talk about too many people. I challenge you to take a transcontinental flight with a window seat and see more than 20 cities... Look down from 30,000 feet, there’s nobody there.
There are not too many, but I believe Lutheran Church Missouri Synod holds similar views to Catholics on this subject.
“Maybe I shouldn’t quibble. But please list for me what churches, besides the Catholic Church, still tell their faithful to go forth and multiply and NOT contracept?”
Not a Catholic. But maybe other churches should be telling their members that.